open Qputils open Qptypes open Core.Std let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "o" (optional string) ~doc:"file Name of the new EZFIO file. Default is suffixed by .RI" +> flag "b" (required string) ~doc:"string Name of basis set." +> anon (" EZFIO file)" %: file ) type element = | Element of Element.t | Int_elem of (Nucl_number.t * Element.t) (** Returns the list of available basis sets *) let list_basis () = let basis_list = Qpackage.root ^ "/install/emsl/ list_basis | grep \"-RI\" " |> Unix.open_process_in |> In_channel.input_lines |> ~f:(fun x -> match String.split x ~on:'\'' with | [] -> "" | a :: [] | _ :: a :: _ -> String.strip a ) in List.sort basis_list ~cmp:String.ascending |> String.concat ~sep:"\n" (** Run the program *) let run ?o b ezfio_file = let new_filename = match o with | Some filename -> filename | None -> ezfio_file ^ ".RI" in let () = match Sys.is_directory new_filename with | `Yes -> failwith "Output directory exists" | _ -> () in let status = Printf.sprintf "cp -r %s %s" ezfio_file new_filename |> Unix.system in ignore status; Ezfio.set_file new_filename; (********** Basis set **********) let basis_table = Hashtbl.Poly.create () in (* Open basis set channels *) let basis_channel element = let key = match element with | Element e -> Element.to_string e | Int_elem (i,e) -> Printf.sprintf "%d,%s" (Nucl_number.to_int i) (Element.to_string e) in match Hashtbl.find basis_table key with | Some in_channel -> in_channel | None -> raise Not_found in let temp_filename = Filename.temp_file "qp_create_" ".basis" in let () = Sys.remove temp_filename in let fetch_channel basis = let command = Qpackage.root ^ "/scripts/ \"" ^ temp_filename ^ "." ^ basis ^ "\" \"" ^ basis ^"\"" in let long_basis = Qpackage.root ^ "/data/basis/" ^ basis in match Sys.is_file basis, Sys.is_file long_basis with | `Yes, _ -> In_channel.create basis | `No , `Yes -> In_channel.create long_basis | _ -> begin let filename = Unix.open_process_in command |> In_channel.input_all |> String.strip in let new_channel = In_channel.create filename in Unix.unlink filename; new_channel end in let rec build_basis = function | [] -> () | elem_and_basis_name :: rest -> begin match (String.lsplit2 ~on:':' elem_and_basis_name) with | None -> (* Principal basis *) begin let basis = elem_and_basis_name in let new_channel = fetch_channel basis in List.iter nuclei ~f:(fun elem-> let key = Element.to_string elem.Atom.element in match Hashtbl.add basis_table ~key:key ~data:new_channel with | `Ok -> () | `Duplicate -> () ) end | Some (key, basis) -> (*Aux basis *) begin let elem = try Element (Element.of_string key) with Element.ElementError _ -> let result = match (String.split ~on:',' key) with | i :: k :: [] -> (Nucl_number.of_int @@ int_of_string i, Element.of_string k) | _ -> failwith "Expected format is int,Element:basis" in Int_elem result and basis = String.lowercase basis in let key = match elem with | Element e -> Element.to_string e | Int_elem (i,e) -> Printf.sprintf "%d,%s" (Nucl_number.to_int i) (Element.to_string e) in let new_channel = fetch_channel basis in begin match Hashtbl.add basis_table ~key:key ~data:new_channel with | `Ok -> () | `Duplicate -> let e = match elem with | Element e -> e | Int_elem (_,e) -> e in failwith ("Duplicate definition of basis for "^(Element.to_long_string e)) end end end; build_basis rest in String.split ~on:'|' b |> List.rev_map ~f:String.strip |> build_basis in let basis = () in () let command = Command.basic ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:(fun () -> " === Available basis sets === " ^ (list_basis ()) ^ " ============================ Extents the basis set to add an auxiliary basis set. " ) spec (fun o b ezfio_file () -> run ?o b ezfio_file ) let () = command