========== AOs Module ========== This module describes the atomic orbitals basis set. An atomic orbital :math:`\chi` centered on nucleus A is represented as: .. math:: \chi_i({\bf r}) = (x-X_A)^a (y-Y_A)^b (z-Z_A)^c \sum_k c_{ki} e^{-\gamma_{ki} |{\bf r} - {\bf R}_A|^2} The AO coefficients are normalized as: .. math:: {\tilde c}_{ki} = \frac{c_{ki}}{ \int \left( (x-X_A)^a (y-Y_A)^b (z-Z_A)^c e^{-\gamma_{ki} |{\bf r} - {\bf R}_A|^2} \right)^2} dr Assumptions =========== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. * The atomic orbitals are normalized: .. math:: \int \left(\chi_i({\bf r}) \right)^2 dr = 1 * The AO coefficients in the EZFIO files are not normalized * The AO coefficients and exponents are ordered in increasing order of exponents Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. * `Ezfio_files `_ * `Nuclei `_ * `Output `_ * `Utils `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. `ao_coef `_ Coefficients, exponents and powers of x,y and z ao_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the jth primitive on the ith ao `ao_coef_transp `_ Transposed ao_coef and ao_expo `ao_expo `_ Coefficients, exponents and powers of x,y and z ao_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the jth primitive on the ith ao `ao_expo_transp `_ Transposed ao_coef and ao_expo `ao_nucl `_ Index of the nuclei on which the ao is centered `ao_num `_ Number of atomic orbitals `ao_num_align `_ Number of atomic orbitals `ao_power `_ Coefficients, exponents and powers of x,y and z ao_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the jth primitive on the ith ao `ao_prim_num `_ Number of primitives per atomic orbital `ao_prim_num_max `_ Undocumented `ao_prim_num_max_align `_ Undocumented