============= BiInts Module ============= Here, all bi-electronic integrals (:math:`1/r_{12}`) are computed. As they have 4 indices and many are zero, they are stored in a map, as defined in ``Utils/map_module.f90``. To fetch an AO integral, use the ``get_ao_bielec_integral(i,j,k,l,ao_integrals_map)`` function, and to fetch and MO integral, use ``get_mo_bielec_integral(i,j,k,l,mo_integrals_map)`` or ``mo_bielec_integral(i,j,k,l)``. Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. * `AOs `_ * `Bitmask `_ * `Electrons `_ * `Ezfio_files `_ * `MOs `_ * `Nuclei `_ * `Output `_ * `Utils `_ * `MonoInts `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. `ao_bielec_integral `_ integral of the AO basis or (ij|kl) i(r1) j(r1) 1/r12 k(r2) l(r2) `ao_bielec_integral_schwartz `_ Needed to compuet Schwartz inequalities `ao_bielec_integrals_in_map `_ Map of Atomic integrals i(r1) j(r2) 1/r12 k(r1) l(r2) `compute_ao_bielec_integrals `_ Compute AO 1/r12 integrals for all i and fixed j,k,l `eri `_ ATOMIC PRIMTIVE bielectronic integral between the 4 primitives :: primitive_1 = x1**(a_x) y1**(a_y) z1**(a_z) exp(-alpha * r1**2) primitive_2 = x1**(b_x) y1**(b_y) z1**(b_z) exp(- beta * r1**2) primitive_3 = x2**(c_x) y2**(c_y) z2**(c_z) exp(-delta * r2**2) primitive_4 = x2**(d_x) y2**(d_y) z2**(d_z) exp(- gama * r2**2) `general_primitive_integral `_ Computes the integral where p,q,r,s are Gaussian primitives `give_polynom_mult_center_x `_ subroutine that returns the explicit polynom in term of the "t" variable of the following polynomw : I_x1(a_x, d_x,p,q) * I_x1(a_y, d_y,p,q) * I_x1(a_z, d_z,p,q) `i_x1_new `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `i_x1_pol_mult `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `i_x1_pol_mult_a1 `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `i_x1_pol_mult_a2 `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `i_x1_pol_mult_recurs `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `i_x2_new `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `i_x2_pol_mult `_ recursive function involved in the bielectronic integral `integrale_new `_ calculate the integral of the polynom :: I_x1(a_x+b_x, c_x+d_x,p,q) * I_x1(a_y+b_y, c_y+d_y,p,q) * I_x1(a_z+b_z, c_z+d_z,p,q) between ( 0 ; 1) `n_pt_sup `_ Returns the upper boundary of the degree of the polynom involved in the bielctronic integral : Ix(a_x,b_x,c_x,d_x) * Iy(a_y,b_y,c_y,d_y) * Iz(a_z,b_z,c_z,d_z) `gauleg `_ Gauss-Legendre `gauleg_t2 `_ t_w(i,1,k) = w(i) t_w(i,2,k) = t(i) `gauleg_w `_ t_w(i,1,k) = w(i) t_w(i,2,k) = t(i) `ao_integrals_map `_ AO integrals `bielec_integrals_index `_ Undocumented `clear_ao_map `_ Frees the memory of the AO map `clear_mo_map `_ Frees the memory of the MO map `get_ao_bielec_integral `_ Gets one AO bi-electronic integral from the AO map `get_ao_bielec_integrals `_ Gets multiple AO bi-electronic integral from the AO map . All i are retrieved for j,k,l fixed. `get_ao_bielec_integrals_non_zero `_ Gets multiple AO bi-electronic integral from the AO map . All non-zero i are retrieved for j,k,l fixed. `get_ao_map_size `_ Returns the number of elements in the AO map `get_mo_bielec_integral `_ Returns one integral in the MO basis `get_mo_bielec_integrals `_ Returns multiple integrals in the MO basis, all i for j,k,l fixed. `get_mo_bielec_integrals_existing_ik `_ Returns multiple integrals in the MO basis, all i for j,k,l fixed. `get_mo_map_size `_ Return the number of elements in the MO map `insert_into_ao_integrals_map `_ Create new entry into AO map `insert_into_mo_integrals_map `_ Create new entry into MO map, or accumulate in an existing entry `mo_bielec_integral `_ Returns one integral in the MO basis `mo_integrals_map `_ MO integrals `add_integrals_to_map `_ Adds integrals to tha MO map according to some bitmask `mo_bielec_integral_jj `_ Transform Bi-electronic integrals and `mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti `_ Transform Bi-electronic integrals and `mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange `_ Transform Bi-electronic integrals and `mo_bielec_integrals_in_map `_ If True, the map of MO bielectronic integrals is provided `mo_bielec_integrals_index `_ Computes an unique index for i,j,k,l integrals `ao_integrals_threshold `_ If < ao_integrals_threshold, = 0 `do_direct_integrals `_ If True, compute integrals on the fly `mo_integrals_threshold `_ If < mo_integrals_threshold, = 0 `read_ao_integrals `_ If true, read AO integrals in EZFIO `read_mo_integrals `_ If true, read MO integrals in EZFIO `write_ao_integrals `_ If true, write AO integrals in EZFIO `write_mo_integrals `_ If true, write MO integrals in EZFIO