open Qputils open Qptypes open Core let run ~multiplicity ezfio_file = if (not (Sys.file_exists_exn ezfio_file)) then failwith ("EZFIO directory "^ezfio_file^" not found"); Ezfio.set_file ezfio_file; let d = () in let m = Multiplicity.of_int multiplicity in let ne = Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_alpha_num () + Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_beta_num () |> Elec_number.of_int in let alpha, beta = let (a,b) = Multiplicity.to_alpha_beta ne m in (Elec_alpha_number.to_int a, Elec_beta_number.to_int b) in let n_open_shells = alpha - beta in let mo_tot_num = Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num () in let build_list_of_dets ne n_closed n_open = let init = Array.create ~len:n_closed Bit.One |> Array.to_list in let rec set_electron accu = function | 1 -> [ Bit.One :: accu ] | i -> assert (i>1); let rest = set_electron (Bit.Zero :: accu) (i-1) in (Bit.One::accu) :: rest in let rec extend accu = function | 0 -> List.rev accu | i -> extend (Bit.Zero::accu) (i-1) in let rec set_n_electrons accu imax = function | 0 -> [] | 1 -> set_electron accu imax | i -> assert (i>1); let l = set_electron accu (imax-1) in ~f:(fun x -> set_n_electrons x (imax-1) (i-1)) l |> List.concat in set_n_electrons init n_open ne |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> List.length x <= n_closed+n_open) |> ~f:(fun x -> extend x (((mo_tot_num-1)/64+1)*64 - List.length x)) in let alpha_new = (Elec_number.to_int ne + 1)/2 and beta_new = Elec_number.to_int ne/2 in let l_alpha = build_list_of_dets ((alpha-beta+1)/2) beta n_open_shells in let l_beta = if alpha_new = beta_new then l_alpha else build_list_of_dets ((alpha-beta)/2)beta n_open_shells in let n_int = Bitlist.n_int_of_mo_tot_num mo_tot_num in let determinants = l_alpha ~f:(fun x -> l_beta ~f:(fun y -> (x,y) )) |> List.concat |> ~f:(fun pair -> Determinant.of_bitlist_couple ~n_int ~alpha:(Elec_alpha_number.of_int alpha_new) ~beta:(Elec_beta_number.of_int beta_new) pair ) in let c = Array.init (List.length determinants) (fun _ -> Det_coef.of_float ((Random.float 2.)-.1.)) in determinants |> ~f:(fun x -> Determinant.to_string ~mo_tot_num:(MO_number.of_int mo_tot_num) x) |> List.iter ~f:(fun x -> Printf.printf "%s\n\n%!" x); let l = List.length determinants in if l > 0 then begin let d = let s = (Float.of_int (alpha - beta)) *. 0.5 in let open Input.Determinants_by_hand in { d with n_int ; n_det = Det_number.of_int ~min:1 ~max:l l; expected_s2 = Positive_float.of_float (s *. (s +. 1.)) ; psi_coef = c; psi_det = Array.of_list determinants; } in Input.Determinants_by_hand.write d; Ezfio.set_determinants_read_wf true end else Ezfio.set_determinants_read_wf false let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "m" (required int) ~doc:"int Spin multiplicity" +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) let () = Command.basic ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:( fun () -> " Creates an open-shell multiplet initial guess\n\n" ) spec (fun multiplicity ezfio_file () -> run ~multiplicity ezfio_file ) |> ~version: Git.sha1 ~build_info: Git.message