open Core.Std;; open Qputils;; let print_list () = Lazy.force Qpackage.executables |> List.iter ~f:(fun (x,_) -> Printf.printf " * %s\n" x) ;; let run exe ezfio_file = let time_start = in if (not (Sys.file_exists_exn ezfio_file)) then failwith ("EZFIO directory "^ezfio_file^" not found"); let executables = Lazy.force Qpackage.executables in if (not (List.exists ~f:(fun (x,_) -> x = exe) executables)) then failwith ("Executable "^exe^" not found"); Printf.printf "===============\nQuantum Package\n===============\n\n"; Printf.printf "Date : %s\n\n%!" (Time.to_string time_start); let output_dir = ezfio_file^"/output" in if (Sys.file_exists_exn output_dir) then begin Sys.ls_dir output_dir |> List.iter ~f:(fun x -> Sys.remove (output_dir^"/"^x)); Unix.rmdir output_dir end; let fifo_name = ezfio_file^"/.fifo" in if (Sys.file_exists_exn fifo_name) then Sys.remove fifo_name; Unix.mkfifo ~perm:0o664 fifo_name; let script = Printf.sprintf "%s/scripts/ %s & echo $! > %s &" Qpackage.root ezfio_file fifo_name in ignore (Sys.command script); let pid = In_channel.with_file fifo_name ~f:(fun in_channel -> In_channel.input_all in_channel |> String.strip ) |> Int.of_string |> Pid.of_int in Sys.remove fifo_name; let exe = match (List.find ~f:(fun (x,_) -> x = exe) executables) with | None -> assert false | Some (_,x) -> x in match (Sys.command (exe^" "^ezfio_file)) with | 0 -> () | i -> Printf.printf "Program exited with code %d.\n%!" i; ; Signal.send_exn (Signal.of_system_int 2) (`Pid pid); (* Run the executable in the foreground * ==================================== *) let duration = Time.diff ( time_start |> Core.Span.to_string in Printf.printf "Wall time : %s\n\n" duration; ;; let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> anon ("exectuable" %: string) +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) ;; let () = Command.basic ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:( fun () -> " Executes a Quantum Package binary file among these:\ni\n" ^ (Lazy.force Qpackage.executables |> ~f:(fun (x,_) -> Printf.sprintf " * %s" x ) |> String.concat ~sep:"\n" ) ) spec (fun exe ezfio_file () -> run exe ezfio_file ) |> ;;