Adding a new block ================== In this section, we assume we will add the `New_keyword` keyword. Create the `` file -------------------------------------- Copy for example the `` file as a starting point. The template is the following, where `r_x`, `r_y`, ..., `last_r` are the records of the block. .. code-block:: ocaml module New_keyword : sig type t = { r_x : Type_of_x.t r_y : Y_type.t ... last_r : bool } with sexp ;; val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_string : t -> string val to_rst : t -> Rst_string.t val of_rst : Rst_string.t -> t end = struct type t = { r_x : Type_of_x.t r_y : Y_type.t ... last_r : bool } with sexp ;; let get_default = Qpackage.get_ezfio_default "new_keyword";; ... end The following functions need to be defined:: val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_rst : t -> Rst_string.t val of_rst : Rst_string.t -> t The type `t` has to be defined in a same way in the `sig` and the `struct`. For each record of the type `t`, use types defined in the `` file as much as possible. The `get_default` function will fetch the default values in the `ezfio_defaults` file in the `new_keyword` block. For each record `r_x` of the type `t`, create a `read_r_x ()` function and a `write_r_x r_x` function that performs the I/O in the EZFIO. To set a default value in the `read_r_x` function, use the following template (assuming that the `Type_of_x` is built from a `double precision` value in the EZFIO file). .. code-block:: ocaml let read_r_x () = if not (Ezfio.has_new_keyword_r_x ()) then get_default "r_x" |> Float.of_string |> Ezfio.set_new_keyword_r_x ; Ezfio.get_new_keyword_r_x () |> Type_of_x.of_float ;; let write_r_x r_x = Type_of_x.to_float r_x |> Ezfio.set_new_keyword_r_x ;; Then, create a `read` and a `write` function as .. code-block:: ocaml let read () = { r_x = read_r_x () ; r_y = read_r_y () ; ... last_r = read_last_r () ; } ;; let write { r_x ; r_y ... last_r ; } = write_r_x r_x; write_r_y r_y; ... write_last_r last_r; ;; Finally, create the functions to write an RST string as .. code-block:: ocaml let to_rst b = Printf.sprintf " You can put here some documentation as long as there is no equal sign. The record entries should be indented on the right with a blank line before and a blank line after, as they would be in a rst file. Here is the text for r_x r_x = %s And here is the text for r_y r_y = %s ... Finally, the text for last_r last_r = %s " (Type_of_x.to_string b.r_x) (Y_type.to_string b.r_y) ... (Bool.to_string b.last_r) ;; and you can use this function to read it back: .. code-block:: ocaml let of_rst s = let s = Rst_string.to_string s |> String.split ~on:'\n' |> List.filter ~f:(fun line -> String.contains line '=') |> ~f:(fun line -> "("^( line ~target:'=' ~replacement:' ' )^")" ) |> String.concat in Sexp.of_string ("("^s^")") |> t_of_sexp ;; Add module to `` file ----------------------------- Append module to the `` file. Use the name of the `` without the `.ml` suffix. .. code-block:: ocaml include Input_new_keyword;; In the `` file ------------------------ vim search strings are given in brackets. 1. (`/type keyword`) : Add a new entry to the keyword type corresponding to the block to add: .. code-block:: ocaml type keyword = ... | New_keyword ;; 2. (`/keyword_to_string`) : Add a new entry to the `keyword_to_string` function for the title of the block .. code-block:: ocaml let keyword_to_string = function ... | New_keyword -> "My new keyword" ;; 3. (`/let get s`) : Add a new call to the to_rst function of the `Input.New_keyword` module .. code-block:: ocaml let get s = let header = (make_header s) and rst = match s with ... | New_keyword -> Input.New_keyword.(to_rst (read ())) ... 4. (`/let set s`) : Add a new call to the of_rst function of the `Input.New_keyword` module .. code-block:: ocaml match s with ... | New_keyword -> Input.New_keyword.(write (of_rst str)) ;;