# YAML 1.2 # Metadata for citation of this software according to the CFF format (https://citation-file-format.github.io/) cff-version: 1.0.3 message: If you use this software, please cite it using these metadata. title: Quantum Package doi: 10.5281/zenodo.825872 authors: - given-names: Anthony family-names: Scemama affiliation: Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques / CNRS - given-names: Yann family-names: Garniron affiliation: Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques / CNRS - given-names: Michel family-names: Caffarel affiliation: Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques / CNRS - given-names: Thomas family-names: Applencourt affiliation: Argonne National Lab - given-names: Kevin family-names: Gasperich affiliation: Argonne National Lab - given-names: Anouar family-names: Benali affiliation: Argonne National Lab - given-names: Emmanuel family-names: Giner affiliation: Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique / CNRS version: '2.0' date-released: "Not yet released" repository-code: https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package license: GPL-3.0-or-later