==================== DensityMatrix Module ==================== Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. `iunit_two_body_dm_aa `_ Temporary files for 2-body dm calculation `iunit_two_body_dm_ab `_ Temporary files for 2-body dm calculation `iunit_two_body_dm_bb `_ Temporary files for 2-body dm calculation `one_body_dm_a `_ Alpha and beta one-body density matrix `one_body_dm_b `_ Alpha and beta one-body density matrix `two_body_dm_diag_aa `_ diagonal part of the two body density matrix `two_body_dm_diag_ab `_ diagonal part of the two body density matrix `two_body_dm_diag_bb `_ diagonal part of the two body density matrix `det_coef_provider `_ Undocumented `det_num `_ Undocumented `det_provider `_ Undocumented Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. * `AOs `_ * `BiInts `_ * `Bitmask `_ * `Dets `_ * `Electrons `_ * `Ezfio_files `_ * `Hartree_Fock `_ * `MonoInts `_ * `MOs `_ * `Nuclei `_ * `Output `_ * `Utils `_