open Core.Std type t = { title: string; start_value: float; cur_value : float; end_value : float; bar_length : int; init_time : Time.t; dirty : bool; next : Time.t; } let init ?(bar_length=20) ?(start_value=0.) ?(end_value=1.) ~title = { title ; start_value ; end_value ; bar_length ; cur_value=start_value ; init_time= () ; dirty = false ; next = () } let update ~cur_value bar = { bar with cur_value ; dirty=true } let increment_end bar = { bar with end_value=(bar.end_value +. 1.) ; dirty=false } let increment_cur bar = { bar with cur_value=(bar.cur_value +. 1.) ; dirty=true } let display_tty bar = let percent = 100. *. (bar.cur_value -. bar.start_value) /. (bar.end_value -. bar.start_value) in let n_hashes = (Float.of_int bar.bar_length) *. percent /. 100. |> Float.to_int in let hashes = String.init bar.bar_length ~f:(fun i -> if (i < n_hashes) then '#' else ' ' ) in let now = () in let running_time = Time.abs_diff now bar.init_time in let stop_time = let x = Time.Span.to_float running_time in if (percent > 0.) then x *. 100. /. percent -. x |> Time.Span.of_float else Time.Span.of_float 0. in Printf.eprintf "%s : [%s] %4.1f%% | %10s, ~%10s left\r%!" bar.title hashes percent (Time.Span.to_string running_time) (stop_time |> Time.Span.to_string ); { bar with dirty = false ; next = Time.add now (Time.Span.of_float 0.1) } let display_file bar = let percent = 100. *. (bar.cur_value -. bar.start_value) /. (bar.end_value -. bar.start_value) in let running_time = Time.abs_diff ( ()) bar.init_time in let stop_time = let x = Time.Span.to_float running_time in if (percent > 0.) then x *. 100. /. percent -. x |> Time.Span.of_float else Time.Span.of_float 0. in Printf.eprintf "%5.2f %% in %20s, ~%20s left\n%!" percent (Time.Span.to_string running_time) (Time.Span.to_string stop_time); { bar with dirty = false ; next = Time.add ( ()) (Time.Span.of_float 2.) } let display bar = if (not bar.dirty) then bar else if ( () < then bar else begin if (Unix.isatty Unix.stdout) then display_tty bar else display_file bar end