.. _qp_edit: ======= qp_edit ======= .. TODO This command reads the content of the |EZFIO| directory and creates a temporary file containing the data. The data is presented as a *ReStructured Text* (rst) document, where each section corresponds to the corresponding |qp| module. The content of the file can be modified to change the input parameters. When the text editor is closed, the updated data is saved into the |EZFIO| directory. .. warning:: When the wave function is too large (more than 10 000 determinants), the determinants are not displayed. Usage ----- .. code:: bash qp_edit [FLAGS] Flags : [-c] [-ndet int] [-state int] [-help] .. option:: -c Checks the input data .. option:: -ndet Truncates the wavefunction to the target number of determinants .. option:: -state Pick the target state as a new wavefunction. .. option:: -help Print the help text and exits Here is a short list of important control parameters : .. option:: read_wf If ``false``, initialize the calculation with a single-determinant wave function. If ``true``, initialize the calculation with the wave function stored in the |EZFIO| directory.