=========== MRCC Module =========== Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES_CHILDREN file by the `update_README.py` script. .. image:: tree_dependency.png * `Perturbation `_ * `Selectors_full `_ * `Generators_full `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES_CHILDREN file by the `update_README.py` script. `davidson_diag_hjj_mrcc `_ Davidson diagonalization with specific diagonal elements of the H matrix .br H_jj : specific diagonal H matrix elements to diagonalize de Davidson .br dets_in : bitmasks corresponding to determinants .br u_in : guess coefficients on the various states. Overwritten on exit .br dim_in : leftmost dimension of u_in .br sze : Number of determinants .br N_st : Number of eigenstates .br iunit : Unit for the I/O .br Initial guess vectors are not necessarily orthonormal `davidson_diag_mrcc `_ Davidson diagonalization. .br dets_in : bitmasks corresponding to determinants .br u_in : guess coefficients on the various states. Overwritten on exit .br dim_in : leftmost dimension of u_in .br sze : Number of determinants .br N_st : Number of eigenstates .br iunit : Unit number for the I/O .br Initial guess vectors are not necessarily orthonormal `h_u_0_mrcc `_ Computes v_0 = H|u_0> .br n : number of determinants .br H_jj : array of `mrcc `_ Undocumented `run `_ Undocumented `run_mrcc `_ Undocumented `run_mrcc_test `_ Undocumented `find_triples_and_quadruples `_ Undocumented `mrcc_dress `_ Undocumented `mrcc_dress_simple `_ Undocumented `psi_cas_lock `_ Locks on CAS determinants to fill delta_ij `ci_eigenvectors_dressed `_ Eigenvectors/values of the CI matrix `ci_eigenvectors_s2_dressed `_ Eigenvectors/values of the CI matrix `ci_electronic_energy_dressed `_ Eigenvectors/values of the CI matrix `ci_energy_dressed `_ N_states lowest eigenvalues of the dressed CI matrix `delta_ij `_ Dressing matrix in N_det basis `delta_ij_non_cas `_ Dressing matrix in SD basis `diagonalize_ci_dressed `_ Replace the coefficients of the CI states by the coefficients of the eigenstates of the CI matrix `dressing_type `_ [ Simple | MRCC ] `h_matrix_dressed `_ Dressed H with Delta_ij `lambda_mrcc `_ cm/