#!/usr/bin/env python2 import numpy,re,sys def pyscf2QP(cell,mf, kpts=[], int_threshold = 1E-15): # The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that PBC=False ComputeMode= re.split('[. ]', str(mf)) print 'ComputeMode=',ComputeMode for n in ComputeMode: if n in ("UHF","KUHF","UKS"): sys.exit('Unrestricted calculation unsupported in Quantum Package') if n == "pbc": PBC=True if PBC and len(kpts) == 0: sys.exit("ERROR (read!): You need to specify explicit the list of K-point (including gamma)") print 'Performing PBC?:',PBC if PBC: from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo from pyscf.pbc import tools else: from pyscf import ao2mo natom = len(cell.atom_coords()) print 'n_atom', natom print 'num_elec', cell.nelectron print 'nucl_num', len(cell.atom_coords()) print '' mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff # List of mo_coeff for each k-point if not PBC: nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1] else: nmo = mo_coeff[0].shape[1] # Wrote all the parameter need to creat a dummy EZFIO folder who will containt the integral after. # More an implentation detail than a real thing with open('param','w') as f: f.write(' '.join(map(str,(cell.nelectron, nmo, natom)))) # _ # |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._ # | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | | # | print 'mf, cell', mf.energy_nuc(), cell.energy_nuc() shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, numpy.zeros(3))*cell.nelectron * -.5 if PBC else 0 e_nuc = cell.energy_nuc() + shift print 'nucl_repul', e_nuc with open('e_nuc','w') as f: f.write(str(e_nuc)) from itertools import product # ___ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _ # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_) # _| if PBC: h_ao = ('kinetic', mf.get_hcore(kpts=kpts) ) # Give only one k point ? dummy_ao = ('nuclear', numpy.zeros( (len(kpts),nmo,nmo), dtype=numpy.float )) else: h_ao = ('kinetic', mf.get_hcore() ) dummy_ao = ('nuclear', numpy.zeros( (nmo,nmo), dtype=numpy.float )) def gen_mono_MO(mo_coeff,l_int,shift=0): # 2Id transfortion Transformation. For now we handle only one or zero K point. print 'l_int.shape=',l_int.shape l_int_mo = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, l_int, mo_coeff)) #This formula is only right for one kpt. print 'l_int_mo=',l_int_mo for i,j in product(range(nmo), repeat=2): int_ = l_int_mo[i,j] yield (i+1+shift,j+1+shift, int_) # Print for name, ao in (h_ao,dummy_ao): with open('%s_mo' % name,'w') as f: print '%s_mo' % name if not PBC: for mono in gen_mono_MO(mo_coeff,ao): f.write('%s %s %s\n'% mono) else: for i,(m,a) in enumerate(zip(mo_coeff,ao)): for mono in gen_mono_MO(m,a,i): f.write('%s %s %s\n'% mono) # ___ _ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) | # _| # def ao2mo_amazing(mo_coeff): if PBC: eri_4d= mf.with_df.ao2mo(mo_coeff,compact=False) else: eri_4d= ao2mo.kernel(cell,mo_coeff,compact=False) return eri_4d.reshape((nmo,)*4) def write_amazing(eri_4d, shift=0): # HANDLE 8 FOLD by Scemama way. Maybe we can use compact=True for l in range(nmo): for k in range(nmo): for j in range(l,nmo): for i in range(max(j,k),nmo): v = eri_4d[i,k,j,l] if abs(v) > int_threshold: f.write('%s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1+shift,j+1+shift,k+1+shift,l+1+shift,v)) if PBC: eri_4d= mf.with_df.ao2mo(mo_coeff[0],compact=False) else: #Molecular eri_4d= ao2mo.kernel(cell,mo_coeff,compact=False) eri_4d = eri_4d.reshape((nmo,)*4) f = open('bielec_mo','w') for i,mc in enumerate(mo_coeff): eri = ao2mo_amazing(mc) write_amazing(eri, nmo*i)