use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_int ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of 64-bit integers needed to represent determinants as binary strings END_DOC N_int = (mo_tot_num-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), full_ijkl_bitmask, (N_int,4) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Bitmask to include all possible MOs END_DOC integer :: i,j,n n = mod(mo_tot_num-1,bit_kind_size)+1 full_ijkl_bitmask = 0_bit_kind do j=1,4 do i=1,N_int-1 full_ijkl_bitmask(i,j) = not(0_bit_kind) enddo do i=1,n full_ijkl_bitmask(N_int,j) = ibset(full_ijkl_bitmask(N_int,j),i-1) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), HF_bitmask, (N_int,2)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Hartree Fock bit mask END_DOC integer :: i,j,n integer :: occ(elec_alpha_num) HF_bitmask = 0_bit_kind do i=1,elec_alpha_num occ(i) = i enddo call list_to_bitstring( HF_bitmask(1,1), occ, elec_alpha_num, N_int) ! elec_alpha_num <= elec_beta_num, so occ is already OK. call list_to_bitstring( HF_bitmask(1,2), occ, elec_beta_num, N_int) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), ref_bitmask, (N_int,2)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Reference bit mask, used in Slater rules, chosen as Hartree-Fock bitmask END_DOC ref_bitmask = HF_bitmask END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_generators_bitmask ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of bitmasks for generators END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_bitmasks_N_mask_gen(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_bitmasks_N_mask_gen(N_generators_bitmask) integer :: N_int_check integer :: bit_kind_check call ezfio_get_bitmasks_bit_kind(bit_kind_check) if (bit_kind_check /= bit_kind) then print *, bit_kind_check, bit_kind print *, 'Error: bit_kind is not correct in EZFIO file' endif call ezfio_get_bitmasks_N_int(N_int_check) if (N_int_check /= N_int) then print *, N_int_check, N_int print *, 'Error: N_int is not correct in EZFIO file' endif else N_generators_bitmask = 1 call ezfio_set_bitmasks_N_int(N_int) call ezfio_set_bitmasks_bit_kind(bit_kind) call ezfio_set_bitmasks_N_mask_gen(N_generators_bitmask) endif ASSERT (N_generators_bitmask > 0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), generators_bitmask, (N_int,2,6,N_generators_bitmask) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Bitmasks for generator determinants. (N_int, alpha/beta, hole/particle, generator). ! 3rd index is : ! * 1 : hole for single exc ! * 1 : particle for single exc ! * 3 : hole for 1st exc of double ! * 4 : particle for 1st exc of double ! * 5 : hole for 2dn exc of double ! * 6 : particle for 2dn exc of double END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_bitmasks_generators(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_bitmasks_generators(generators_bitmask) else generators_bitmask(:,:,s_hole ,1) = HF_bitmask generators_bitmask(:,:,s_part ,1) = iand(not(HF_bitmask(:,:)),full_ijkl_bitmask(:,:)) generators_bitmask(:,:,d_hole1,1) = HF_bitmask generators_bitmask(:,:,d_part1,1) = iand(not(HF_bitmask(:,:)),full_ijkl_bitmask(:,:)) generators_bitmask(:,:,d_hole2,1) = HF_bitmask generators_bitmask(:,:,d_part2,1) = iand(not(HF_bitmask(:,:)),full_ijkl_bitmask(:,:)) call ezfio_set_bitmasks_generators(generators_bitmask) endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_reference_bitmask ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of bitmasks for reference END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_bitmasks_N_mask_ref(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_bitmasks_N_mask_ref(N_reference_bitmask) integer :: N_int_check integer :: bit_kind_check call ezfio_get_bitmasks_bit_kind(bit_kind_check) if (bit_kind_check /= bit_kind) then print *, bit_kind_check, bit_kind print *, 'Error: bit_kind is not correct in EZFIO file' endif call ezfio_get_bitmasks_N_int(N_int_check) if (N_int_check /= N_int) then print *, N_int_check, N_int print *, 'Error: N_int is not correct in EZFIO file' endif else N_reference_bitmask = 1 call ezfio_set_bitmasks_N_int(N_int) call ezfio_set_bitmasks_bit_kind(bit_kind) call ezfio_set_bitmasks_N_mask_ref(N_reference_bitmask) endif ASSERT (N_reference_bitmask > 0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), reference_bitmask, (N_int,2,2,N_reference_bitmask) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Bitmasks for reference determinants. (N_int, alpha/beta, hole/particle, reference) END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_bitmasks_reference(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_bitmasks_reference(reference_bitmask) else reference_bitmask(:,:,s_hole ,1) = HF_bitmask reference_bitmask(:,:,s_part ,1) = iand(not(HF_bitmask(:,:)),full_ijkl_bitmask(:,:)) reference_bitmask(:,:,d_hole1,1) = HF_bitmask reference_bitmask(:,:,d_part1,1) = iand(not(HF_bitmask(:,:)),full_ijkl_bitmask(:,:)) reference_bitmask(:,:,d_hole2,1) = HF_bitmask reference_bitmask(:,:,d_part2,1) = iand(not(HF_bitmask(:,:)),full_ijkl_bitmask(:,:)) call ezfio_set_bitmasks_reference(reference_bitmask) endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, i_bitmask_gen ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Current bitmask for the generators END_DOC i_bitmask_gen = 1 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, i_bitmask_ref ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Current bitmask for the reference END_DOC i_bitmask_ref = 1 END_PROVIDER