program test_wf implicit none read_wf = .True. touch read_wf call routine end subroutine routine use bitmasks implicit none integer :: iref print*, 'which reference slater determinant dou you want ?' read(5,*)iref integer :: i double precision :: delta_e,h0i double precision :: accu_e, hiiref,accu_coef,hij double precision, allocatable :: contrib(:) integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) integer, allocatable :: idx(:) allocate(idx(0:N_det)) print*, '***********************' print*, '***********************' print*, '***********************' print*, 'You chose that SD :' call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,iref),N_int) call get_excitation_degree(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,iref),degree,N_int) call i_H_j(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,iref),N_int,h0i) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,iref),N_int,hii) call get_excitation(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,iref),exc,degree,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) print*,'degree =',degree print*,'phase =',phase if(degree == 1)then print*,'s1',s1 print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1 else if (degree ==2)then print*,'s1',s1 print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1 print*,'s2',s2 print*,'h2,p2 = ',h2,p2 endif if( delta_e = hii - ref_bitmask_energy if( if (delta_e > 0.d0) then coef_2_2 = 0.5d0 * (delta_e - dsqrt(delta_e * delta_e + 4.d0 * h0i * h0i ))/ h0i else coef_2_2 = 0.5d0 * (delta_e + dsqrt(delta_e * delta_e + 4.d0 * h0i * h0i )) /h0i endif endif endif print*,'h0i =',h0i print*,'delta E =',delta_e print*,'coef 2x2 =',coef_2_2!*psi_coef(1,1) print*,'amplitude =',psi_coef(iref,1)/psi_coef(1,1) print*, '***********************' print*, '***********************' print*, '***********************' call filter_connected_i_H_psi0(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,iref),N_int,N_det,idx) call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,iref),N_int,hiiref) print*, 'passed the connection browsing' allocate(contrib(idx(0)-1),iorder(idx(0)-1)) accu_e = 0.d0 accu_coef = 0.d0 print*, iref print*, idx(0) do i = 1, idx(0) contrib(i) = 0.d0 iorder(i) = idx(i) if(idx(i)==iref)then cycle else call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,idx(i)),degree,N_int) if( call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,idx(i)),N_int,hij) accu_coef += psi_coef(idx(i),1) * hij / (var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref) contrib(i) = -dabs(psi_coef(idx(i),1) * hij / (var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref)) accu_e += psi_coef(idx(i),1) * hij endif enddo print*, 'passed the contributions ' integer :: degree integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) double precision :: phase integer :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2 accu_e += psi_coef(iref,1) * hiiref accu_e = accu_e / psi_coef(iref,1) print*, psi_coef(iref,1),accu_coef print*, var_energy_mr(1),accu_e call dsort(contrib,iorder,idx(0)-1) print*, 'passed sorting the contributions' accu_coef = 0.d0 double precision :: accu_second_order,coef_2_2, hii accu_second_order = 0.d0 print*, '' do i = 1, idx(0) if (iorder(i)==iref)cycle call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),degree,N_int) if( print*, '' print*, '===============================================' print*, ' i ',i,iorder(i) call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),N_int) call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),N_int,hii) call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),N_int,hij) call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,iref),psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),exc,degree,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) print*,'Info with respect to the chosen ref determinant' print*,'degree =',degree if(degree == 1)then print*,'s1',s1 print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1 else print*,'s1',s1 print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1 print*,'s2',s2 print*,'h2,p2 = ',h2,p2 endif print*,'coef =',psi_coef(iorder(i),1) print*,'phase =',phase print*,'hij =',hij print*,'contrib =',psi_coef(iorder(i),1) * hij / (var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref) print*,'relative contrib =',psi_coef(iorder(i),1) * hij / (var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref)/psi_coef(iref,1) accu_coef += psi_coef(iorder(i),1) * hij / (var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref) print*,'Info with respect to the HF-like determinant ' call get_excitation_degree(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),degree,N_int) call i_H_j(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),N_int,h0i) call get_excitation(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,iorder(i)),exc,degree,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) print*,'degree =',degree if(degree == 1)then print*,'s1',s1 print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1 else if (degree ==2)then print*,'s1',s1 print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1 print*,'s2',s2 print*,'h2,p2 = ',h2,p2 endif if( delta_e = hii - ref_bitmask_energy if( if (delta_e > 0.d0) then coef_2_2 = 0.5d0 * (delta_e - dsqrt(delta_e * delta_e + 4.d0 * h0i * h0i ))/ h0i else coef_2_2 = 0.5d0 * (delta_e + dsqrt(delta_e * delta_e + 4.d0 * h0i * h0i )) /h0i endif endif print*,'h0i =',h0i print*,'coef 2x2 =',coef_2_2*psi_coef(1,1) print*,'delta E =',delta_e print*,'sec order conrib =',coef_2_2 * hij/(var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref) * psi_coef(1,1) accu_second_order += coef_2_2 * hij/(var_energy_mr(1) - hiiref) * psi_coef(1,1) endif enddo print*, 'Total comparison ....' print*, psi_coef(iref,1),accu_coef,accu_second_order end