subroutine get_excitation_degree(key1,key2,degree,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the excitation degree between two determinants END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key1(Nint,2) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: degree integer :: l ASSERT (Nint > 0) degree = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2), key2(1,2))) !DEC$ NOUNROLL do l=2,Nint degree = degree+ popcnt(xor( key1(l,1), key2(l,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(l,2), key2(l,2))) enddo ASSERT (degree >= 0) degree = ishft(degree,-1) end subroutine get_excitation(det1,det2,exc,degree,phase,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the excitation operators between two determinants and the phase END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det1(Nint,2) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer, intent(out) :: degree double precision, intent(out) :: phase ! exc(number,hole/particle,spin) ! ex : ! exc(0,1,1) = number of holes alpha ! exc(0,2,1) = number of particle alpha ! exc(0,2,2) = number of particle beta ! exc(1,2,1) = first particle alpha ! exc(1,1,1) = first hole alpha ! exc(1,2,2) = first particle beta ! exc(1,1,2) = first hole beta ASSERT (Nint > 0) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call get_excitation_degree(det1,det2,degree,Nint) select case (degree) case (3:) degree = -1 return case (2) call get_double_excitation(det1,det2,exc,phase,Nint) return case (1) call get_mono_excitation(det1,det2,exc,phase,Nint) return case(0) return end select end subroutine decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Decodes the exc arrays returned by get_excitation. ! h1,h2 : Holes ! p1,p2 : Particles ! s1,s2 : Spins (1:alpha, 2:beta) ! degree : Degree of excitation END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: exc(0:2,2,2),degree integer, intent(out) :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2 ASSERT (degree > 0) ASSERT (degree < 3) select case(degree) case(2) if (exc(0,1,1) == 2) then h1 = exc(1,1,1) h2 = exc(2,1,1) p1 = exc(1,2,1) p2 = exc(2,2,1) s1 = 1 s2 = 1 else if (exc(0,1,2) == 2) then h1 = exc(1,1,2) h2 = exc(2,1,2) p1 = exc(1,2,2) p2 = exc(2,2,2) s1 = 2 s2 = 2 else h1 = exc(1,1,1) h2 = exc(1,1,2) p1 = exc(1,2,1) p2 = exc(1,2,2) s1 = 1 s2 = 2 endif case(1) if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then h1 = exc(1,1,1) h2 = 0 p1 = exc(1,2,1) p2 = 0 s1 = 1 s2 = 0 else h1 = exc(1,1,2) h2 = 0 p1 = exc(1,2,2) p2 = 0 s1 = 2 s2 = 0 endif case(0) h1 = 0 p1 = 0 h2 = 0 p2 = 0 s1 = 0 s2 = 0 end select end subroutine get_double_excitation(det1,det2,exc,phase,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the two excitation operators between two doubly excited determinants and the phase END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det1(Nint,2) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision, intent(out) :: phase integer :: tz integer :: l, ispin, idx_hole, idx_particle, ishift integer :: nperm integer :: i,j,k,m,n integer :: high, low integer :: a,b,c,d integer(bit_kind) :: hole, particle, tmp double precision, parameter :: phase_dble(0:1) = (/ 1.d0, -1.d0 /) ASSERT (Nint > 0) nperm = 0 exc(0,1,1) = 0 exc(0,2,1) = 0 exc(0,1,2) = 0 exc(0,2,2) = 0 do ispin = 1,2 idx_particle = 0 idx_hole = 0 ishift = 1-bit_kind_size do l=1,Nint ishift = ishift + bit_kind_size if (det1(l,ispin) == det2(l,ispin)) then cycle endif tmp = xor( det1(l,ispin), det2(l,ispin) ) particle = iand(tmp, det2(l,ispin)) hole = iand(tmp, det1(l,ispin)) do while (particle /= 0_bit_kind) tz = trailz(particle) idx_particle = idx_particle + 1 exc(0,2,ispin) = exc(0,2,ispin) + 1 exc(idx_particle,2,ispin) = tz+ishift particle = iand(particle,particle-1_bit_kind) enddo if (iand(exc(0,1,ispin),exc(0,2,ispin))==2) then ! exc(0,1,ispin)==2 or exc(0,2,ispin)==2 exit endif do while (hole /= 0_bit_kind) tz = trailz(hole) idx_hole = idx_hole + 1 exc(0,1,ispin) = exc(0,1,ispin) + 1 exc(idx_hole,1,ispin) = tz+ishift hole = iand(hole,hole-1_bit_kind) enddo if (iand(exc(0,1,ispin),exc(0,2,ispin))==2) then ! exc(0,1,ispin)==2 or exc(0,2,ispin) exit endif enddo ! TODO : Voir si il faut sortir i,n,k,m du case. select case (exc(0,1,ispin)) case(0) cycle case(1) low = min(exc(1,1,ispin), exc(1,2,ispin)) high = max(exc(1,1,ispin), exc(1,2,ispin)) ASSERT (low > 0) j = ishft(low-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ! Find integer in array(Nint) n = iand(low,bit_kind_size-1) ! mod(low,bit_kind_size) ASSERT (high > 0) k = ishft(high-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 m = iand(high,bit_kind_size-1) if (j==k) then nperm = nperm + popcnt(iand(det1(j,ispin), & iand( ibset(0_bit_kind,m-1)-1_bit_kind, & ibclr(-1_bit_kind,n)+1_bit_kind ) )) else nperm = nperm + popcnt(iand(det1(k,ispin), & ibset(0_bit_kind,m-1)-1_bit_kind)) + & popcnt(iand(det1(j,ispin), ibclr(-1_bit_kind,n) +1_bit_kind)) do i=j+1,k-1 nperm = nperm + popcnt(det1(i,ispin)) end do endif case (2) do i=1,2 low = min(exc(i,1,ispin), exc(i,2,ispin)) high = max(exc(i,1,ispin), exc(i,2,ispin)) ASSERT (low > 0) j = ishft(low-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ! Find integer in array(Nint) n = iand(low,bit_kind_size-1) ! mod(low,bit_kind_size) ASSERT (high > 0) k = ishft(high-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 m = iand(high,bit_kind_size-1) if (j==k) then nperm = nperm + popcnt(iand(det1(j,ispin), & iand( ibset(0_bit_kind,m-1)-1_bit_kind, & ibclr(-1_bit_kind,n)+1_bit_kind ) )) else nperm = nperm + popcnt(iand(det1(k,ispin), & ibset(0_bit_kind,m-1)-1_bit_kind)) + & popcnt(iand(det1(j,ispin), ibclr(-1_bit_kind,n) +1_bit_kind)) do l=j+1,k-1 nperm = nperm + popcnt(det1(l,ispin)) end do endif enddo a = min(exc(1,1,ispin), exc(1,2,ispin)) b = max(exc(1,1,ispin), exc(1,2,ispin)) c = min(exc(2,1,ispin), exc(2,2,ispin)) d = max(exc(2,1,ispin), exc(2,2,ispin)) if (c>a .and. cb) then nperm = nperm + 1 endif exit end select enddo phase = phase_dble(iand(nperm,1)) end subroutine get_mono_excitation(det1,det2,exc,phase,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the excitation operator between two singly excited determinants and the phase END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det1(Nint,2) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision, intent(out) :: phase integer :: tz integer :: l, ispin, idx_hole, idx_particle, ishift integer :: nperm integer :: i,j,k,m,n integer :: high, low integer :: a,b,c,d integer(bit_kind) :: hole, particle, tmp double precision, parameter :: phase_dble(0:1) = (/ 1.d0, -1.d0 /) ASSERT (Nint > 0) nperm = 0 exc(0,1,1) = 0 exc(0,2,1) = 0 exc(0,1,2) = 0 exc(0,2,2) = 0 do ispin = 1,2 ishift = 1-bit_kind_size do l=1,Nint ishift = ishift + bit_kind_size if (det1(l,ispin) == det2(l,ispin)) then cycle endif tmp = xor( det1(l,ispin), det2(l,ispin) ) particle = iand(tmp, det2(l,ispin)) hole = iand(tmp, det1(l,ispin)) if (particle /= 0_bit_kind) then tz = trailz(particle) exc(0,2,ispin) = 1 exc(1,2,ispin) = tz+ishift endif if (hole /= 0_bit_kind) then tz = trailz(hole) exc(0,1,ispin) = 1 exc(1,1,ispin) = tz+ishift endif if ( iand(exc(0,1,ispin),exc(0,2,ispin)) /= 1) then ! exc(0,1,ispin)/=1 and exc(0,2,ispin) /= 1 cycle endif low = min(exc(1,1,ispin),exc(1,2,ispin)) high = max(exc(1,1,ispin),exc(1,2,ispin)) ASSERT (low > 0) j = ishft(low-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ! Find integer in array(Nint) n = iand(low,bit_kind_size-1) ! mod(low,bit_kind_size) ASSERT (high > 0) k = ishft(high-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 m = iand(high,bit_kind_size-1) if (j==k) then nperm = popcnt(iand(det1(j,ispin), & iand(ibset(0_bit_kind,m-1)-1_bit_kind,ibclr(-1_bit_kind,n)+1_bit_kind))) else nperm = nperm + popcnt(iand(det1(k,ispin),ibset(0_bit_kind,m-1)-1_bit_kind)) +& popcnt(iand(det1(j,ispin),ibclr(-1_bit_kind,n)+1_bit_kind)) do i=j+1,k-1 nperm = nperm + popcnt(det1(i,ispin)) end do endif phase = phase_dble(iand(nperm,1)) return enddo enddo end subroutine i_H_j(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns where i and j are determinants END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key_i(Nint,2), key_j(Nint,2) double precision, intent(out) :: hij integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer :: degree double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral integer :: m,n,p,q integer :: i,j,k integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem, phase,phase_2 integer :: n_occ_alpha, n_occ_beta logical :: has_mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size) double precision :: mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size), miip(Nint*bit_kind_size) PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_i(:,1))) == elec_alpha_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_i(:,2))) == elec_beta_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_j(:,1))) == elec_alpha_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_j(:,2))) == elec_beta_num) hij = 0.d0 !DEC$ FORCEINLINE call get_excitation_degree(key_i,key_j,degree,Nint) select case (degree) case (2) call get_double_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint) if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then ! Mono alpha, mono beta hij = phase*get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(1,1,2), & exc(1,2,1), & exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) else if (exc(0,1,1) == 2) then ! Double alpha hij = phase*(get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(2,1,1), & exc(1,2,1), & exc(2,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map) - & get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(2,1,1), & exc(2,2,1), & exc(1,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map) ) else if (exc(0,1,2) == 2) then ! Double beta hij = phase*(get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,2), & exc(2,1,2), & exc(1,2,2), & exc(2,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) - & get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,2), & exc(2,1,2), & exc(2,2,2), & exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) ) endif case (1) call get_mono_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint) call bitstring_to_list(key_i(1,1), occ(1,1), n_occ_alpha, Nint) call bitstring_to_list(key_i(1,2), occ(1,2), n_occ_beta, Nint) has_mipi = .False. if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then ! Mono alpha m = exc(1,1,1) p = exc(1,2,1) do k = 1, elec_alpha_num i = occ(k,1) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num i = occ(k,2) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_alpha_num hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,1)) - miip(occ(k,1)) enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,2)) enddo else ! Mono beta m = exc(1,1,2) p = exc(1,2,2) do k = 1, elec_beta_num i = occ(k,2) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_alpha_num i = occ(k,1) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_alpha_num hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,1)) enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,2)) - miip(occ(k,2)) enddo endif hij = phase*(hij + mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p)) case (0) hij = diag_H_mat_elem(key_i,Nint) end select end subroutine i_H_j_verbose(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij,hmono,hdouble) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns where i and j are determinants END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key_i(Nint,2), key_j(Nint,2) double precision, intent(out) :: hij,hmono,hdouble integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer :: degree double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral integer :: m,n,p,q integer :: i,j,k integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem, phase,phase_2 integer :: n_occ_alpha, n_occ_beta logical :: has_mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size) double precision :: mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size), miip(Nint*bit_kind_size) PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_i(:,1))) == elec_alpha_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_i(:,2))) == elec_beta_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_j(:,1))) == elec_alpha_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(key_j(:,2))) == elec_beta_num) hij = 0.d0 hmono = 0.d0 hdouble = 0.d0 !DEC$ FORCEINLINE call get_excitation_degree(key_i,key_j,degree,Nint) select case (degree) case (2) call get_double_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint) if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then ! Mono alpha, mono beta hij = phase*get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(1,1,2), & exc(1,2,1), & exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) else if (exc(0,1,1) == 2) then ! Double alpha hij = phase*(get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(2,1,1), & exc(1,2,1), & exc(2,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map) - & get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(2,1,1), & exc(2,2,1), & exc(1,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map) ) else if (exc(0,1,2) == 2) then ! Double beta hij = phase*(get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,2), & exc(2,1,2), & exc(1,2,2), & exc(2,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) - & get_mo_bielec_integral( & exc(1,1,2), & exc(2,1,2), & exc(2,2,2), & exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) ) endif case (1) call get_mono_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint) call bitstring_to_list(key_i(1,1), occ(1,1), n_occ_alpha, Nint) call bitstring_to_list(key_i(1,2), occ(1,2), n_occ_beta, Nint) has_mipi = .False. if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then ! Mono alpha m = exc(1,1,1) p = exc(1,2,1) do k = 1, elec_alpha_num i = occ(k,1) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num i = occ(k,2) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_alpha_num hdouble = hdouble + mipi(occ(k,1)) - miip(occ(k,1)) enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num hdouble = hdouble + mipi(occ(k,2)) enddo else ! Mono beta m = exc(1,1,2) p = exc(1,2,2) do k = 1, elec_beta_num i = occ(k,2) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_alpha_num i = occ(k,1) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, elec_alpha_num hdouble = hdouble + mipi(occ(k,1)) enddo do k = 1, elec_beta_num hdouble = hdouble + mipi(occ(k,2)) - miip(occ(k,2)) enddo endif hmono = mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p) hij = phase*(hdouble + hmono) case (0) hij = diag_H_mat_elem(key_i,Nint) end select end subroutine i_H_psi(key,keys,coef,Nint,Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate,i_H_psi_array) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint, Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: keys(Nint,2,Ndet) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(in) :: coef(Ndet_max,Nstate) double precision, intent(out) :: i_H_psi_array(Nstate) integer :: i, ii,j double precision :: phase integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: hij integer :: idx(0:Ndet) BEGIN_DOC ! for the various Nstates END_DOC ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (N_int == Nint) ASSERT (Nstate > 0) ASSERT (Ndet > 0) ASSERT (Ndet_max >= Ndet) i_H_psi_array = 0.d0 call filter_connected_i_H_psi0(keys,key,Nint,Ndet,idx) do ii=1,idx(0) i = idx(ii) !DEC$ FORCEINLINE call i_H_j(keys(1,1,i),key,Nint,hij) do j = 1, Nstate i_H_psi_array(j) = i_H_psi_array(j) + coef(i,j)*hij enddo enddo end subroutine i_H_psi_sec_ord(key,keys,coef,Nint,Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate,i_H_psi_array,idx_interaction,interactions) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint, Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: keys(Nint,2,Ndet) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(in) :: coef(Ndet_max,Nstate) double precision, intent(out) :: i_H_psi_array(Nstate) double precision, intent(out) :: interactions(Ndet) integer,intent(out) :: idx_interaction(0:Ndet) integer :: i, ii,j double precision :: phase integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: hij integer :: idx(0:Ndet),n_interact BEGIN_DOC ! for the various Nstates END_DOC ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (N_int == Nint) ASSERT (Nstate > 0) ASSERT (Ndet > 0) ASSERT (Ndet_max >= Ndet) i_H_psi_array = 0.d0 call filter_connected_i_H_psi0(keys,key,Nint,Ndet,idx) n_interact = 0 do ii=1,idx(0) i = idx(ii) !DEC$ FORCEINLINE call i_H_j(keys(1,1,i),key,Nint,hij) if(dabs(hij).ge.1.d-8)then if( n_interact += 1 interactions(n_interact) = hij idx_interaction(n_interact) = i endif endif do j = 1, Nstate i_H_psi_array(j) = i_H_psi_array(j) + coef(i,j)*hij enddo enddo idx_interaction(0) = n_interact end subroutine i_H_psi_SC2(key,keys,coef,Nint,Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate,i_H_psi_array,idx_repeat) use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! for the various Nstate ! ! returns in addition ! ! the array of the index of the non connected determinants to key1 ! ! in order to know what double excitation can be repeated on key1 ! ! idx_repeat(0) is the number of determinants that can be used ! ! to repeat the excitations END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint, Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: keys(Nint,2,Ndet) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(in) :: coef(Ndet_max,Nstate) double precision, intent(out) :: i_H_psi_array(Nstate) integer , intent(out) :: idx_repeat(0:Ndet) integer :: i, ii,j double precision :: phase integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: hij integer :: idx(0:Ndet) ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (N_int == Nint) ASSERT (Nstate > 0) ASSERT (Ndet > 0) ASSERT (Ndet_max >= Ndet) i_H_psi_array = 0.d0 call filter_connected_i_H_psi0_SC2(keys,key,Nint,Ndet,idx,idx_repeat) do ii=1,idx(0) i = idx(ii) !DEC$ FORCEINLINE call i_H_j(keys(1,1,i),key,Nint,hij) do j = 1, Nstate i_H_psi_array(j) = i_H_psi_array(j) + coef(i,j)*hij enddo enddo end subroutine i_H_psi_SC2_verbose(key,keys,coef,Nint,Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate,i_H_psi_array,idx_repeat) use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! for the various Nstate ! ! returns in addition ! ! the array of the index of the non connected determinants to key1 ! ! in order to know what double excitation can be repeated on key1 ! ! idx_repeat(0) is the number of determinants that can be used ! ! to repeat the excitations END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint, Ndet,Ndet_max,Nstate integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: keys(Nint,2,Ndet) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(in) :: coef(Ndet_max,Nstate) double precision, intent(out) :: i_H_psi_array(Nstate) integer , intent(out) :: idx_repeat(0:Ndet) integer :: i, ii,j double precision :: phase integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: hij integer :: idx(0:Ndet) ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (N_int == Nint) ASSERT (Nstate > 0) ASSERT (Ndet > 0) ASSERT (Ndet_max >= Ndet) i_H_psi_array = 0.d0 call filter_connected_i_H_psi0_SC2(keys,key,Nint,Ndet,idx,idx_repeat) print*,'--------' do ii=1,idx(0) print*,'--' i = idx(ii) !DEC$ FORCEINLINE call i_H_j(keys(1,1,i),key,Nint,hij) if (i==1)then print*,'i==1 !!' endif print*,coef(i,1) * hij,coef(i,1),hij do j = 1, Nstate i_H_psi_array(j) = i_H_psi_array(j) + coef(i,j)*hij enddo print*,i_H_psi_array(1) enddo print*,'------' end subroutine get_excitation_degree_vector(key1,key2,degree,Nint,sze,idx) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Applies get_excitation_degree to an array of determinants END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint, sze integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key1(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: degree(sze) integer, intent(out) :: idx(0:sze) integer :: i,l ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (sze > 0) l=1 if (Nint==1) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree(l) = ishft(popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))),-1) if (degree(l) < 3) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else if (Nint==2) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree(l) = ishft(popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))),-1) if (degree(l) < 3) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else if (Nint==3) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree(l) = ishft( popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,1,i), key2(3,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,2,i), key2(3,2))),-1) if (degree(l) < 3) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree(l) = 0 !DEC$ LOOP COUNT MIN(4) do l=1,Nint degree(l) = degree(l)+ popcnt(xor( key1(l,1,i), key2(l,1))) +& popcnt(xor( key1(l,2,i), key2(l,2))) enddo degree(l) = ishft(degree(l),-1) if (degree(l) < 3) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo endif idx(0) = l-1 end double precision function diag_H_mat_elem(det_in,Nint) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes END_DOC integer,intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det_in(Nint,2) integer(bit_kind) :: hole(Nint,2) integer(bit_kind) :: particle(Nint,2) integer :: i, nexc(2), ispin integer :: occ_particle(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: occ_hole(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(Nint,2) integer :: na, nb ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(det_in(:,1))) == elec_alpha_num) ASSERT (sum(popcnt(det_in(:,2))) == elec_beta_num) nexc(1) = 0 nexc(2) = 0 do i=1,Nint hole(i,1) = xor(det_in(i,1),ref_bitmask(i,1)) hole(i,2) = xor(det_in(i,2),ref_bitmask(i,2)) particle(i,1) = iand(hole(i,1),det_in(i,1)) particle(i,2) = iand(hole(i,2),det_in(i,2)) hole(i,1) = iand(hole(i,1),ref_bitmask(i,1)) hole(i,2) = iand(hole(i,2),ref_bitmask(i,2)) nexc(1) += popcnt(hole(i,1)) nexc(2) += popcnt(hole(i,2)) enddo diag_H_mat_elem = ref_bitmask_energy if (nexc(1)+nexc(2) == 0) then return endif !call debug_det(det_in,Nint) integer :: tmp call bitstring_to_list(particle(1,1), occ_particle(1,1), tmp, Nint) ASSERT (tmp == nexc(1)) call bitstring_to_list(particle(1,2), occ_particle(1,2), tmp, Nint) ASSERT (tmp == nexc(2)) call bitstring_to_list(hole(1,1), occ_hole(1,1), tmp, Nint) ASSERT (tmp == nexc(1)) call bitstring_to_list(hole(1,2), occ_hole(1,2), tmp, Nint) ASSERT (tmp == nexc(2)) det_tmp = ref_bitmask do ispin=1,2 na = elec_num_tab(ispin) nb = elec_num_tab(iand(ispin,1)+1) do i=1,nexc(ispin) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call ac_operator( occ_particle(i,ispin), ispin, det_tmp, diag_H_mat_elem, Nint,na,nb) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call a_operator ( occ_hole (i,ispin), ispin, det_tmp, diag_H_mat_elem, Nint,na,nb) enddo enddo end subroutine a_operator(iorb,ispin,key,hjj,Nint,na,nb) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Needed for diag_H_mat_elem END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iorb, ispin, Nint integer, intent(inout) :: na, nb integer(bit_kind), intent(inout) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(inout) :: hjj integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: other_spin integer :: k,l,i ASSERT (iorb > 0) ASSERT (ispin > 0) ASSERT (ispin < 3) ASSERT (Nint > 0) k = ishft(iorb-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ASSERT (k > 0) l = iorb - ishft(k-1,bit_kind_shift)-1 key(k,ispin) = ibclr(key(k,ispin),l) other_spin = iand(ispin,1)+1 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call get_occ_from_key(key,occ,Nint) na -= 1 hjj -= mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) ! Same spin do i=1,na hjj -= mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti(occ(i,ispin),iorb) enddo ! Opposite spin do i=1,nb hjj -= mo_bielec_integral_jj(occ(i,other_spin),iorb) enddo end subroutine ac_operator(iorb,ispin,key,hjj,Nint,na,nb) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Needed for diag_H_mat_elem END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iorb, ispin, Nint integer, intent(inout) :: na, nb integer(bit_kind), intent(inout) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(inout) :: hjj integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: other_spin integer :: k,l,i ASSERT (iorb > 0) ASSERT (ispin > 0) ASSERT (ispin < 3) ASSERT (Nint > 0) integer :: tmp !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bitstring_to_list(key(1,1), occ(1,1), tmp, Nint) ASSERT (tmp == elec_alpha_num) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bitstring_to_list(key(1,2), occ(1,2), tmp, Nint) ASSERT (tmp == elec_beta_num) k = ishft(iorb-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ASSERT (k > 0) l = iorb - ishft(k-1,bit_kind_shift)-1 key(k,ispin) = ibset(key(k,ispin),l) other_spin = iand(ispin,1)+1 hjj += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) ! Same spin do i=1,na hjj += mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti(occ(i,ispin),iorb) enddo ! Opposite spin do i=1,nb hjj += mo_bielec_integral_jj(occ(i,other_spin),iorb) enddo na += 1 end subroutine get_occ_from_key(key,occ,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns a list of occupation numbers from a bitstring END_DOC integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint,2) integer , intent(in) :: Nint integer , intent(out) :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: tmp call bitstring_to_list(key(1,1), occ(1,1), tmp, Nint) call bitstring_to_list(key(1,2), occ(1,2), tmp, Nint) end subroutine H_u_0(v_0,u_0,H_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes v_0 = H|u_0> ! ! n : number of determinants ! ! H_jj : array of END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n,Nint double precision, intent(out) :: v_0(n) double precision, intent(in) :: u_0(n) double precision, intent(in) :: H_jj(n) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: keys_tmp(Nint,2,n) integer, allocatable :: idx(:) double precision :: hij double precision, allocatable :: vt(:) integer :: i,j,k,l, jj integer :: i0, j0 ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ASSERT (n>0) PROVIDE ref_bitmask_energy integer, parameter :: block_size = 157 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,hij,j,k,idx,jj,vt) & !$OMP SHARED(n,H_jj,u_0,keys_tmp,Nint,v_0) allocate(idx(0:n), vt(n)) Vt = 0.d0 v_0 = 0.d0 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,n idx(0) = i call filter_connected_davidson(keys_tmp,keys_tmp(1,1,i),Nint,i-1,idx) do jj=1,idx(0) j = idx(jj) if ( (dabs(u_0(j)) > 1.d-7).or.((dabs(u_0(i)) > 1.d-7)) ) then call i_H_j(keys_tmp(1,1,j),keys_tmp(1,1,i),Nint,hij) vt (i) = vt (i) + hij*u_0(j) vt (j) = vt (j) + hij*u_0(i) endif enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP CRITICAL do i=1,n v_0(i) = v_0(i) + vt(i) enddo !$OMP END CRITICAL deallocate(idx,vt) !$OMP END PARALLEL do i=1,n v_0(i) += H_jj(i) * u_0(i) enddo end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_con_int ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of integers to represent the connections between determinants END_DOC N_con_int = 1 + ishft(N_det-1,-11) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, det_connections, (N_con_int,N_det) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Build connection proxy between determinants END_DOC integer :: i,j integer :: degree integer :: j_int, j_k, j_l integer, allocatable :: idx(:) integer :: thread_num integer :: omp_get_thread_num PROVIDE progress_bar call start_progress(N_det,'Det connections',0.d0) select case(N_int) case(1) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(N_det, N_con_int, psi_det,N_int, det_connections, & !$OMP progress_bar,progress_value)& !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j_int,j_k,j_l,j,degree,idx,thread_num) !$ thread_num = omp_get_thread_num() allocate (idx(0:N_det)) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,N_det if (thread_num == 0) then progress_bar(1) = i progress_value = dble(i) endif do j_int=1,N_con_int det_connections(j_int,i) = 0_8 j_k = ishft(j_int-1,11) do j_l = j_k,min(j_k+2047,N_det), 32 do j = j_l+1,min(j_l+32,i) degree = popcnt(xor( psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(1,2,i),psi_det(1,2,j))) if (degree < 5) then det_connections(j_int,i) = ibset( det_connections(j_int,i), iand(63,ishft(j_l,-5)) ) exit endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP ENDDO deallocate(idx) !$OMP END PARALLEL case(2) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(N_det, N_con_int, psi_det,N_int, det_connections,& !$OMP progress_bar,progress_value)& !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j_int,j_k,j_l,j,degree,idx,thread_num) !$ thread_num = omp_get_thread_num() allocate (idx(0:N_det)) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,N_det if (thread_num == 0) then progress_bar(1) = i progress_value = dble(i) endif do j_int=1,N_con_int det_connections(j_int,i) = 0_8 j_k = ishft(j_int-1,11) do j_l = j_k,min(j_k+2047,N_det), 32 do j = j_l+1,min(j_l+32,i) degree = popcnt(xor( psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(1,2,i),psi_det(1,2,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(2,1,i),psi_det(2,1,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(2,2,i),psi_det(2,2,j))) if (degree < 5) then det_connections(j_int,i) = ibset( det_connections(j_int,i), iand(63,ishft(j_l,-5)) ) exit endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP ENDDO deallocate(idx) !$OMP END PARALLEL case(3) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(N_det, N_con_int, psi_det,N_int, det_connections,& !$OMP progress_bar,progress_value)& !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j_int,j_k,j_l,j,degree,idx,thread_num) !$ thread_num = omp_get_thread_num() allocate (idx(0:N_det)) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,N_det if (thread_num == 0) then progress_bar(1) = i progress_value = dble(i) endif do j_int=1,N_con_int det_connections(j_int,i) = 0_8 j_k = ishft(j_int-1,11) do j_l = j_k,min(j_k+2047,N_det), 32 do j = j_l+1,min(j_l+32,i) degree = popcnt(xor( psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(1,2,i),psi_det(1,2,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(2,1,i),psi_det(2,1,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(2,2,i),psi_det(2,2,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(3,1,i),psi_det(3,1,j))) + & popcnt(xor( psi_det(3,2,i),psi_det(3,2,j))) if (degree < 5) then det_connections(j_int,i) = ibset( det_connections(j_int,i), iand(63,ishft(j_l,-5)) ) exit endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP ENDDO deallocate(idx) !$OMP END PARALLEL case default !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(N_det, N_con_int, psi_det,N_int, det_connections,& !$OMP progress_bar,progress_value)& !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j_int,j_k,j_l,j,degree,idx,thread_num) !$ thread_num = omp_get_thread_num() allocate (idx(0:N_det)) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,N_det if (thread_num == 0) then progress_bar(1) = i progress_value = dble(i) endif do j_int=1,N_con_int det_connections(j_int,i) = 0_8 j_k = ishft(j_int-1,11) do j_l = j_k,min(j_k+2047,N_det), 32 do j = j_l+1,min(j_l+32,i) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),degree,N_int) if (degree < 3) then det_connections(j_int,i) = ibset( det_connections(j_int,i), iand(63,ishft(j_l,-5)) ) exit endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP ENDDO deallocate(idx) !$OMP END PARALLEL end select call stop_progress END_PROVIDER