subroutine ortho_lowdin(overlap,LDA,N,C,LDC,m) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compute C_new=C_old.S^-1/2 canonical orthogonalization. ! ! overlap : overlap matrix ! ! LDA : leftmost dimension of overlap array ! ! N : Overlap matrix is NxN (array is (LDA,N) ) ! ! C : Coefficients of the vectors to orthogonalize. On exit, ! orthogonal vectors ! ! LDC : leftmost dimension of C ! ! m : Coefficients matrix is MxN, ( array is (LDC,N) ) ! END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: LDA, ldc, n, m double precision, intent(in) :: overlap(lda,n) double precision, intent(inout) :: C(ldc,n) double precision :: U(ldc,n) double precision :: Vt(lda,n) double precision :: D(n) double precision :: S_half(lda,n) double precision,allocatable :: work(:) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : 64 :: U, Vt, D, work integer :: info, lwork, i, j, k double precision,allocatable :: overlap_tmp(:,:) allocate (overlap_tmp(lda,n)) overlap_tmp = overlap allocate(work(1)) lwork = -1 call dgesvd('A','A', n, n, overlap_tmp, lda, & D, U, ldc, Vt, lda, work, lwork, info) lwork = work(1) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgesvd('A','A', n, n, overlap_tmp, lda, & D, U, ldc, Vt, lda, work, lwork, info) deallocate(work,overlap_tmp) if (info /= 0) then print *, info, ': SVD failed' stop endif !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(S_half,U,D,Vt,n,C,m) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k) !$OMP DO do i=1,n if ( D(i) < 1.d-6 ) then D(i) = 0.d0 else D(i) = 1.d0/dsqrt(D(i)) endif do j=1,n S_half(j,i) = 0.d0 enddo enddo !$OMP END DO do k=1,n !$OMP DO do j=1,n do i=1,n S_half(i,j) = S_half(i,j) + U(i,k)*D(k)*Vt(k,j) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT enddo !$OMP DO do j=1,n do i=1,m U(i,j) = C(i,j) enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call dgemm('N','N',m,n,n,1.d0,U,size(U,1),S_half,size(S_half,1),0.d0,C,size(C,1)) end subroutine get_pseudo_inverse(A,m,n,C,LDA) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Find C = A^-1 END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: m,n, LDA double precision, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n) double precision, intent(out) :: C(n,m) double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:), D(:), Vt(:,:), work(:), A_tmp(:,:) integer :: info, lwork integer :: i,j,k allocate (D(n),U(m,n),Vt(n,n),work(1),A_tmp(m,n)) do j=1,n do i=1,m A_tmp(i,j) = A(i,j) enddo enddo lwork = -1 call dgesvd('S','A', m, n, A_tmp, m,D,U,m,Vt,n,work,lwork,info) if (info /= 0) then print *, info, ': SVD failed' stop endif lwork = work(1) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgesvd('S','A', m, n, A_tmp, m,D,U,m,Vt,n,work,lwork,info) if (info /= 0) then print *, info, ': SVD failed' stop 1 endif do i=1,n if (abs(D(i)) > 1.d-6) then D(i) = 1.d0/D(i) else D(i) = 0.d0 endif enddo C = 0.d0 do i=1,m do j=1,n do k=1,n C(j,i) += U(i,k) * D(k) * Vt(k,j) enddo enddo enddo deallocate(U,D,Vt,work,A_tmp) end subroutine find_rotation(A,LDA,B,m,C,n) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Find A.C = B END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: m,n, LDA double precision, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n), B(LDA,n) double precision, intent(out) :: C(n,n) double precision, allocatable :: A_inv(:,:) allocate(A_inv(LDA,n)) call get_pseudo_inverse(A,m,n,A_inv,LDA) integer :: i,j,k call dgemm('N','N',n,n,m,1.d0,A_inv,n,B,LDA,0.d0,C,n) deallocate(A_inv) end subroutine apply_rotation(A,LDA,R,LDR,B,LDB,m,n) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Apply the rotation found by find_rotation END_DOC double precision, intent(in) :: R(LDR,n) double precision, intent(in) :: A(LDA,n) double precision, intent(out) :: B(LDB,n) integer, intent(in) :: m,n, LDA, LDB, LDR call dgemm('N','N',m,n,n,1.d0,A,LDA,R,LDR,0.d0,B,LDB) end subroutine lapack_diag(eigvalues,eigvectors,H,nmax,n) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Diagonalize matrix H ! ! H is untouched between input and ouptut ! ! eigevalues(i) = ith lowest eigenvalue of the H matrix ! ! eigvectors(i,j) = where i is the basis function and psi_j is the j th eigenvector ! END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n,nmax double precision, intent(out) :: eigvectors(nmax,n) double precision, intent(out) :: eigvalues(n) double precision, intent(in) :: H(nmax,n) double precision,allocatable :: eigenvalues(:) double precision,allocatable :: work(:) double precision,allocatable :: A(:,:) allocate(A(nmax,n),eigenvalues(nmax),work(4*nmax)) integer :: LWORK, info, i,j,l,k A=H ! if (n<30) then ! do i=1,n ! do j=1,n ! print *, j,i, H(j,i) ! enddo ! print *, '---' ! enddo ! print *, '---' ! endif LWORK = 4*nmax call dsyev( 'V', 'U', n, A, nmax, eigenvalues, work, LWORK, info ) if (info < 0) then print *, irp_here, ': the ',-info,'-th argument had an illegal value' stop 1 else if (info > 0) then print *, irp_here, ': the algorithm failed to converge; ',info,' off-diagonal' print *, 'elements of an intermediate tridiagonal form did not converge to zero.' stop 1 endif eigvectors = 0.d0 eigvalues = 0.d0 do j = 1, n eigvalues(j) = eigenvalues(j) do i = 1, n eigvectors(i,j) = A(i,j) enddo enddo end