#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """configure Usage: configure (--production | --development) Options: config_file A config file with all the information for the compilation Example config_files are given in config/ --production You can only compile all the modules with this flag, but the compilation will be lighting fast --development It will create a build.ninja for each directory who contains a binary, than you can compile then individualy if you want Example: ./configure config/gfortran.cfg --production """ import subprocess import os import sys from os.path import join if not any(i in ["--production", "--development"] for i in sys.argv): print __doc__ sys.exit() if len(sys.argv) != 3: print __doc__ sys.exit() # __ _ # /__ | _ |_ _. | o ._ _|_ _ # \_| |_ (_) |_) (_| | | | | | (_) # QP_ROOT = os.getcwd() QP_ROOT_BIN = join(QP_ROOT, "bin") QP_ROOT_INSTALL = join(QP_ROOT, "install") d_dependency = { "ocaml": ["m4", "curl", "zlib", "patch", "gcc"], "m4": ["make"], "curl": ["make"], "zlib": ["gcc", "make"], "patch": ["make"], "ezfio": ["irpf90"], "irpf90": ["python"], "docopt": ["python"], "resultsFile": ["python"], "emsl": ["python"], "gcc": [], "python": [], "ninja": ["gcc", "python"], "make": [] } from collections import namedtuple Info = namedtuple("Info", ["url", "description", "default_path"]) path_github = {"head": "http://github.com/", "tail": "archive/master.tar.gz"} ocaml = Info( url='http://raw.github.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/opam_installer.sh', description=' ocaml (it will take some time roughly 20min)', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_BIN, "opam")) m4 = Info( url="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/m4/m4-latest.tar.gz", description=" m4", default_path=join(QP_ROOT_BIN, "m4")) curl = Info( url="http://qmcchem.ups-tlse.fr/files/scemama/curl-7.30.0.ermine.tar.bz2", description=" curl", default_path=join(QP_ROOT_BIN, "curl")) zlib = Info( url='http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz', description=' zlib', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_INSTALL, "zlib")) path = Info( url='ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/patch/patch-2.7.5.tar.gz', description=' path', default_path=join(QP_ROOT, "lib", "libz.a")) irpf90 = Info( url='{head}/LCPQ/irpf90/{tail}'.format(**path_github), description=' irpf90', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_BIN, "irpf90")) docopt = Info( url='{head}/docopt/docopt/{tail}'.format(**path_github), description=' docop', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_INSTALL, "docopt")) resultsFile = Info( url='{head}/LCPQ/resultsFile/{tail}'.format(**path_github), description=' resultsFile', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_INSTALL, "resultsFile")) ninja = Info( url='{head}/martine/ninja/{tail}'.format(**path_github), description=' nina', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_BIN, "ninja")) emsl = Info( url='{head}/LCPQ/EMSL_Basis_Set_Exchange_Local/{tail}'.format(** path_github), description=' emsl', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_INSTALL, "emsl")) ezfio = Info( url='{head}/LCPQ/EZFIO/{tail}'.format(**path_github), description=' EZFIO', default_path=join(QP_ROOT_INSTALL, "EZFIO")) d_info = dict() for m in ["ocaml", "m4", "curl", "zlib", "path", "irpf90", "docopt", "resultsFile", "ninja", "emsl", "ezfio"]: exec ("d_info['{0}']={0}".format(m)) def find_path(bin_, l_installed): """Use the global variable * l_installed * d_info """ try: locate = l_installed[bin_] except KeyError: locate = d_info[bin_].default_path return locate # _ # |_ ._ _ _|_ o _ ._ # | |_| | | (_ |_ | (_) | | # def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): """Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string. Backported from Python 2.7 as it's implemented as pure python on stdlib. >>> check_output(['/usr/bin/python', '--version']) Python 2.6.2 """ process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) output, unused_err = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) error.output = output raise error return output def checking(d_dependency): """ For each key in d_dependency check if it it avalabie or not """ def check_python(): req_version = (2, 6) cur_version = sys.version_info # Check python if cur_version >= req_version: return 1 else: print "To old version (need >2.5). Abort" sys.exit(1) def check_availabiliy(binary): """ If avalabie return the path who can can't find the binary else return 0 """ if binary == "python": check_python() try: return check_output(["which", binary]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: default_path = d_info[binary].default_path if os.path.exists(default_path): return default_path else: return 0 def get_list_descendant(d_dependency, l_installed, l_needed): """ Descendant – a node reachable by repeated proceeding from parent to child. """ d_need_genealogy = dict() for need in l_needed: d_need_genealogy[need] = None for childen in d_dependency[need]: if childen not in l_installed: d_need_genealogy[childen] = None return d_need_genealogy.keys() return d_need_genealogy.keys() print """ _ |_) _ o _ | \ (/_ \/ | (/_ \/\/ """ print "Checking what you need to install and what is it avalaible" print "" l_installed = dict() l_needed = [] # Check all the other length = max(map(len, d_dependency)) for i in d_dependency.keys(): print "Checking {0:>{1}}...".format(i, length), r = check_availabiliy(i) if r: print "[ OK ] ( {0} )".format(r.strip()) l_installed[i] = r.strip() else: print "[ FAIL ]" l_needed.append(i) print "" # Expend the need_stuff for all the genealogy l_install_descendant = get_list_descendant(d_dependency, l_installed, l_needed) return l_installed, l_install_descendant def installation(l_install_descendant): """ Installing all the list 0 install ninja 1 create ninja 2 run ninja """ def create_rule_ninja(): l_rules = [ "rule download", " command = wget ${url} -O ${out} -o /dev/null", " description = Downloading ${descr}", "" ] l_rules += [ "rule install", " command = ./scripts/install_${target}.sh > _build/${target}.log 2>&1", " description = Installing ${descr}", "" ] l_rules += [ "rule install_verbose", " command = ./scripts/install_${target}.sh | tee _build/${target}.log 2>&1", " description = Installing ${descr}", " pool = console", "" ] return l_rules def splitext(path): for ext in ['.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2']: if path.endswith(ext): return path[:-len(ext)], path[-len(ext):] return os.path.splitext(path) print """ ___ | ._ _ _|_ _. | | _. _|_ o _ ._ _|_ | | _> |_ (_| | | (_| |_ | (_) | | """ d_print = { "install_ninja": "Install ninja...", "build": "Creating build.ninja...", "install": "Installing the dependancy through ninja..." } length = max(map(len, d_print.values())) def str_info(key): return "{0:<{1}}".format(d_print[key], length) if "ninja" in l_install_descendant: print str_info("install_ninja"), url = d_info["ninja"].url extension = splitext(url)[1] path_archive = "Downloads/{0}{1}".format("ninja", extension) l_cmd = ["cd install &&", "wget {0} -O {1} -o /dev/null &&".format(url, path_archive), "./scripts/install_ninja.sh 2> /dev/null &&", "cd -"] try: check_output(" ".join(l_cmd), shell=True) except: raise else: print "[ OK ]" l_install_descendant.remove("ninja") print str_info("build"), l_string = create_rule_ninja() l_build = [] for need in l_install_descendant: url = d_info[need].url extension = splitext(url)[1] archive_path = "Downloads/{0}{1}".format(need, extension) descr = d_info[need].description default_path = d_info[need].default_path # Build to dowload l_build += ["build {0}: download".format(archive_path), " url = {0}".format(url), " descr = {0}".format(descr), ""] # Build to install l_dependancy = [d_info[i].default_path for i in d_dependency[need] if i in l_install_descendant] str_dependancy = " ".join(l_dependancy) rule = "install" if need != "ocaml" else "install_verbose" l_build += ["build {0}: {1} {2} {3}".format(default_path, rule, archive_path, str_dependancy), " target = {0}".format(need), " descr = {0}".format(descr), ""] l_string += l_build path = join(QP_ROOT_INSTALL, "build.ninja") with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write("\n".join(l_string)) print " [ OK ] ({0})".format(path) print str_info("install"), print " [ Running ]" try: path_ninja = find_path("ninja", l_installed) subprocess.check_call("cd install ;{0}".format(path_ninja), shell=True) except: raise else: print r""" _________ < Success > --------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || """ def create_ninja_and_rc(l_installed): print """ _ |_ o ._ _. | o _ _ | | | | (_| | | /_ (/_ """ d_print = { "qp_root": "Creating quantum_package.rc...", "build": "Creating build.ninja..." } length = max(map(len, d_print.values())) def str_info(key): return "{0:<{1}}".format(d_print[key], length) print str_info("qp_root"), python_path = [join(QP_ROOT, "scripts"), join(QP_ROOT, "install")] l_python = [join(QP_ROOT, "scripts")] for dir_ in python_path: for folder in os.listdir(dir_): path = join(dir_, folder) if os.path.isdir(path): l_python.append(path) l_rc = [ 'export QP_ROOT={0}'.format(QP_ROOT), 'export QP_EZFIO={0}'.format(find_path('ezfio', l_installed)), 'export IRPF90={0}'.format(find_path("irpf90", l_installed)), 'export NINJA={0}'.format(find_path("ninja", l_installed)), 'export QP_PYTHON={0}'.format(":".join(l_python)), "", 'export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}":"${QP_PYTHON}"', 'export PATH="${PATH}":"${QP_PYTHON}":"${QP_ROOT}"/bin:"${QP_ROOT}"/ocaml', 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${QP_ROOT}"/lib:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"', 'export LIBRARY_PATH="${QP_ROOT}"/lib:"${LIBRARY_PATH}"', "" 'source ${HOME}/.opam/opam-init/init.sh > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || true', "" ] path = join(QP_ROOT, "quantum_package.rc") with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write("\n".join(l_rc)) print "[ OK ] ({0})".format(path) print str_info("build"), command = ['bash', '-c', 'source {0} && env'.format(path)] proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.stdout: (key, _, value) = line.partition("=") os.environ[key] = value.strip() qp_create_ninja = os.path.join(QP_ROOT, "scripts", "compilation", "qp_create_ninja.py") l = [qp_create_ninja, "create"] + sys.argv[1:] try: subprocess.check_call(" ".join(l), shell=True) except: raise else: print "[ OK ]" def recommendation(): print "Last Step:" path = join(QP_ROOT, "quantum_package.rc") print "Now :" print " source {0}".format(path) print " ninja" print " cd ocaml; make " print "" print "PS : For more info on compiling the code, read the COMPILE_RUN.md file." if __name__ == '__main__': l_installed, l_install_descendant = checking(d_dependency) if l_install_descendant: print "You will need to install:" for i in l_install_descendant: print "* {0}".format(i) installation(l_install_descendant) else: print "Perfect, nothing to install" create_ninja_and_rc(l_installed) recommendation()