.. _moguess: .. program:: moguess .. default-role:: option ======= MOGuess ======= Guess for |MOs|. Providers --------- .. c:var:: ao_ortho_canonical_nucl_elec_integral .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: ao_ortho_canonical_nucl_elec_integral (mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) File: :file:`pot_mo_ortho_canonical_ints.irp.f` .. c:var:: ao_ortho_lowdin_coef .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: ao_ortho_lowdin_coef (ao_num,ao_num) File: :file:`mo_ortho_lowdin.irp.f` matrix of the coefficients of the mos generated by the orthonormalization by the S^{-1/2} canonical transformation of the aos ao_ortho_lowdin_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the ith ao on the jth ao_ortho_lowdin orbital .. c:var:: ao_ortho_lowdin_nucl_elec_integral .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: ao_ortho_lowdin_nucl_elec_integral (mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) File: :file:`pot_mo_ortho_lowdin_ints.irp.f` .. c:var:: ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: ao_ortho_lowdin_overlap (ao_num,ao_num) File: :file:`mo_ortho_lowdin.irp.f` overlap matrix of the ao_ortho_lowdin supposed to be the Identity Subroutines / functions ----------------------- .. c:function:: hcore_guess .. code:: text subroutine hcore_guess File: :file:`h_core_guess_routine.irp.f` Produce `H_core` MO orbital