! DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND ! Created by $QP_ROOT/scripts/ezfio_interface.py ! from file /home/garniron/quantum_package/src/Determinants/EZFIO.cfg BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, threshold_selectors ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Thresholds on selectors (fraction of the norm) END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_threshold_selectors(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_threshold_selectors(threshold_selectors) else print *, 'determinants/threshold_selectors not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_double(output_determinants, threshold_selectors, & 'threshold_selectors') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, expected_s2 ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Expected value of S^2 END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_expected_s2(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_expected_s2(expected_s2) else print *, 'determinants/expected_s2 not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_double(output_determinants, expected_s2, & 'expected_s2') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_det_max ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Max number of determinants in the wave function END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_det_max(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_det_max(n_det_max) else print *, 'determinants/n_det_max not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_int(output_determinants, n_det_max, & 'n_det_max') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_states ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of states to consider END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_states(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_states(n_states) else print *, 'determinants/n_states not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_int(output_determinants, n_states, & 'n_states') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_det_max_jacobi ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Maximum number of determinants diagonalized by Jacobi END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_det_max_jacobi(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_det_max_jacobi(n_det_max_jacobi) else print *, 'determinants/n_det_max_jacobi not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_int(output_determinants, n_det_max_jacobi, & 'n_det_max_jacobi') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, read_wf ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! If true, read the wave function from the EZFIO file END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_read_wf(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_read_wf(read_wf) else print *, 'determinants/read_wf not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_bool(output_determinants, read_wf, & 'read_wf') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, det_coef , (n_det) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! det_coef END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_det_coef(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_det_coef(det_coef) else print *, 'determinants/det_coef not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_double(output_determinants, det_coef, & 'det_coef') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, target_energy ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Energy that should be obtained when truncating the wave function (optional) END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_target_energy(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_target_energy(target_energy) else print *, 'determinants/target_energy not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_double(output_determinants, target_energy, & 'target_energy') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, only_single_double_dm ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! If true, The One body DM is calculated with ignoring the Double<->Doubles extra diag elements END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_only_single_double_dm(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_only_single_double_dm(only_single_double_dm) else print *, 'determinants/only_single_double_dm not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_bool(output_determinants, only_single_double_dm, & 'only_single_double_dm') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, threshold_davidson ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Thresholds of Davidson's algorithm END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_threshold_davidson(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_threshold_davidson(threshold_davidson) else print *, 'determinants/threshold_davidson not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_double(output_determinants, threshold_davidson, & 'threshold_davidson') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_states_diag ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! n_states_diag END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_states_diag(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_states_diag(n_states_diag) else print *, 'determinants/n_states_diag not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_int(output_determinants, n_states_diag, & 'n_states_diag') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_occ , (elec_alpha_num,n_det,2) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! det_occ END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_det_occ(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_det_occ(det_occ) else print *, 'determinants/det_occ not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_int(output_determinants, det_occ, & 'det_occ') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, s2_eig ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Force the wave function to be an eigenfunction of S^2 END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_s2_eig(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_s2_eig(s2_eig) else print *, 'determinants/s2_eig not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_bool(output_determinants, s2_eig, & 's2_eig') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, threshold_generators ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Thresholds on generators (fraction of the norm) END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_threshold_generators(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_threshold_generators(threshold_generators) else print *, 'determinants/threshold_generators not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_double(output_determinants, threshold_generators, & 'threshold_generators') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_det_max_property ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Max number of determinants in the wave function when you select for a given property END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_determinants_n_det_max_property(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_det_max_property(n_det_max_property) else print *, 'determinants/n_det_max_property not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif call write_time(output_determinants) call write_int(output_determinants, n_det_max_property, & 'n_det_max_property') END_PROVIDER