open Qputils;; open Qptypes;; open Core.Std;; let instructions filename = Printf.sprintf "# =============== # Quantum Package # =============== # # File : %s # # Lines starting with a '#' sign are commented. #" filename type keyword = | Ao_basis | Bielec_integrals ;; let keyword_to_string = function | Ao_basis -> "AO basis" | Bielec_integrals -> "Two electron integrals" ;; let make_header kw = let s = keyword_to_string kw in let l = String.length s in "\n\n# "^s^"\n"^"# "^(String.init l ~f:(fun _ -> '='))^"\n\n" ;; let get_bielec () = (make_header Bielec_integrals)^ (Input.Bielec_integrals.(to_string (read ()))) ;; let get_ao_basis () = (make_header Ao_basis)^ (Input.Ao_basis.(to_string (read ()))) ;; let run ezfio_filename = (* Open EZFIO *) if (not (Sys.file_exists_exn ezfio_filename)) then failwith (ezfio_filename^" does not exists"); Ezfio.set_file ezfio_filename; let output = [ (instructions ezfio_filename) ; (get_ao_basis ()) ; (get_bielec ()) ] in String.concat output |> print_string ;; let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty (* +> flag "i" (optional string) ~doc:"Prints input data" +> flag "o" (optional string) ~doc:"Prints output data" *) +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) ;; let command = Command.basic ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:(fun () -> " Edit input data ") spec (* (fun i o ezfio_file () -> *) (*fun ezfio_file () -> try run ezfio_file with | _ msg -> print_string ("\n\nError\n\n"^msg^"\n\n") *) (fun ezfio_file () -> run ezfio_file) ;; let () = command ;;