open Qputils;; open Qptypes;; open Core.Std;; (* * Command-line arguments * ---------------------- *) let build_mask from upto n_int = let from = MO_number.to_int from and upto = MO_number.to_int upto and n_int = N_int_number.to_int n_int in let rec build_mask bit = function | 0 -> [] | i -> if ( i = upto ) then Bit.One::(build_mask Bit.One (i-1)) else if ( i = from ) then Bit.One::(build_mask Bit.Zero (i-1)) else bit::(build_mask bit (i-1)) in let starting_bit = if ( (upto >= n_int*64) || (upto < 0) ) then Bit.One else Bit.Zero in build_mask starting_bit (n_int*64) |> List.rev ;; let failure s = raise (Failure s) ;; type t = | Core | Inactive | Active | Virtual | Deleted | None ;; let t_to_string = function | Core -> "core" | Inactive -> "inactive" | Active -> "active" | Virtual -> "virtual" | Deleted -> "deleted" | None -> assert false ;; let run ?(core="[]") ?(inact="[]") ?(act="[]") ?(virt="[]") ?(del="[]") ezfio_filename = Ezfio.set_file ezfio_filename ; if not (Ezfio.has_mo_basis_mo_tot_num ()) then failure "mo_basis/mo_tot_num not found" ; let mo_tot_num = Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num () in let n_int = try N_int_number.of_int (Ezfio.get_determinants_n_int ()) with _ -> Bitlist.n_int_of_mo_tot_num mo_tot_num in let mo_class = Array.init mo_tot_num ~f:(fun i -> None) in (* Check input data *) let apply_class l = let rec apply_class t = function | [] -> () | k::tail -> let i = MO_number.to_int k in begin match mo_class.(i-1) with | None -> mo_class.(i-1) <- t ; apply_class t tail; | x -> failure (Printf.sprintf "Orbital %d is defined both in the %s and %s spaces" i (t_to_string x) (t_to_string t)) end in match l with | MO_class.Core x -> apply_class Core x | MO_class.Inactive x -> apply_class Inactive x | MO_class.Active x -> apply_class Active x | MO_class.Virtual x -> apply_class Virtual x | MO_class.Deleted x -> apply_class Deleted x in let core_input = core in let core = MO_class.create_core core in let inact = MO_class.create_inactive inact in let act = MO_class.create_active act in let virt = MO_class.create_virtual virt in let del = MO_class.create_deleted del in apply_class core ; apply_class inact ; apply_class act ; apply_class virt ; apply_class del ; for i=1 to (Array.length mo_class) do if (mo_class.(i-1) = None) then failure (Printf.sprintf "Orbital %d is not specified (mo_tot_num = %d)" i mo_tot_num) done; (* Debug output *) MO_class.to_string core |> print_endline ; MO_class.to_string inact |> print_endline ; MO_class.to_string act |> print_endline ; MO_class.to_string virt |> print_endline ; MO_class.to_string del |> print_endline ; (* Create masks *) let ia = Excitation.create_single inact act and aa = Excitation.create_single act act and av = Excitation.create_single act virt and iv = Excitation.create_single inact virt in let single_excitations = [ ia ; aa ; av ; iv] |> ~f:Excitation.(fun x -> match x with | Single (x,y) -> ( MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Hole.to_mo_class x), MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Particle.to_mo_class y) ) | Double _ -> assert false ) and double_excitations = [ Excitation.double_of_singles ia ia ; Excitation.double_of_singles ia aa ; Excitation.double_of_singles ia iv ; Excitation.double_of_singles ia av ; Excitation.double_of_singles aa aa ; Excitation.double_of_singles aa iv ; Excitation.double_of_singles aa av ; Excitation.double_of_singles iv aa ; Excitation.double_of_singles iv av ; Excitation.double_of_singles iv iv ] |> ~f:Excitation.(fun x -> match x with | Single _ -> assert false | Double (x,y,z,t) -> ( MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Hole.to_mo_class x), MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Particle.to_mo_class y) , MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Hole.to_mo_class z), MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Particle.to_mo_class t) ) ) in let extract_hole (h,_) = h and extract_particle (_,p) = p and extract_hole1 (h,_,_,_) = h and extract_particle1 (_,p,_,_) = p and extract_hole2 (_,_,h,_) = h and extract_particle2 (_,_,_,p) = p in let result_ref = let core = MO_class.create_inactive core_input in let cv = Excitation.create_single core virt in let cv = match cv with | Single (x,y) -> ( MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Excitation.Hole.to_mo_class x), MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Excitation.Particle.to_mo_class y) ) | Double _ -> assert false in let iv = match iv with | Single (x,y) -> ( MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Excitation.Hole.to_mo_class x), MO_class.to_bitlist n_int (Excitation.Particle.to_mo_class y) ) | Double _ -> assert false in [ Bitlist.or_operator (extract_hole iv) (extract_hole cv); extract_particle iv ] in let result_gen = [ ~f:extract_hole single_excitations |> List.fold ~init:( n_int) ~f:Bitlist.or_operator ; ~f:extract_particle single_excitations |> List.fold ~init:( n_int) ~f:Bitlist.or_operator ; ~f:extract_hole1 double_excitations |> List.fold ~init:( n_int) ~f:Bitlist.or_operator ; ~f:extract_particle1 double_excitations |> List.fold ~init:( n_int) ~f:Bitlist.or_operator ; ~f:extract_hole2 double_excitations |> List.fold ~init:( n_int) ~f:Bitlist.or_operator ; ~f:extract_particle2 double_excitations |> List.fold ~init:( n_int) ~f:Bitlist.or_operator ; ] in (* Print bitmasks *) print_endline "Reference Bitmasks:"; List.iter ~f:(fun x-> print_endline (Bitlist.to_string x)) result_ref; print_endline "Generators Bitmasks:"; List.iter ~f:(fun x-> print_endline (Bitlist.to_string x)) result_gen; (* Transform to int64 *) let result_gen = ~f:(fun x -> let y = Bitlist.to_int64_list x in y@y ) result_gen |> List.concat in let result_ref = ~f:(fun x -> let y = Bitlist.to_int64_list x in y@y ) result_ref |> List.concat in (* Write generators masks *) Ezfio.set_bitmasks_n_int (N_int_number.to_int n_int); Ezfio.set_bitmasks_bit_kind 8; Ezfio.set_bitmasks_n_mask_gen 1; Ezfio.ezfio_array_of_list ~rank:4 ~dim:([| (N_int_number.to_int n_int) ; 2; 6; 1|]) ~data:result_gen |> Ezfio.set_bitmasks_generators ; (* Write reference masks *) Ezfio.set_bitmasks_n_mask_ref 1; Ezfio.ezfio_array_of_list ~rank:4 ~dim:([| (N_int_number.to_int n_int) ; 2; 2; 1|]) ~data:result_ref |> Ezfio.set_bitmasks_reference ; ;; let ezfio_file = let failure filename = eprintf "'%s' is not an EZFIO file.\n%!" filename; exit 1 in Command.Spec.Arg_type.create (fun filename -> match Sys.is_directory filename with | `Yes -> begin match Sys.is_file (filename ^ "/.version") with | `Yes -> filename | _ -> failure filename end | _ -> failure filename ) ;; let default range = let failure filename = eprintf "'%s' is not a regular file.\n%!" filename; exit 1 in Command.Spec.Arg_type.create (fun filename -> match Sys.is_directory filename with | `Yes -> begin match Sys.is_file (filename^"/.version") with | `Yes -> filename | _ -> failure filename end | _ -> failure filename ) ;; let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "core" (optional string) ~doc:"range Range of core orbitals" +> flag "inact" (optional string) ~doc:"range Range of inactive orbitals" +> flag "act" (optional string) ~doc:"range Range of active orbitals" +> flag "virt" (optional string) ~doc:"range Range of virtual orbitals" +> flag "del" (optional string) ~doc:"range Range of deleted orbitals" +> anon ("ezfio_filename" %: ezfio_file) ;; let command = Command.basic ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:(fun () -> "Set the orbital classes in an EZFIO directory The range of MOs has the form : \"[36-53,72-107,126-131]\" ") spec (fun core inact act virt del ezfio_filename () -> run ?core ?inact ?act ?virt ?del ezfio_filename ) ;; let () = command