subroutine CISD_SC2(dets_in,u_in,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! CISD+SC2 method :: take off all the disconnected terms of a CISD (selected or not) ! ! dets_in : bitmasks corresponding to determinants ! ! u_in : guess coefficients on the various states. Overwritten ! on exit ! ! dim_in : leftmost dimension of u_in ! ! sze : Number of determinants ! ! N_st : Number of eigenstates ! ! Initial guess vectors are not necessarily orthonormal END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze) double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st) double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_st) PROVIDE ref_bitmask_energy ASSERT (N_st > 0) ASSERT (sze > 0) ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) integer :: iter integer :: i,j,k,l,m logical :: converged double precision :: overlap(N_st,N_st) double precision :: u_dot_v, u_dot_u integer :: degree,N_double,index_hf,index_double(sze) double precision :: hij_elec, e_corr_double,e_corr,diag_h_mat_elem,inv_c0 double precision :: e_corr_array(sze),H_jj_ref(sze),H_jj_dressed(sze),hij_double(sze) double precision :: e_corr_double_before,accu,cpu_2,cpu_1 integer :: i_ok call write_time(output_CISD) write(output_CISD,'(A)') '' write(output_CISD,'(A)') 'CISD SC2' write(output_CISD,'(A)') '========' !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(sze,N_st, & !$OMP H_jj_ref,Nint,dets_in,u_in) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,sze H_jj_ref(i) = diag_h_mat_elem(dets_in(1,1,i),Nint) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP END PARALLEL N_double = 0 e_corr = 0.d0 e_corr_double = 0.d0 do i = 1, sze call get_excitation_degree(ref_bitmask,dets_in(1,1,i),degree,Nint) if(degree==0)then index_hf=i else if (degree == 2)then N_double += 1 index_double(N_double) = i call i_H_j(ref_bitmask,dets_in(1,1,i),Nint,hij_elec) hij_double(N_double) = hij_elec e_corr_array(N_double) = u_in(i,1)* hij_elec e_corr_double += e_corr_array(N_double) e_corr += e_corr_array(N_double) index_double(N_double) = i else if (degree == 1)then call i_H_j(ref_bitmask,dets_in(1,1,i),Nint,hij_elec) e_corr += u_in(i,1)* hij_elec endif enddo inv_c0 = 1.d0/u_in(index_hf,1) do i = 1, N_double e_corr_array(i) = e_corr_array(i) * inv_c0 enddo e_corr = e_corr * inv_c0 e_corr_double = e_corr_double * inv_c0 converged = .False. e_corr_double_before = e_corr_double iter = 0 do while (.not.converged) iter +=1 ! call cpu_time(cpu_1) do i=1,sze H_jj_dressed(i) = H_jj_ref(i) if (i==index_hf)cycle accu = 0.d0 do j=1,N_double call repeat_excitation(dets_in(1,1,i),ref_bitmask,dets_in(1,1,index_double(j)),i_ok,Nint) if (i_ok==1)cycle! you check if the excitation is possible accu += e_corr_array(j) enddo H_jj_dressed(i) += accu enddo call davidson_diag_hjj(dets_in,u_in,H_jj_dressed,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,Nint,output_CISD) e_corr_double = 0.d0 inv_c0 = 1.d0/u_in(index_hf,1) do i = 1, N_double e_corr_array(i) = u_in(index_double(i),1)*inv_c0 * hij_double(i) e_corr_double += e_corr_array(i) enddo write(output_CISD,'(A,I3)') 'SC2 Iteration ', iter write(output_CISD,'(A)') '------------------' write(output_CISD,'(A)') '' write(output_CISD,'(A)') '===== ================' write(output_CISD,'(A)') 'State Energy ' write(output_CISD,'(A)') '===== ================' do i=1,N_st write(output_CISD,'(I5,X,F16.10)') i, energies(i)+nuclear_repulsion enddo write(output_CISD,'(A)') '===== ================' write(output_CISD,'(A)') '' call write_double(output_CISD,(e_corr_double - e_corr_double_before),& 'Delta(E_corr)') converged = dabs(e_corr_double - e_corr_double_before) < 1.d-10 if (converged) then exit endif e_corr_double_before = e_corr_double enddo call write_time(output_CISD) end subroutine repeat_excitation(key_in,key_1,key_2,i_ok,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key_in(Nint,2),key_1(Nint,2),key_2(Nint,2),Nint integer,intent(out) :: i_ok integer :: ispin,i_hole,k_hole,j_hole,i_particl,k_particl,j_particl,i_trou,degree,exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: phase i_ok = 1 call get_excitation(key_1,key_2,exc,degree,phase,Nint) integer :: h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2 if(degree==2)then call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) ! first hole k_hole = ishft(h1-1,-5)+1 j_hole = h1-ishft(k_hole-1,5)-1 if(iand(key_in(k_hole,s1),ibset(0,j_hole)).eq.0)then i_ok = 0 return endif ! second hole k_hole = ishft(h2-1,-5)+1 j_hole = h2-ishft(k_hole-1,5)-1 if(iand(key_in(k_hole,s2),ibset(0,j_hole)).eq.0)then i_ok = 0 return endif ! first particle k_particl = ishft(p1-1,-5)+1 j_particl = p1-ishft(k_particl-1,5)-1 if(iand(key_in(k_particl,s1),ibset(0,j_particl)).ne.0)then i_ok = 0 return endif ! second particle k_particl = ishft(p2-1,-5)+1 j_particl = p2-ishft(k_particl-1,5)-1 if(iand(key_in(k_particl,s2),ibset(0,j_particl)).ne.0)then i_ok = 0 return endif return endif end