open Core.Std open Qptypes type t = | Core of MO_number.t list | Inactive of MO_number.t list | Active of MO_number.t list | Virtual of MO_number.t list | Deleted of MO_number.t list with sexp let to_string x = let print_list l = let s = ~f:(fun x-> MO_number.to_int x |> string_of_int )l |> (String.concat ~sep:", ") in "("^s^")" in match x with | Core [] -> "Core" | Inactive [] -> "Inactive" | Active [] -> "Active" | Virtual [] -> "Virtual" | Deleted [] -> "Deleted" | Core l -> "Core : "^(print_list l) | Inactive l -> "Inactive : "^(print_list l) | Active l -> "Active : "^(print_list l) | Virtual l -> "Virtual : "^(print_list l) | Deleted l -> "Deleted : "^(print_list l) let of_string s = match (String.lowercase s) with | "core" -> Core [] | "inactive" -> Inactive [] | "active" -> Active [] | "virtual" -> Virtual [] | "deleted" -> Deleted [] | _ -> failwith "MO_class should be (Core|Inactive|Active|Virtual|Deleted)" let _mo_number_list_of_range range = Range.of_string range |> ~f:MO_number.of_int let create_core range = Core (_mo_number_list_of_range range) let create_inactive range = Inactive (_mo_number_list_of_range range) let create_active range = Active (_mo_number_list_of_range range) let create_virtual range = Virtual (_mo_number_list_of_range range) let create_deleted range = Deleted (_mo_number_list_of_range range) let to_bitlist n_int x = match x with | Core l | Inactive l | Active l | Virtual l | Deleted l -> Bitlist.of_mo_number_list n_int l