subroutine get_excitation_operators_for_one_ref(det_ref,i_state,ndetnonref,N_connect_ref,excitation_operators,amplitudes_phase_less,index_connected) use bitmasks implicit none integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_ref(N_int,2) integer, intent(in) :: i_state,ndetnonref integer*2, intent(out) :: excitation_operators(5,ndetnonref) integer, intent(out) :: index_connected(ndetnonref) integer, intent(out) :: N_connect_ref double precision, intent(out) :: amplitudes_phase_less(ndetnonref) integer :: i,j,k,l,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2 integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: phase,hij BEGIN_DOC ! This subroutine provides all the amplitudes and excitation operators ! that one needs to go from the reference to the non reference wave function ! you enter with det_ref that is a reference determinant ! ! N_connect_ref is the number of determinants belonging to psi_non_ref ! that are connected to det_ref. ! ! amplitudes_phase_less(i) = amplitude phase less t_{I->i} = * lambda_mrcc(i) * phase(I->i) ! ! excitation_operators(:,i) represents the holes and particles that ! link the ith connected determinant to det_ref ! if :: ! excitation_operators(5,i) = 2 :: double excitation alpha ! excitation_operators(5,i) = -2 :: double excitation beta !!! excitation_operators(1,i) :: hole 1 !!! excitation_operators(2,i) :: particle 1 !!! excitation_operators(3,i) :: hole 2 !!! excitation_operators(4,i) :: particle 2 ! else if :: ! excitation_operators(5,i) = 1 :: single excitation alpha !!! excitation_operators(1,i) :: hole 1 !!! excitation_operators(2,i) :: particle 1 ! else if :: ! excitation_operators(5,i) = -1 :: single excitation beta !!! excitation_operators(3,i) :: hole 1 !!! excitation_operators(4,i) :: particle 1 ! else if :: !!! excitation_operators(5,i) = 0 :: double excitation alpha/beta !!! excitation_operators(1,i) :: hole 1 alpha !!! excitation_operators(2,i) :: particle 1 alpha !!! excitation_operators(3,i) :: hole 2 beta !!! excitation_operators(4,i) :: particle 2 beta END_DOC N_connect_ref = 0 do i = 1, ndetnonref call i_H_j_phase_out(det_ref,psi_non_ref(1,1,i),N_int,hij,phase,exc,degree) ! if(dabs(hij).le.mo_integrals_threshold)cycle N_connect_ref +=1 index_connected(N_connect_ref) = i call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) amplitudes_phase_less(N_connect_ref) = hij * lambda_mrcc(i_state,i) !*phase if(degree==2)then excitation_operators(1,N_connect_ref) = h1 excitation_operators(2,N_connect_ref) = p1 excitation_operators(3,N_connect_ref) = h2 excitation_operators(4,N_connect_ref) = p2 if(s1==s2.and.s1==1)then ! double alpha excitation_operators(5,N_connect_ref)= 2 elseif(s1==s2.and.s1==2)then ! double beta excitation_operators(5,N_connect_ref)=-2 else excitation_operators(5,N_connect_ref)= 0 ! double alpha/beta endif elseif(degree==1)then if(s1==1)then ! mono alpha excitation_operators(5,N_connect_ref)= 1 excitation_operators(1,N_connect_ref) = h1 excitation_operators(2,N_connect_ref) = p1 else ! mono beta excitation_operators(5,N_connect_ref)=-1 excitation_operators(3,N_connect_ref) = h1 excitation_operators(4,N_connect_ref) = p1 endif else N_connect_ref-=1 endif enddo end