program qp_ao_ints use omp_lib implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Increments a running calculation to compute AO integrals END_DOC integer :: i call switch_qp_run_to_master zmq_context = f77_zmq_ctx_new () ! Set the state of the ZMQ zmq_state = 'ao_integrals' ! Provide everything needed double precision :: integral, ao_bielec_integral integral = ao_bielec_integral(1,1,1,1) character*(64) :: state call wait_for_state(zmq_state,state) do while (state /= 'Stopped') !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(PRIVATE) PRIVATE(i) i = omp_get_thread_num() call ao_bielec_integrals_in_map_slave_tcp(i) !$OMP END PARALLEL call wait_for_state(zmq_state,state) enddo print *, 'Done' end