open Core.Std;; let input_data = " * Positive_float : float assert (x >= 0.) ; * Strictly_positive_float : float assert (x > 0.) ; * Negative_float : float assert (x <= 0.) ; * Strictly_negative_float : float assert (x < 0.) ; * Positive_int : int assert (x >= 0) ; * Strictly_positive_int : int assert (x > 0) ; * Negative_int : int assert (x <= 0) ; * Det_coef : float assert (x >= -1.) ; assert (x <= 1.) ; * Normalized_float : float assert (x <= 1.) ; assert (x >= 0.) ; * Strictly_negative_int : int assert (x < 0) ; * Non_empty_string : string assert (x <> \"\") ; * MO_number : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 1000) then warning \"More than 1000 MOs\"; if (Ezfio.has_mo_basis_mo_tot_num ()) then assert (x <= (Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num ())); * AO_number : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 1000) then warning \"More than 1000 AOs\"; if (Ezfio.has_ao_basis_ao_num ()) then assert (x <= (Ezfio.get_ao_basis_ao_num ())); * Nucl_number : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 1000) then warning \"More than 1000 atoms\"; if (Ezfio.has_nuclei_nucl_num ()) then assert (x <= (Ezfio.get_nuclei_nucl_num ())); * N_int_number : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 100) then warning \"N_int > 100\"; if (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_int ()) then assert (x = (Ezfio.get_determinants_n_int ())); * Det_number : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 100000000) then warning \"More than 100 million determinants\"; if (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_det ()) then assert (x <= (Ezfio.get_determinants_n_det ())); * Det_number_max : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 100000000) then warning \"More than 100 million determinants\"; * States_number : int assert (x > 0) ; if (x > 100) then warning \"More than 100 states\"; if (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_states_diag ()) then assert (x <= (Ezfio.get_determinants_n_states_diag ())) else if (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_states ()) then assert (x <= (Ezfio.get_determinants_n_states ())); * Bit_kind_size : int begin match x with | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 -> () | _ -> raise (Failure \"Bit_kind_size should be (8|16|32|64).\") end; * Bit_kind : int begin match x with | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 -> () | _ -> raise (Failure \"Bit_kind should be (1|2|4|8).\") end; * Bitmask_number : int assert (x > 0) ; * MO_coef : float * MO_occ : float assert (x >= 0.); * AO_coef : float * AO_expo : float assert (x >= 0.) ; * AO_prim_number : int assert (x > 0) ; * Threshold : float assert (x >= 0.) ; assert (x <= 1.) ; * PT2_energy : float assert (x >=0.) ; * Elec_alpha_number : int assert (x > 0) ; * Elec_beta_number : int assert (x >= 0) ; * Elec_number : int assert (x > 0) ; * MD5 : string assert ((String.length x) = 32); " ;; let untouched = " (* module Determinant : sig type t with sexp val to_int64_array : t -> int64 array val of_int64_array : int64 array -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = int64 array with sexp let to_int64_array x = x let of_int64_array x = if (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_int ()) then begin let n_int = Ezfio.get_determinants_n_int () in assert ((Array.length x) = n_int*2) end ; x let to_string x = Array.to_list x |> ~f:Int64.to_string |> String.concat ~sep:\", \" end *) " let template = format_of_string " module %s : sig type t with sexp val to_%s : t -> %s val of_%s : %s -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = %s with sexp let to_%s x = x let of_%s x = ( %s x ) let to_string x = %s.to_string x end " ;; let parse_input input= print_string "open Core.Std;;\nlet warning = print_string;;\n" ; let rec parse result = function | [] -> result | ( "" , "" )::tail -> parse result tail | ( t , text )::tail -> let name , typ = String.lsplit2_exn ~on:':' t in let typ = String.strip typ and name = String.strip name in let typ_cap = String.capitalize typ in let newstring = Printf.sprintf template name typ typ typ typ typ typ typ ( String.strip text ) typ_cap in List.rev (parse (newstring::result) tail ) in String.split ~on:'*' input |> ~f:(String.lsplit2_exn ~on:'\n') |> parse [] |> String.concat |> print_string ;; let () = parse_input input_data ; print_endline untouched ;;