BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties, (6,n_state_cis)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, CIS_states_properties, (6,n_state_cis)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! properties of the natural orbital of the particle of the various n_state_cis eigenvectors of the CIS matrix ! ! You first build the density matrix of the one eigenvector and you take off the Hartree Fock density matrix ! ! particl(i,j)(state = k) == dm(i,j)(Hartree Fock) - dm(i,j)(state = k) ! ! you diagonalize particl(i,j) and the first eigenvector is the natural orbital corresponding to the particl ! ! that is specific to the excitation in the CIS state ! ! particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,1) = ! ! particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,2) = ! ! particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,3) = ! ! particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,5) = ! ! particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,6) = ! ! particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,7) = ! ! CIS_states_properties(i,1:6) = the same but for the hole state i END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: dm_alpha(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) double precision :: dm_beta(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) double precision :: dm(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) double precision :: eigvalues(mo_tot_num) double precision :: eigvectors(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) double precision :: accu_n_elec,c_k do i = 1, n_state_cis print*,' state cis = ',i call get_dm_from_psi(psi_CIS,coefs_CIS(1,i),size_psi_CIS,size_psi_CIS,N_int,dm_alpha,dm_beta) dm = dm_alpha + dm_beta call get_properties_from_density_matrix(dm,CIS_states_properties(1,i)) dm = -dm do k = 1, elec_alpha_num dm(k,k) += 1.d0 enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num dm(k,k) += 1.d0 enddo call lapack_diag(eigvalues,eigvectors,dm,mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) accu_n_elec = 0.d0 do k = 1, mo_tot_num accu_n_elec += eigvalues(k) enddo do k = 1, mo_tot_num do l = 1, mo_tot_num c_k = eigvectors(k,j) * eigvectors(l,j) particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(1,i) += c_k * mo_dipole_x(k,l) particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(2,i) += c_k * mo_dipole_y(k,l) particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(3,i) += c_k * mo_dipole_z(k,l) particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(4,i) += c_k * mo_spread_x(k,l) particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(5,i) += c_k * mo_spread_y(k,l) particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(6,i) += c_k * mo_spread_z(k,l) enddo enddo enddo END_PROVIDER subroutine get_properties_from_density_matrix(dm,properties) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: dm(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) double precision, intent(out) :: properties(6) integer :: k,l double precision :: c_k do k = 1, 6 properties(k) = 0.d0 enddo do k = 1, mo_tot_num do l = 1, mo_tot_num c_k = dm(k,l) properties(1) += c_k * mo_dipole_x(k,l) properties(2) += c_k * mo_dipole_y(k,l) properties(3) += c_k * mo_dipole_z(k,l) properties(4) += c_k * mo_spread_x(k,l) properties(5) += c_k * mo_spread_y(k,l) properties(6) += c_k * mo_spread_z(k,l) enddo enddo end