#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Create the pseudo potential for a given atom Usage: put_pseudo_in_ezfio.py Help: atom is the Abreviation of the atom """ import os import sys from docopt import docopt from subprocess import Popen, PIPE qpackage_root = os.environ['QPACKAGE_ROOT'] EZFIO = "{0}/EZFIO".format(qpackage_root) sys.path = [EZFIO + "/Python"] + sys.path from ezfio import ezfio import re p = re.compile(ur'\|(\d+)><\d+\|') def get_pseudo_str(l_atom): """ Run EMSL_local for geting the str of the speudo potential str_ele : Element Symbol: Na Number of replaced protons: 10 Number of projectors: 2 Pseudopotential data: Local component: Coeff. r^n Exp. 1.00000000 -1 5.35838717 5.35838717 1 3.67918975 -2.07764789 0 1.60507673 Non-local component: Coeff. r^n Exp. Proj. 10.69640234 0 1.32389367 |0><0| 10.11238853 0 1.14052020 |1><1| """ EMSL_root = "{0}/EMSL_Basis/".format(qpackage_root) EMSL_path = "{0}/EMSL_api.py".format(EMSL_root) db_path = "{0}/db/Pseudo.db".format(EMSL_root) str_ = "" for a in l_atom: l_cmd_atom = ["--atom", a] l_cmd_head = [EMSL_path, "get_basis_data", "--db_path", db_path, "--basis", "BFD-Pseudo"] process = Popen(l_cmd_head + l_cmd_atom, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, _ = process.communicate() str_ += stdout.strip() + "\n" return str_ def get_v_n_dz_local(str_ele): """ From a str_ele of the pseudo (aka only one ele in the str) get the list ussefull for the Local potential : v_k n_k and dz_k """ l_v_k = [] l_n_k = [] l_dz_k = [] for l in str_ele.splitlines(): try: v, n, dz = l.split() v = float(v) n = int(n) dz = float(dz) except ValueError: pass else: l_v_k.append(v) l_n_k.append(n) l_dz_k.append(dz) return l_v_k, l_n_k, l_dz_k def get_v_n_dz_l_nonlocal(str_ele): """ From a str_ele of the pseudo (aka only one ele in the str) get the list ussefull for the non Local potential v_kl (v, l) n_k (v, l) dz_k (dz ,l) """ l_v_kl = [] l_n_kl = [] l_dz_kl = [] for l in str_ele.splitlines(): try: v, n, dz, proj = l.split() v = float(v) n = int(n) dz = float(dz) l = int(p.match(proj).group(1)) except ValueError: pass else: l_v_kl.append([v]) l_n_kl.append([n]) l_dz_kl.append([dz]) if not l_v_kl: l_v_kl.append([0.]) l_n_kl.append([0]) l_dz_kl.append([0.]) return l_v_kl, l_n_kl, l_dz_kl def get_zeff_alpha_beta(str_ele): """ Return the the zeff, alpha num elec and beta num elec Assert ezfio_set_file alredy defined """ import re # ___ # | ._ o _|_ # _|_ | | | |_ # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # s t r _ e l e # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # m = re.search('Element Symbol: ([a-zA-Z]+)', str_ele) # name = m.group(1).capitalize() name = str_ele.split("\n")[0].strip().capitalize() m = re.search('Number of replaced protons: (\d+)', str_ele) z_remove = int(m.group(1)) # _ # |_) _. ._ _ _ # | (_| | _> (/_ # from elts_num_ele import name_to_elec z = name_to_elec[name] z_eff = z - z_remove alpha = (z_remove / 2) beta = (z_remove / 2) # _ # |_) _ _|_ ._ ._ # | \ (/_ |_ |_| | | | # return [z_eff, alpha, beta] def add_zero(array, size, type): for add in xrange(len(array), size): array.append([type(0)]) return array def make_it_square(matrix, dim, type=float): """ matix the matrix to square dim array [lmax, kmax] type the null value you want [[[28.59107316], [19.37583724]], [[50.25646328]]] => [[[28.59107316], [19.37583724]], [[50.25646328], [0.0]]] """ lmax = dim[0] kmax = dim[1] for l_list in matrix: l_list = add_zero(l_list, lmax, type) for k_list in list_: k_list = add_zero(k_list, kmax, type) return matrix if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = docopt(__doc__) # ___ # | ._ o _|_ # _|_ | | | |_ # # ~#~#~#~#~ # # E Z F I O # # ~#~#~#~#~ # ezfio_path = arguments[""] ezfio_path = os.path.expanduser(ezfio_path) ezfio_path = os.path.expandvars(ezfio_path) ezfio_path = os.path.abspath(ezfio_path) ezfio.set_file("{0}".format(ezfio_path)) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # P s e u d o _ d a t a # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_ele = ezfio.get_nuclei_nucl_label() str_ = get_pseudo_str(l_ele) # _ # |_) _. ._ _ _ # | (_| | _> (/_ # l_str_ele = [str_ele for str_ele in str_.split("Element Symbol: ") if str_ele] for i in "l_zeff v_k n_k dz_k v_kl n_kl dz_kl".split(): exec("{0} = []".format(i)) alpha_tot = 0 beta_tot = 0 for str_ele in l_str_ele: # ~#~#~#~#~ # # S p l i t # # ~#~#~#~#~ # l = str_ele.find("Local component:") nl = str_ele.find("Non-local component") # ~#~#~#~#~ # # L o c a l # # ~#~#~#~#~ # l_v, l_n, l_dz = get_v_n_dz_local(str_ele[l:nl]) v_k.append(l_v) n_k.append(l_n) dz_k.append(l_dz) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # N o n _ L o c a l # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_v_kl, l_n_kl, l_dz_kl = get_v_n_dz_l_nonlocal(str_ele[nl:]) v_kl.append(l_v_kl) n_kl.append(l_n_kl) dz_kl.append(l_dz_kl) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # Z _ e f f , a l p h a / b e t a _ e l e c # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # zeff, alpha, beta = get_zeff_alpha_beta(str_ele) alpha_tot += alpha beta_tot += beta l_zeff.append(zeff) # _ # /\ _| _| _|_ _ _ _ _|_ o _ # /--\ (_| (_| |_ (_) (/_ /_ | | (_) # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # Z _ e f f , a l p h a / b e t a _ e l e c # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # ezfio.nuclei_nucl_charge = l_zeff alpha_tot = ezfio.get_electrons_elec_alpha_num() - alpha_tot beta_tot = ezfio.get_electrons_elec_beta_num() - beta_tot ezfio.electrons_elec_alpha_num = alpha_tot ezfio.electrons_elec_beta_num = beta_tot # Change all the array 'cause EZFIO # v_kl (v, l) => v_kl(l,v) # v_kl => zip(*_v_kl) # [[7.0, 79.74474797, -49.45159098], [1.0, 5.41040609, -4.60151975]] # [(7.0, 1.0), (79.74474797, 5.41040609), (-49.45159098, -4.60151975)] # ~#~#~#~#~ # # L o c a l # # ~#~#~#~#~ # klocmax = max([len(i) for i in v_k]) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_klocmax = klocmax ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_v_k = zip(*v_k) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_n_k = zip(*n_k) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_dz_k = zip(*dz_k) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # N o n _ L o c a l # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # lmax = max([len(i) for i in v_kl]) kmax = max([len(sublist) for list_ in v_kl for sublist in list_]) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_lmax = lmax - 1 ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_kmax = kmax v_kl = make_it_square(v_kl, [lmax, kmax]) n_kl = make_it_square(n_kl, [lmax, kmax], int) dz_kl = make_it_square(dz_kl, [lmax, kmax]) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_v_kl = zip(*v_kl) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_n_kl = zip(*n_kl) ezfio.pseudo_pseudo_dz_kl = zip(*dz_kl) ezfio.pseudo_do_pseudo = True