================= Quick-start guide ================= This tutorial should talk you through everything you need to get started with the |qp|. As an example, we will run a |CIPSI| calculation on the HCN molecule. Demo video ========== .. Include demo video here Hands on ======== .. important:: Before using the |qp|, it is required to source the file :file:`quantum_package.rc` if it has not been done already in the current shell. Create the EZFIO database ------------------------- The data relative to calculations are stored in an |EZFIO| database. |EZFIO| is a hierarchical data format which uses the hierarchy of the file system to organize the data, as files stored in a directory. The data in the |EZFIO| directory are stored as plain text files, so it can be opened with any text editor. To access the data of the |EZFIO| database, the APIs (Fortran, |Python|, |OCaml| or Bash) provided by |EZFIO| should be used, or tools using these APIs such as :ref:`qp_edit` provided with the |qp|. First, create an `xyz` file containing the coordinates of the molecule. The file :file:`hcn.xyz` contains:: 3 HCN molecule C 0.0 0.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.0 1.064 N 0.0 0.0 -1.156 This xyz file is now used with the :command:`qp_create_ezfio_from_xyz` command to create an |EZFIO| database with the 6-31G basis set: .. code:: bash qp_create_ezfio_from_xyz -b "6-31G" hcn.xyz -o hcn The EZFIO database now contains data relative to the nuclear coordinates and the atomic basis set: .. code:: bash $ ls hcn ao_basis/ electrons/ ezfio/ nuclei/ pseudo/ Run a Hartree-Fock calculation ------------------------------ The program :ref:`qp_run` is the driver program of the |qp|. To run an SCF calculation, just run .. code:: bash qp_run scf hcn The expected energy is ``-92.827856698`` au. .. seealso:: The documentation of the :ref:`hartree_fock` module. Choose the target |MO| space ---------------------------- Now, modify to |EZFIO| database to make |CIPSI| calculation in the full set of valence |MOs|, keeping the core |MOs| frozen. The simple command :command:`qp_set_frozen_core` does this automatically: .. code:: bash qp_set_frozen_core hcn Run the |CIPSI| calculation ---------------------------- We will now use the |CIPSI| algorithm to estimate the |FCI| energy. .. code:: qp_run fci hcn The program will start with a single determinant and will iteratively: * Select the most important determinants from the external space and add them to the internal space * Add all the necessary determinants to allow the eigenvector of |H| to be also an eigenstate of |S^2| * Diagonalize |H| in the enlarged internal space * Compute (stochastically) the second-order perturbative contribution to the energy * Extrapolate the variational energy by fitting :math:`E=E_\text{FCI} - \alpha\, E_\text{PT2}` By default, the program will stop when more than one million determinants have entered in the internal space, or when the |PT2| energy is below :math:`10^{-4}`. The estimated |FCI| energy of HCN is ``-93.0501`` au. .. seealso:: The documentation of the :ref:`fci` module. .. important:: TODO .. include:: /work.rst * Natural orbitals * Parameters for Hartree-Fock * Parameters for Davidson * Running in parallel * Parameters for selection (Generators/selectors)