open Core (* let rec transpose = function | [] -> [] | []::tail -> transpose tail | (x::t1)::t2 -> let new_head = (x::( List.hd t2)) and new_tail = (transpose (t1 :: ( t2) )) in new_head @ new_tail ;; *) let input_to_sexp s = let result = String.split_lines s |> List.filter ~f:(fun x-> (String.strip x) <> "") |> ~f:(fun x-> "("^( '=' ' ' x)^")") |> String.concat in print_endline ("("^result^")"); "("^result^")" |> Sexp.of_string let rmdir dirname = let rec remove_one dir = Sys.chdir dir; Sys.readdir "." |> Array.iter ~f:(fun x -> match (Sys.is_directory x, Sys.is_file x) with | (`Yes, _) -> remove_one x | (_, `Yes) -> Sys.remove x | _ -> failwith ("Unable to remove file "^x^".") ); Sys.chdir ".."; Unix.rmdir dir in remove_one dirname