CISD ==== This is a test directory which builds a CISD by setting the follwoing rules: * The only generator determinant is the Hartee-Fock (single-reference method) * All generated determinants are included in the wave function (no perturbative selection) These rules are set in the ``H_apply.irp.f`` file. Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. * `AOs `_ * `BiInts `_ * `Bitmask `_ * `Dets `_ * `Electrons `_ * `Ezfio_files `_ * `Hartree_Fock `_ * `MonoInts `_ * `MOs `_ * `Nuclei `_ * `Output `_ * `SingleRefMethod `_ * `Utils `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. `cisd_sc2 `_ CISD+SC2 method :: take off all the disconnected terms of a CISD (selected or not) .br dets_in : bitmasks corresponding to determinants .br u_in : guess coefficients on the various states. Overwritten on exit .br dim_in : leftmost dimension of u_in .br sze : Number of determinants .br N_st : Number of eigenstates .br Initial guess vectors are not necessarily orthonormal `repeat_excitation `_ Undocumented `cisd `_ Undocumented