#!/usr/bin/env python """Updates the README.rst file as the include directive is disabled on GitHub.""" __date__ = "Thu Apr 3 23:06:18 CEST 2014" __author__ = "Anthony Scemama " README="README.rst" Assum_key="Assumptions\n===========\n" Needed_key="Needed Modules\n==============\n" Sentinel="@@$%&@@" def fetch_splitted_data(): """Read the README.rst file and split it in 3 strings: * The description * The assumptions * The needed modules The result is given as a list of strings """ file = open(README,'r') data = file.read() file.close() # Place sentinels data = data.replace(Assum_key,Sentinel+Assum_key) data = data.replace(Needed_key,Sentinel+Needed_key) # Now Split data using the sentinels result = data.split(Sentinel) return result def update_assumptions(data): """Read the ASSUMPTIONS.rst file, and replace the data with it.""" try: file = open('ASSUMPTIONS.rst','r') except IOError: file = open('ASSUMPTIONS.rst','w') assumptions = "" else: assumptions = file.read() file.close() header = """ .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. ASSUMPTIONS.rst file. """ if assumptions.strip() != "": assumptions = Assum_key + header + assumptions + '\n\n' has_assumptions = False for i in range(len(data)): if data[i].startswith(Assum_key): has_assumptions = True data[i] = assumptions if not has_assumptions: data.insert(1,assumptions) return data def update_needed(data): """Read the NEEDED_MODULES file, and replace the data with it.""" file = open('NEEDED_MODULES','r') modules = file.read() file.close() header = """ .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. """ if modules.strip() != "": modules = "\n".join(map(lambda x: '* %s'%(x), modules.split())) modules = Needed_key + header + modules + '\n\n' has_modules = False for i in range(len(data)): if data[i].startswith(Needed_key): has_modules = True data[i] = modules if not has_modules: data.append(modules) return data import subprocess def git_add(): """Executes: git add README.rst if git is present on the machine.""" command = "git add "+README try: subprocess.call(command.split()) except OSError: pass def main(): data = fetch_splitted_data() data = update_assumptions(data) data = update_needed(data) output = ''.join(data) file = open(README,'w') file.write(output) file.close() git_add() if __name__ == '__main__': main()