program fci_zmq implicit none integer :: i,k double precision, allocatable :: pt2(:), norm_pert(:), H_pert_diag(:) integer :: N_st, degree N_st = N_states allocate (pt2(N_st), norm_pert(N_st),H_pert_diag(N_st)) character*(64) :: perturbation pt2 = 1.d0 diag_algorithm = "Lapack" if (N_det > N_det_max) then call diagonalize_CI call save_wavefunction psi_det = psi_det_sorted psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted N_det = N_det_max soft_touch N_det psi_det psi_coef call diagonalize_CI call save_wavefunction print *, 'N_det = ', N_det print *, 'N_states = ', N_states print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2 print *, 'E = ', CI_energy print *, 'E+PT2 = ', CI_energy+pt2 print *, '-----' endif double precision :: i_H_psi_array(N_states),diag_H_mat_elem,h,i_O1_psi_array(N_states) double precision :: E_CI_before(N_states) provide selection_criterion if(read_wf)then call i_H_psi(psi_det(1,1,N_det),psi_det,psi_coef,N_int,N_det,psi_det_size,N_states,i_H_psi_array) h = diag_H_mat_elem(psi_det(1,1,N_det),N_int) selection_criterion = dabs(psi_coef(N_det,1) * (i_H_psi_array(1) - h * psi_coef(N_det,1))) * 0.1d0 soft_touch selection_criterion endif integer :: n_det_before print*,'Beginning the selection ...' E_CI_before = CI_energy do while (N_det < N_det_max.and.maxval(abs(pt2(1:N_st))) > pt2_max) !selection_criterion = 1d-7 print *, selection_criterion, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++", N_det n_det_before = N_det ! call H_apply_FCI(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st) call ZMQ_selection() PROVIDE psi_coef PROVIDE psi_det PROVIDE psi_det_sorted if (N_det > N_det_max) then psi_det = psi_det_sorted psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted N_det = N_det_max soft_touch N_det psi_det psi_coef endif call diagonalize_CI call save_wavefunction if(n_det_before == N_det)then selection_criterion = selection_criterion * 0.1d0 endif print *, 'N_det = ', N_det print *, 'N_states = ', N_states do k = 1, N_states print*,'State ',k print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2(k) print *, 'E = ', CI_energy(k) print *, 'E(before)+PT2 = ', E_CI_before(k)+pt2(k) enddo print *, '-----' E_CI_before = CI_energy if( print*,'Variational Energy difference' do i = 2, N_states print*,'Delta E = ',CI_energy(i) - CI_energy(1) enddo endif if( print*,'Variational + perturbative Energy difference' do i = 2, N_states print*,'Delta E = ',E_CI_before(i)+ pt2(i) - (E_CI_before(1) + pt2(1)) enddo endif E_CI_before = CI_energy call ezfio_set_full_ci_energy(CI_energy) enddo N_det = min(N_det_max,N_det) touch N_det psi_det psi_coef call diagonalize_CI ! if(do_pt2_end)then ! print*,'Last iteration only to compute the PT2' ! threshold_selectors = 1.d0 ! threshold_generators = 0.999d0 ! call H_apply_FCI_PT2(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st) ! ! print *, 'Final step' ! print *, 'N_det = ', N_det ! print *, 'N_states = ', N_states ! print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2 ! print *, 'E = ', CI_energy ! print *, 'E+PT2 = ', CI_energy+pt2 ! print *, '-----' ! call ezfio_set_full_ci_energy_pt2(CI_energy+pt2) ! endif call save_wavefunction end subroutine ZMQ_selection() use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Massively parallel Full-CI END_DOC integer :: i,ithread integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_push integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_push_socket zmq_context = f77_zmq_ctx_new () PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated PROVIDE ci_electronic_energy PROVIDE nproc !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i,ithread,zmq_socket_push) num_threads(nproc+1) ithread = omp_get_thread_num() if (ithread == 0) then call receive_selected_determinants() else zmq_socket_push = new_zmq_push_socket(1) do i=ithread,N_det_generators,nproc print *, i, "/", N_det_generators call select_connected(i, max(100, N_det), ci_electronic_energy,zmq_socket_push) enddo if (ithread == 1) then integer :: rc rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_socket_push,0,1,0) if (rc /= 1) then stop 'Error sending termination signal' endif endif call end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push, 1) endif !$OMP END PARALLEL call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf() end ! program Full_CI_ZMQ ! use f77_zmq ! implicit none ! BEGIN_DOC ! ! Massively parallel Full-CI ! END_DOC ! ! integer :: i,ithread ! ! integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_push ! integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_push_socket ! zmq_context = f77_zmq_ctx_new () ! PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated ! ! do while (N_det < N_det_max) ! ! PROVIDE ci_electronic_energy ! PROVIDE nproc ! !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i,ithread,zmq_socket_push) num_threads(nproc+1) ! ithread = omp_get_thread_num() ! if (ithread == 0) then ! call receive_selected_determinants() ! else ! zmq_socket_push = new_zmq_push_socket(0) ! ! do i=ithread,N_det_generators,nproc ! print *, i , "/", N_det_generators ! call select_connected(i, 1.d-7, ci_electronic_energy,zmq_socket_push) ! enddo ! print *, "END .... " ! ! if (ithread == 1) then ! integer :: rc ! rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_socket_push,0,1,0) ! if (rc /= 1) then ! stop 'Error sending termination signal' ! endif ! endif ! call end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push, 0) ! endif ! !$OMP END PARALLEL ! call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf() ! call diagonalize_CI() ! call save_wavefunction() ! end do ! ! end