open Core.Std;; open Qptypes;; type t = int64 array with sexp let to_int64_array (x:t) = (x:int64 array) ;; let of_int64_array n_int x = assert ((Array.length x) = (N_int_number.to_int n_int)*2) ; x ;; let to_alpha_beta x = let x = to_int64_array x in let n_int = (Array.length x)/2 in ( Array.init n_int ~f:(fun i -> x.(i)) , Array.init n_int ~f:(fun i -> x.(i+n_int)) ) ;; let to_bitlist_couple x = let (xa,xb) = to_alpha_beta x in let xa = to_int64_array xa |> Array.to_list |> Bitlist.of_int64_list and xb = to_int64_array xb |> Array.to_list |> Bitlist.of_int64_list in (xa,xb) ;; let of_bitlist_couple (xa,xb) = let ba = Bitlist.to_int64_list xa in let bb = Bitlist.to_int64_list xb in let n_int = Bitlist.n_int_of_mo_tot_num (List.length ba) in of_int64_array n_int (Array.of_list (ba@bb)) ;; let bitlist_to_string ~mo_tot_num x = x ~f:(fun i -> match i with | Bit.Zero -> "-" | Bit.One -> "+" ) |> String.concat |> String.sub ~pos:0 ~len:(MO_number.to_int mo_tot_num) ;; let to_string ~mo_tot_num x = let (xa,xb) = to_bitlist_couple x in [ bitlist_to_string ~mo_tot_num:mo_tot_num xa ; bitlist_to_string ~mo_tot_num:mo_tot_num xb ] |> String.concat ~sep:"\n" ;;