#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Create the NEEDED_MODULE aka the genealogy (children module, subchildren module and so on), of a NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES file Usage: module_handler.py print_descendant [] module_handler.py create_png [] Options: print_descendant Print the genealogy of the NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES aka (children, subchildren, etc) create_png Create a png of the file NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES The path of NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES by default try to open the file in the current path """ import os import sys import os.path try: from docopt import docopt from decorator import classproperty except ImportError: print "source .quantum_package.rc" raise # Canot cache for namedtuple are not hashable def get_dict_child(): """Loop over MODULE in QP_ROOT/src, open all the NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES and create a dict[MODULE] = [sub module needed, ...] """ d_ref = dict() qp_root = os.environ['QP_ROOT'] dir_ = os.path.join(qp_root, 'src') for o in os.listdir(dir_): try: path_file = os.path.join(dir_, o, "NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES") with open(path_file, "r") as f: l_children = f.read().split() except IOError: pass else: d_ref[o] = l_children return d_ref def l_module_generalogy_rec(d_child, l_module): """ From a list of module return the module and descendant """ l = [] for module in l_module: if module not in l: l.append(module) try: l.extend(l_module_generalogy_rec(d_child, d_child[module])) except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, "`{0}` not submodule".format(module) print >> sys.stderr, "Check the corresponding NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES" sys.exit(1) return list(set(l)) class ModuleHandler: dict_child = get_dict_child() @classproperty def l_module(self): return self.dict_child.keys() @classproperty def dict_parent(self): """ Get a dic of the first parent """ d_child = self.dict_child d = {} for module_name in d_child: d[module_name] = [i for i in d_child.keys() if module_name in d_child[i]] return d @classproperty def dict_descendant(self): """ Get a dic of all the genealogy desc (children and all_children) """ d = {} d_child = self.dict_child for module_name in d_child: d[module_name] = l_module_generalogy_rec(d_child, d_child[module_name]) return d @classproperty def dict_root(self): """ Return a dict(module_name) = module_boss The top node in a tree. """ d_asc = self.dict_parent d_desc = self.dict_descendant l_all_module = self.l_module dict_root = {} for module in l_all_module: dict_root[module] = [ p for p in l_all_module if module in [p] + d_desc[p] and not d_asc[p]][0] return dict_root @classmethod def l_descendant_unique(cls, l_module): d_desc = cls.dict_descendant d = {} for module in l_module: for e in d_desc[module]: d[e] = 1 return d.keys() @classmethod def l_reduce_tree(cls, l_module): """For a list of module in input return only the root""" l_d_u = cls.l_descendant_unique(l_module) l_module_reduce = [] for module in l_module: if module not in l_d_u: l_module_reduce.append(module) return l_module_reduce @classmethod def create_png(cls, l_module): """Create the png of the dependency tree for a l_module""" # Init import pydot all_ready_done = [] def draw_module_edge(module, l_children): "Draw all the module recursifly" if module not in all_ready_done: for children in l_children: # Add Edge edge = pydot.Edge(module, children) graph.add_edge(edge) # Recurs draw_module_edge(children, d_ref[children]) all_ready_done.append(module) # Init graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph') d_ref = cls.dict_child # Create all the edge for module in l_module: node_a = pydot.Node(module, fontcolor="red") graph.add_node(node_a) draw_module_edge(module, d_ref[module]) # Save path = '{0}.png'.format("tree_dependency") graph.write_png(path) if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = docopt(__doc__) if not arguments['']: dir_ = os.getcwd() else: path_file = os.path.abspath(arguments['']) path_file = os.path.expanduser(path_file) path_file = os.path.expandvars(path_file) dir_ = os.path.dirname(path_file) path_file = os.path.basename(dir_) if arguments['print_descendant']: print " ".join(sorted(ModuleHandler.l_module)) if arguments["create_png"]: ModuleHandler.create_png([path_file])