use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_states ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of states to consider END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_states(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_states(N_states) else N_states = 1 call ezfio_set_determinants_n_states(N_states) endif ASSERT (N_states > 0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of determinants in the wave function END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_det(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_det(N_det) else N_det = 1 call ezfio_set_determinants_n_det(N_det) endif ASSERT (N_det > 0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_det_size ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Size of the psi_det/psi_coef arrays END_DOC psi_det_size = 1000*N_states END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! The wave function. Initialized with Hartree-Fock if the EZFIO file ! is empty END_DOC integer, save :: ifirst = 0 if (ifirst == 0) then ifirst = 1 psi_det = 0_bit_kind psi_coef = 0.d0 integer :: i do i=1,N_int psi_det(i,1,1) = HF_bitmask(i,1) psi_det(i,2,1) = HF_bitmask(i,2) enddo do i=1,N_states psi_coef(i,i) = 1.d0 enddo endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_reference ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of determinants in the reference wave function END_DOC N_det_reference = N_det ASSERT (N_det_reference > 0) END_PROVIDER