#!/usr/bin/env bats # floating point number comparison # Compare two numbers ($1, $2) with a given precision ($3) # If the numbers are not equal, the exit code is 1 else it is 0 # So we strip the "-", is the abs value of the poor function eq() { # awk -v d1=$1 -v d2=$2 -v n1=${1#-} -v n2=${2#-} -v p=$3 'BEGIN{ if ((n1-n2)^2 < p^2) exit 0; { print (d1-d2) " " d1 " " d2 ; exit 1} }' declare -a diff diff=($(awk -v d1=$1 -v d2=$2 -v n1=${1#-} -v n2=${2#-} -v p=$3 'BEGIN{ if ((n1-n2)^2 < p^2) print 0; print 1 " " (d1-d2) " " d1 " " d2 }')) if [[ "${diff[0]}" == "0" ]] then return 0 else echo "Test : " ${BATS_TEST_DESCRIPTION} echo "Error : " ${diff[1]} echo "Reference : " ${diff[3]} echo "Computed : " ${diff[2]} exit 127 fi } #: "${QP_ROOT?Please source your quantum_package.rc}" source ${QP_ROOT}/install/EZFIO/Bash/ezfio.sh TEST_DIR=${QP_ROOT}/test/work/ mkdir -p "${TEST_DIR}" cd "${TEST_DIR}" || exit 1 function debug() { echo $@ $@ } function run_init() { cp "${QP_ROOT}/test/input/$1" . qp_create_ezfio_from_xyz $1 -o $3 $2 qp_edit -c $3 } function test_exe() { EXE=$(awk "/^$1 / { print \$2 }" < "${QP_ROOT}"/data/executables) EXE=$(echo $EXE | sed "s|\$QP_ROOT|$QP_ROOT|") if [[ -x "$EXE" ]] then return 0 else return 127 fi } function run_HF() { thresh=1.e-8 test_exe SCF || skip ezfio set_file $1 ezfio set hartree_fock thresh_scf 1.e-10 qp_run SCF $1 energy="$(ezfio get hartree_fock energy)" eq $energy $2 $thresh } function run_FCI() { thresh=1.e-4 test_exe full_ci || skip ezfio set_file $1 ezfio set perturbation do_pt2_end True ezfio set determinants n_det_max 2000 ezfio set determinants threshold_davidson 1.e-10 qp_run full_ci $1 energy="$(ezfio get full_ci energy)" eq $energy $2 $thresh energy_pt2="$(ezfio get full_ci energy_pt2)" eq $energy_pt2 $3 $thresh } # ================== TESTS ======================= @test "init HBO STO-3G" { run_init HBO.xyz "-b STO-3G" hbo.ezfio } @test "SCF HBO STO-3G" { run_HF hbo.ezfio -98.8251985678084 } @test "FCI HBO STO-3G" { run "SCF HBO STO-3G" run_FCI hbo.ezfio -98.965709048681845 -98.965709048681504 } @test "init H2O cc-pVDZ" { run_init h2o.xyz "-b cc-pvdz" h2o.ezfio } @test "SCF H2O cc-pVDZ" { run_HF h2o.ezfio -76.0273597128267 } @test "FCI H2O cc-pVDZ" { run "SCF H2O cc-pVDZ" run_FCI h2o.ezfio -76.2340571014912 -76.2472677390010 } @test "CAS_SD H2O cc-pVDZ" { test_exe cas_sd_selected || skip run "SCF H2O cc-pVDZ" INPUT=h2o.ezfio ezfio set_file $INPUT ezfio set perturbation do_pt2_end False ezfio set determinants n_det_max 1000 qp_set_mo_class $INPUT -core "[1]" -inact "[2,5]" -act "[3,4,6,7]" -virt "[8-25]" qp_run cas_sd_selected $INPUT energy="$(ezfio get cas_sd energy)" eq $energy -76.221690798159 1.E-6 } @test "MRCC H2O cc-pVDZ" { test_exe mrcc_cassd || skip run "CAS_SD H2O cc-pVDZ" INPUT=h2o.ezfio ezfio set_file $INPUT ezfio set determinants threshold_generators 1. ezfio set determinants threshold_selectors 1. ezfio set determinants read_wf True qp_run mrcc_cassd $INPUT energy="$(ezfio get mrcc_cassd energy)" eq $energy -76.23072397513540 1.E-3 } @test "init H2O VDZ pseudo" { run_init h2o.xyz "-p -b vdz" h2o_pseudo.ezfio } @test "SCF H2O VDZ pseudo" { run_HF h2o_pseudo.ezfio -16.94878419417625 } @test "FCI H2O VDZ pseudo" { run_FCI h2o_pseudo.ezfio -17.1593408979096 -17.1699581040506 } @test "gamess convert HBO.out" { cp ${QP_ROOT}/test/input/HBO.out . qp_convert_output_to_ezfio.py HBO.out ezfio set_file HBO.out.ezfio qp_run SCF HBO.out.ezfio # Check energy energy="$(ezfio get hartree_fock energy)" eq $energy -100.0185822590964 1.e-10 } @test "g09 convert H2O.log" { cp ${QP_ROOT}/test/input/h2o.log . qp_convert_output_to_ezfio.py h2o.log ezfio set_file h2o.log.ezfio qp_run SCF h2o.log.ezfio # Check energy energy="$(ezfio get hartree_fock energy)" eq $energy -76.0270218704265 1E-10 } # TODO N_int = 1,2,3,4,5 # TODO mod(64) MOs # TODO All G2 SCF energies # TODO Long and short tests # TODO MP2 # TODO CISD_selected