program loc_rasorb implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! This program performs a localization of the active orbitals ! of a CASSCF wavefunction, reading the orbitals from a RASORB ! file of molcas. ! id1=max is the number of MO in a given symmetry. END_DOC integer id1,i_atom,shift,shift_h parameter (id1=300) character*1 jobz,uplo character*64 file1,file2 character*72 string(id1,8),cdum double precision :: cmo(id1,id1,1),cmoref(id1,id1,1),newcmo(id1,id1,1) double precision ::s(id1,id1,1),dum,ddum(id1,id1),ovl(id1,id1) double precision :: w(id1),work(3*id1),t(id1,id1),wi(id1,id1) integer n,i,j,k,l,nmo(8),isym,nsym,idum,nrot(8),irot(id1,8) integer ipiv(id1),info,lwork logical *1 z54 print*,'passed the first copy' z54=.false. !Read the name of the RasOrb file print*,'Entering in the loc program' ! read(5,*) z54 print*,'before = ' accu_norm = 0.d0 do i =1,mo_tot_num accu_norm += dabs(mo_overlap(i,i)) enddo print*,'accu_norm = ',accu_norm nsym = 1 nmo(1) = mo_tot_num print*,'nmo(1) = ',nmo(1) cmo = 0.d0 do isym=1,nsym do i=1,nmo(isym) do j = 1, ao_num cmo(j,i,isym) = mo_coef(j,i) enddo enddo enddo print*,'passed the first copy' do isym=1,nsym do j=1,mo_tot_num do i=1,ao_num newcmo(i,j,isym)=cmo(i,j,isym) enddo enddo enddo print*,'passed the copy' nrot(1) = 2 ! number of orbitals to be localized integer :: index_rot(1000,1) cmoref = 0.d0 irot = 0 irot(1,1) = 5 irot(2,1) = 6 cmoref(6,1,1) = 1d0 cmoref(26,2,1) = 1d0 ! !!! H2O ! irot(1,1) = 4 ! irot(2,1) = 5 ! irot(3,1) = 6 ! irot(4,1) = 7 ! ! O pz ! cmoref(5,1,1) = 1.55362d0 ! cmoref(6,1,1) = 1.07578d0 ! cmoref(5,2,1) = 1.55362d0 ! cmoref(6,2,1) = -1.07578d0 ! ! O px - pz ! ! H1 ! cmoref(16,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! H1 ! cmoref(21,4,1) = 1.d0 ! ESATRIENE with 3 bonding and anti bonding orbitals ! First bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(7,1,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(26,1,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Second bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(45,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(64,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Third bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(83,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(102,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! First anti bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(7,4,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(26,4,1) = -1.d0 ! ! Second anti bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(45,5,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(64,5,1) = -1.d0 ! ! Third anti bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(83,6,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(102,6,1) = -1.d0 ! ! ESATRIENE with 2 bonding and anti bonding orbitals ! AND 2 radical orbitals ! First radical orbital ! cmoref(7,1,1) = 1.d0 ! ! First bonding orbital ! cmoref(26,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(45,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Second bonding orbital ! cmoref(64,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(83,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Second radical orbital for esa ! cmoref(102,4,1) = 1.d0 ! ! First anti bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(26,5,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(45,5,1) =-1.d0 ! ! Second anti bonding orbital for esa ! cmoref(64,6,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(83,6,1) =-1.d0 ! ! ESATRIENE with 1 central bonding and anti bonding orbitals ! AND 4 radical orbitals ! First radical orbital ! cmoref(7,1,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Second radical orbital ! cmoref(26,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! First bonding orbital ! cmoref(45,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(64,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Third radical orbital for esa ! cmoref(83,4,1) = 1.d0 ! ! Fourth radical orbital for esa ! cmoref(102,5,1) = 1.d0 ! ! First anti bonding orbital ! cmoref(45,6,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(64,6,1) =-1.d0 ! do i = 1, nrot(1) print*,'irot(i,1) = ',irot(i,1) enddo print*,'passed the definition of the referent vectors ' do i = 1, ao_num do j =1, ao_num s(i,j,1) = ao_overlap(i,j) enddo enddo !Now big loop over symmetry do isym=1,nsym if (nrot(isym).eq.0) cycle write (6,*) write (6,*) write (6,*) write (6,*) 'WORKING ON SYMMETRY',isym write (6,*) !Compute the overlap matrix ! do i=1,nmo(isym) do j=1,nrot(isym) do i=1,ao_num ddum(i,j)=0.d0 do k=1,ao_num ddum(i,j)=ddum(i,j)+s(i,k,isym)*cmo(k,irot(j,isym),isym) enddo enddo enddo do i=1,nrot(isym) do j=1,nrot(isym) ovl(i,j)=0.d0 do k=1,ao_num ! do k=1,mo_tot_num ovl(i,j)=ovl(i,j)+cmoref(k,i,isym)*ddum(k,j) enddo enddo enddo call maxovl(nrot(isym),nrot(isym),ovl,t,wi) do i=1,nrot(isym) do j=1,ao_num ! write (6,*) 'isym,',isym,nrot(isym),nmo(isym) newcmo(j,irot(i,isym),isym)=0.d0 do k=1,nrot(isym) newcmo(j,irot(i,isym),isym)=newcmo(j,irot(i,isym),isym) + cmo(j,irot(k,isym),isym)*t(k,i) enddo enddo enddo ! if(dabs(newcmo(3,19,1) - mo_coef(3,19)) .gt.1.d-10 )then ! print*,'Something wrong bitch !!' ! print*,'newcmo(3,19,1) = ',newcmo(3,19,1) ! print*,'mo_coef(3,19) = ',mo_coef(3,19) ! stop ! endif enddo !big loop over symmetry 10 format (4E19.12) ! Now we copyt the newcmo into the mo_coef mo_coef = 0.d0 do isym=1,nsym do i=1,nmo(isym) do j = 1, ao_num mo_coef(j,i) = newcmo(j,i,isym) enddo enddo enddo ! pause ! we say that it hase been touched, and valid and that everything that ! depends on mo_coef must not be reprovided double precision :: accu_norm touch mo_coef print*,'after = ' accu_norm = 0.d0 do i =1,mo_tot_num accu_norm += dabs(mo_overlap(i,i)) enddo print*,'accu_norm = ',accu_norm ! We call the routine that saves mo_coef in the ezfio format call save_mos stop end