open Qptypes;; open Core.Std;; type t = S|P|D|F|G|H|I|J|K|L with sexp let to_string = function | S -> "S" | P -> "P" | D -> "D" | F -> "F" | G -> "G" | H -> "H" | I -> "I" | J -> "J" | K -> "K" | L -> "L" let of_string = function | "S" -> S | "P" -> P | "D" -> D | "F" -> F | "G" -> G | "H" -> H | "I" -> I | "J" -> J | "K" -> K | "L" -> L | x -> raise (Failure ("Symmetry should be S|P|D|F|G|H|I|J|K|L, not "^x^".")) let of_char = function | 'S' -> S | 'P' -> P | 'D' -> D | 'F' -> F | 'G' -> G | 'H' -> H | 'I' -> I | 'J' -> J | 'K' -> K | 'L' -> L | x -> raise (Failure ("Symmetry should be S|P|D|F|G|H|I|J|K|L")) let to_l = function | S -> Positive_int.of_int 0 | P -> Positive_int.of_int 1 | D -> Positive_int.of_int 2 | F -> Positive_int.of_int 3 | G -> Positive_int.of_int 4 | H -> Positive_int.of_int 5 | I -> Positive_int.of_int 6 | J -> Positive_int.of_int 7 | K -> Positive_int.of_int 8 | L -> Positive_int.of_int 9 ;; let of_l i = let i = Positive_int.to_int i in match i with | 0 -> S | 1 -> P | 2 -> D | 3 -> F | 4 -> G | 5 -> H | 6 -> I | 7 -> J | 8 -> K | 9 -> L | x -> raise (Failure ("Symmetry should be S|P|D|F|G|H|I|J|K|L")) ;; type st = t ;; module Xyz : sig type t = { x: Positive_int.t ; y: Positive_int.t ; z: Positive_int.t } with sexp val of_string : string -> t val to_string : t -> string val get_l : t -> Positive_int.t val of_symmetry : st -> t list val to_symmetry : t -> st end = struct type t = { x: Positive_int.t ; y: Positive_int.t ; z: Positive_int.t } with sexp type state_type = Null | X | Y | Z (** Builds an XYZ triplet from a string. * The input string is like "x2z3" *) let of_string s = let flush state accu number = let n = if (number = "") then 0 else (Int.of_string number) in match state with | X -> { x= Positive_int.(of_int ( (to_int accu.x) +n)); y= accu.y ; z= accu.z } | Y -> { x= accu.x ; y= Positive_int.(of_int ( (to_int accu.y) +n)); z= accu.z } | Z -> { x= accu.x ; y= accu.y ; z= Positive_int.(of_int ( (to_int accu.z) +n))} | Null -> accu in let rec do_work state accu number = function | [] -> flush state accu number | 'X'::rest | 'x'::rest -> let new_accu = flush state accu number in do_work X new_accu "" rest | 'Y'::rest | 'y'::rest -> let new_accu = flush state accu number in do_work Y new_accu "" rest | 'Z'::rest | 'z'::rest -> let new_accu = flush state accu number in do_work Z new_accu "" rest | c::rest -> do_work state accu (number^(String.of_char c)) rest in String.to_list_rev s |> List.rev |> do_work Null { x=Positive_int.of_int 0 ; y=Positive_int.of_int 0 ; z=Positive_int.of_int 0 } "" ;; (** Transforms an XYZ triplet to a string *) let to_string t = let x = match (Positive_int.to_int t.x) with | 0 -> "" | 1 -> "x" | i -> Printf.sprintf "x%d" i and y = match (Positive_int.to_int t.y) with | 0 -> "" | 1 -> "y" | i -> Printf.sprintf "y%d" i and z = match (Positive_int.to_int t.z) with | 0 -> "" | 1 -> "z" | i -> Printf.sprintf "z%d" i in let result = (x^y^z) in if (result = "") then "s" else result ;; (** Returns the l quantum number from a XYZ powers triplet *) let get_l t = let x = Positive_int.to_int t.x and y = Positive_int.to_int t.y and z = Positive_int.to_int t.z in Positive_int.of_int (x+y+z) ;; (** Returns a list of XYZ powers for a given symmetry *) let of_symmetry sym = let l = Positive_int.to_int (to_l sym) in let create_z xyz = { x=xyz.x ; y=xyz.y ; z=Positive_int.(of_int (l-((to_int xyz.x)+(to_int xyz.y)))) } in let rec create_y accu xyz = let {x ; y ; z} = xyz in match (Positive_int.to_int y) with | 0 -> (create_z xyz)::accu | i -> let ynew = Positive_int.( (to_int y)-1 |> of_int) in create_y ( (create_z xyz)::accu) { x ; y=ynew ; z} in let rec create_x accu xyz = let {x ; y ; z} = xyz in match (Positive_int.to_int x) with | 0 -> (create_y [] xyz)@accu | i -> let xnew = Positive_int.( (to_int x)-1 |> of_int) in let ynew = Positive_int.(l-(to_int xnew) |> of_int) in create_x ((create_y [] xyz)@accu) { x=xnew ; y=ynew ; z} in create_x [] { x=(to_l sym) ; y=Positive_int.of_int 0 ; z=Positive_int.of_int 0 } ;; let to_symmetry sym = of_l (get_l sym) ;; end