BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, fragment_first ] implicit none fragment_first = first_det_of_teeth(1) END_PROVIDER subroutine ZMQ_dress(E, dress, delta, delta_s2, relative_error) use f77_zmq implicit none character(len=64000) :: task integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket, zmq_socket_pull integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num double precision, intent(in) :: relative_error, E double precision, intent(out) :: dress(N_states) double precision, intent(out) :: delta(N_states, N_det) double precision, intent(out) :: delta_s2(N_states, N_det) integer :: i, j, k, Ncp double precision, external :: omp_get_wtime double precision :: time double precision :: w(N_states) integer, external :: add_task_to_taskserver provide nproc fragment_first fragment_count mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_mono_elec_integral dress_weight psi_selectors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! demander a TOTO !!!!!!! w(:) = 0.d0 w(dress_stoch_istate) = 1.d0 !call update_psi_average_norm_contrib(w) print *, '========== ================= ================= =================' print *, ' Samples Energy Stat. Error Seconds ' print *, '========== ================= ================= =================' call new_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull, 'dress') integer, external :: zmq_put_psi integer, external :: zmq_put_N_det_generators integer, external :: zmq_put_N_det_selectors integer, external :: zmq_put_dvector integer, external :: zmq_set_running if (zmq_put_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1) == -1) then stop 'Unable to put psi on ZMQ server' endif if (zmq_put_N_det_generators(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 1) == -1) then stop 'Unable to put N_det_generators on ZMQ server' endif if (zmq_put_N_det_selectors(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 1) == -1) then stop 'Unable to put N_det_selectors on ZMQ server' endif if (zmq_put_dvector(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,'energy',dress_e0_denominator,size(dress_e0_denominator)) == -1) then stop 'Unable to put energy on ZMQ server' endif integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer :: ipos ipos=1 do i=1,N_dress_jobs if(dress_jobs(i) > fragment_first) then write(task(ipos:ipos+20),'(I9,1X,I9,''|'')') 0, dress_jobs(i) ipos += 20 if (ipos > 63980) then if (add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(task(1:ipos))) == -1) then stop 'Unable to add task to task server' endif ipos=1 endif else do j=1,fragment_count write(task(ipos:ipos+20),'(I9,1X,I9,''|'')') j, dress_jobs(i) ipos += 20 if (ipos > 63980) then if (add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(task(1:ipos))) == -1) then stop 'Unable to add task to task server' endif ipos=1 endif end do end if end do if (ipos > 1) then if (add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(task(1:ipos))) == -1) then stop 'Unable to add task to task server' endif endif if (zmq_set_running(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) == -1) then print *, irp_here, ': Failed in zmq_set_running' endif !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(shared) NUM_THREADS(nproc+1) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) i = omp_get_thread_num() if (i==0) then call dress_collector(zmq_socket_pull,E, relative_error, delta, delta_s2, dress) else call dress_slave_inproc(i) endif !$OMP END PARALLEL call end_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, zmq_socket_pull, 'dress') print *, '========== ================= ================= =================' end subroutine subroutine dress_slave_inproc(i) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i call run_dress_slave(1,i,dress_e0_denominator) end subroutine dress_collector(zmq_socket_pull, E, relative_error, delta, delta_s2, dress) use f77_zmq use bitmasks implicit none integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_pull double precision, intent(in) :: relative_error, E double precision, intent(out) :: dress(N_states) double precision, allocatable :: cp(:,:,:,:) double precision, intent(out) :: delta(N_states, N_det) double precision, intent(out) :: delta_s2(N_states, N_det) double precision, allocatable :: delta_loc(:,:,:), delta_det(:,:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: dress_detail(:,:) double precision :: dress_mwen(N_states) integer(ZMQ_PTR),external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_pull_socket integer :: more integer :: i, j, k, i_state, N integer :: task_id, ind double precision, save :: time0 = -1.d0 double precision :: time, timeLast, old_tooth double precision, external :: omp_get_wtime integer :: cur_cp, old_cur_cp integer, allocatable :: parts_to_get(:) logical, allocatable :: actually_computed(:) integer :: total_computed delta = 0d0 delta_s2 = 0d0 allocate(delta_det(N_states, N_det, 0:comb_teeth+1, 2)) allocate(cp(N_states, N_det, N_cp, 2), dress_detail(N_states, N_det)) allocate(delta_loc(N_states, N_det, 2)) dress_detail = 0d0 delta_det = 0d0 cp = 0d0 total_computed = 0 character*(512) :: task allocate(actually_computed(N_det_generators), parts_to_get(N_det_generators)) dress_mwen =0.d0 parts_to_get(:) = 1 if(fragment_first > 0) then do i=1,fragment_first parts_to_get(i) = fragment_count enddo endif actually_computed = .false. zmq_to_qp_run_socket = new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket() more = 1 if (time0 < 0.d0) then call wall_time(time0) endif timeLast = time0 cur_cp = 0 old_cur_cp = 0 logical :: loop loop = .true. pullLoop : do while (loop) call pull_dress_results(zmq_socket_pull, ind, delta_loc, task_id) dress_mwen(:) = 0d0 !!!!! A VERIFIER !!!!! do i_state=1,N_states do i=1, N_det dress_mwen(i_state) += delta_loc(i_state, i, 1) * psi_coef(i, i_state) end do end do dress_detail(:, ind) += dress_mwen(:) do j=1,N_cp !! optimizable if(cps(ind, j) > 0d0) then if(tooth_of_det(ind) < cp_first_tooth(j)) stop "coef on supposedely deterministic det" double precision :: fac integer :: toothMwen logical :: fracted fac = cps(ind, j) / cps_N(j) * dress_weight_inv(ind) * comb_step do k=1,N_det do i_state=1,N_states cp(i_state,k,j,1) += delta_loc(i_state,k,1) * fac cp(i_state,k,j,2) += delta_loc(i_state,k,2) * fac end do end do end if end do toothMwen = tooth_of_det(ind) fracted = (toothMwen /= 0) if(fracted) fracted = (ind == first_det_of_teeth(toothMwen)) if(fracted) then delta_det(:,:,toothMwen-1, 1) += delta_loc(:,:,1) * (1d0-fractage(toothMwen)) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen-1, 2) += delta_loc(:,:,2) * (1d0-fractage(toothMwen)) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen, 1) += delta_loc(:,:,1) * (fractage(toothMwen)) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen, 2) += delta_loc(:,:,2) * (fractage(toothMwen)) else delta_det(:,:,toothMwen, 1) += delta_loc(:,:,1) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen, 2) += delta_loc(:,:,2) end if parts_to_get(ind) -= 1 if(parts_to_get(ind) == 0) then actually_computed(ind) = .true. total_computed += 1 end if integer, external :: zmq_delete_tasks if (zmq_delete_tasks(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull,task_id,1,more) == -1) then stop 'Unable to delete tasks' endif if(more == 0) loop = .false. time = omp_get_wtime() if((time - timeLast > 2d0) .or. (.not. loop)) then timeLast = time cur_cp = N_cp do i=1,N_det_generators if(.not. actually_computed(dress_jobs(i))) then if(i /= 1) then cur_cp = done_cp_at(i-1) else cur_cp = 0 end if exit end if end do if(cur_cp == 0) cycle pullLoop double precision :: su, su2, eqt, avg, E0, val integer, external :: zmq_abort su = 0d0 su2 = 0d0 do i=1, int(cps_N(cur_cp)) call get_comb_val(comb(i), dress_detail, cur_cp, val) su += val su2 += val**2 end do avg = su / cps_N(cur_cp) eqt = dsqrt( ((su2 / cps_N(cur_cp)) - avg**2) / cps_N(cur_cp) ) E0 = sum(dress_detail(1, :first_det_of_teeth(cp_first_tooth(cur_cp))-1)) if(cp_first_tooth(cur_cp) <= comb_teeth) then E0 = E0 + dress_detail(1, first_det_of_teeth(cp_first_tooth(cur_cp))) * (1d0-fractage(cp_first_tooth(cur_cp))) end if call wall_time(time) if ((dabs(eqt) < relative_error .and. cps_N(cur_cp) >= 30) .or. total_computed == N_det_generators) then ! Termination print "" print "(A10,I5,F15.7,E12.4,F10.2)", "grepme", cur_cp, E+E0+avg, eqt, time-time0 print "" if (zmq_abort(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) == -1) then call sleep(1) if (zmq_abort(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) == -1) then print *, irp_here, ': Error in sending abort signal (2)' endif endif else if (cur_cp > old_cur_cp) then old_cur_cp = cur_cp print "" print "(A10,I5,F15.7,E12.4,F10.2)", "grepme", cur_cp, E+E0+avg, eqt, time-time0 print "" endif endif end if end do pullLoop if(total_computed == N_det_generators) then delta = 0d0 delta_s2 = 0d0 do i=comb_teeth+1,0,-1 delta += delta_det(:,:,i,1) delta_s2 += delta_det(:,:,i,2) end do else delta = cp(:,:,cur_cp,1) delta_s2 = cp(:,:,cur_cp,2) do i=cp_first_tooth(cur_cp)-1,0,-1 delta += delta_det(:,:,i,1) delta_s2 += delta_det(:,:,i,2) end do end if dress(1) = E call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) end subroutine integer function dress_find(v, w, sze, imin, imax) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: sze, imin, imax double precision, intent(in) :: v, w(sze) integer :: i,l,h integer, parameter :: block=64 l = imin h = imax-1 do while(h-l >= block) i = ishft(h+l,-1) if(w(i+1) > v) then h = i-1 else l = i+1 end if end do !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (64) do dress_find=l,h if(w(dress_find) >= v) then exit end if end do end function BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_per_cp ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, comb_teeth ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_cps_max ] implicit none comb_teeth = 16 N_cps_max = 64 gen_per_cp = (N_det_generators / N_cps_max) + 1 N_cps_max += 1 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_cp ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, cps_N, (N_cps_max) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, cp_first_tooth, (N_cps_max) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, done_cp_at, (N_det_generators) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, cps, (N_det_generators, N_cps_max) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_dress_jobs ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, dress_jobs, (N_det_generators) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, comb, (N_det_generators) ] implicit none logical, allocatable :: computed(:) integer :: i, j, last_full, dets(comb_teeth) integer :: k, l, cur_cp, under_det(comb_teeth+1) integer, allocatable :: iorder(:), first_cp(:) allocate(iorder(N_det_generators), first_cp(N_cps_max+1)) allocate(computed(N_det_generators)) first_cp = 1 cps = 0d0 cur_cp = 1 done_cp_at = 0 computed = .false. N_dress_jobs = first_det_of_comb - 1 do i=1, N_dress_jobs dress_jobs(i) = i computed(i) = .true. end do l=first_det_of_comb call RANDOM_NUMBER(comb) do i=1,N_det_generators comb(i) = comb(i) * comb_step !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call add_comb(comb(i), computed, cps(1, cur_cp), N_dress_jobs, dress_jobs) if(N_dress_jobs / gen_per_cp > (cur_cp-1) .or. N_dress_jobs == N_det_generators) then first_cp(cur_cp+1) = N_dress_jobs done_cp_at(N_dress_jobs) = cur_cp cps_N(cur_cp) = dfloat(i) if(N_dress_jobs /= N_det_generators) then cps(:, cur_cp+1) = cps(:, cur_cp) cur_cp += 1 end if if (N_dress_jobs == N_det_generators) exit end if do while (computed(l)) l=l+1 enddo k=N_dress_jobs+1 dress_jobs(k) = l computed(l) = .True. N_dress_jobs = k enddo N_cp = cur_cp if(N_dress_jobs /= N_det_generators .or. N_cp > N_cps_max) then print *, N_dress_jobs, N_det_generators, N_cp, N_cps_max stop "error in jobs creation" end if cur_cp = 0 do i=1,N_dress_jobs if(done_cp_at(i) /= 0) cur_cp = done_cp_at(i) done_cp_at(i) = cur_cp end do under_det = 0 cp_first_tooth = 0 do i=1,N_dress_jobs do j=comb_teeth+1,1,-1 if(dress_jobs(i) <= first_det_of_teeth(j)) then under_det(j) = under_det(j) + 1 if(under_det(j) == first_det_of_teeth(j))then do l=done_cp_at(i)+1, N_cp cps(:first_det_of_teeth(j)-1, l) = 0d0 cp_first_tooth(l) = j end do cps(first_det_of_teeth(j), done_cp_at(i)+1) = & cps(first_det_of_teeth(j), done_cp_at(i)+1) * fractage(j) end if else exit end if end do end do cps(:, N_cp) = 0d0 cp_first_tooth(N_cp) = comb_teeth+1 iorder = -1 do i=1,N_cp-1 call isort(dress_jobs(first_cp(i)+1:first_cp(i+1)),iorder,first_cp(i+1)-first_cp(i)) end do END_PROVIDER subroutine get_comb_val(stato, detail, cur_cp, val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: cur_cp integer :: first double precision, intent(in) :: stato, detail(N_states, N_det_generators) double precision, intent(out) :: val double precision :: curs integer :: j, k integer, external :: dress_find curs = 1d0 - stato val = 0d0 first = cp_first_tooth(cur_cp) do j = comb_teeth, first, -1 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE k = dress_find(curs, dress_cweight,size(dress_cweight), first_det_of_teeth(j), first_det_of_teeth(j+1)) if(k == first_det_of_teeth(first)) then val += detail(1, k) * dress_weight_inv(k) * comb_step * fractage(first) else val += detail(1, k) * dress_weight_inv(k) * comb_step end if curs -= comb_step end do end subroutine subroutine get_comb(stato, dets) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: stato integer, intent(out) :: dets(comb_teeth) double precision :: curs integer :: j integer, external :: dress_find curs = 1d0 - stato do j = comb_teeth, 1, -1 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE dets(j) = dress_find(curs, dress_cweight,size(dress_cweight), first_det_of_teeth(j), first_det_of_teeth(j+1)) curs -= comb_step end do end subroutine subroutine add_comb(com, computed, cp, N, tbc) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: com integer, intent(inout) :: N double precision, intent(inout) :: cp(N_det) logical, intent(inout) :: computed(N_det_generators) integer, intent(inout) :: tbc(N_det_generators) integer :: i, k, l, dets(comb_teeth) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call get_comb(com, dets) k=N+1 do i = 1, comb_teeth l = dets(i) cp(l) += 1d0 if(.not.(computed(l))) then tbc(k) = l k = k+1 computed(l) = .true. end if end do N = k-1 end subroutine BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, dress_stoch_istate ] implicit none dress_stoch_istate = 1 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dress_weight, (N_det_generators) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dress_weight_inv, (N_det_generators) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dress_cweight, (N_det_generators) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dress_cweight_cache, (N_det_generators) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, fractage, (comb_teeth) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, comb_step ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, first_det_of_teeth, (comb_teeth+1) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, first_det_of_comb ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, tooth_of_det, (N_det_generators) ] implicit none integer :: i double precision :: norm_left, stato integer, external :: dress_find dress_weight(1) = psi_coef_generators(1,dress_stoch_istate)**2 dress_cweight(1) = psi_coef_generators(1,dress_stoch_istate)**2 do i=1,N_det_generators dress_weight(i) = psi_coef_generators(i,dress_stoch_istate)**2 enddo ! Important to loop backwards for numerical precision dress_cweight(N_det_generators) = dress_weight(N_det_generators) do i=N_det_generators-1,1,-1 dress_cweight(i) = dress_weight(i) + dress_cweight(i+1) end do do i=1,N_det_generators dress_weight(i) = dress_weight(i) / dress_cweight(1) dress_cweight(i) = dress_cweight(i) / dress_cweight(1) enddo do i=1,N_det_generators-1 dress_cweight(i) = 1.d0 - dress_cweight(i+1) end do dress_cweight(N_det_generators) = 1.d0 norm_left = 1d0 comb_step = 1d0/dfloat(comb_teeth) first_det_of_comb = 1 do i=1,N_det_generators if(dress_weight(i)/norm_left < .25d0*comb_step) then first_det_of_comb = i exit end if norm_left -= dress_weight(i) end do first_det_of_comb = max(2,first_det_of_comb) call write_int(6, first_det_of_comb-1, 'Size of deterministic set') comb_step = (1d0 - dress_cweight(first_det_of_comb-1)) * comb_step stato = 1d0 - comb_step iloc = N_det_generators do i=comb_teeth, 1, -1 integer :: iloc iloc = dress_find(stato, dress_cweight, N_det_generators, 1, iloc) first_det_of_teeth(i) = iloc fractage(i) = (dress_cweight(iloc) - stato) / dress_weight(iloc) stato -= comb_step end do first_det_of_teeth(comb_teeth+1) = N_det_generators + 1 first_det_of_teeth(1) = first_det_of_comb if(first_det_of_teeth(1) /= first_det_of_comb) then print *, 'Error in ', irp_here stop "comb provider" endif do i=1,N_det_generators dress_weight_inv(i) = 1.d0/dress_weight(i) enddo tooth_of_det(:first_det_of_teeth(1)-1) = 0 do i=1,comb_teeth tooth_of_det(first_det_of_teeth(i):first_det_of_teeth(i+1)-1) = i end do END_PROVIDER