module map_module use omp_lib integer, parameter :: integral_kind = 8 integer, parameter :: cache_key_kind = 2 integer, parameter :: cache_map_size_kind = 4 integer, parameter :: key_kind = 8 integer, parameter :: map_size_kind = 8 integer, parameter :: map_shift = -15 integer*8, parameter :: map_mask = ibset(0_8,15)-1_8 type cache_map_type integer(cache_key_kind), pointer :: key(:) real(integral_kind), pointer :: value(:) logical :: sorted integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: map_size integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: n_elements integer(omp_lock_kind) :: lock end type cache_map_type type map_type type(cache_map_type), allocatable :: map(:) integer(map_size_kind) :: map_size integer(map_size_kind) :: n_elements logical :: sorted integer(omp_lock_kind) :: lock end type map_type end module map_module real function map_mb(map) use map_module use omp_lib implicit none type (map_type), intent(in) :: map integer(map_size_kind) :: i map_mb = 8+map_size_kind+map_size_kind+omp_lock_kind+4 do i=0,map%map_size map_mb = map_mb + map%map(i)%map_size*(cache_key_kind+integral_kind) + & 8+8+4+cache_map_size_kind+cache_map_size_kind+omp_lock_kind enddo map_mb = map_mb / (1024.d0*1024.d0) end subroutine cache_map_init(map,sze) use map_module implicit none type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: sze call omp_init_lock(map%lock) call omp_set_lock(map%lock) map%n_elements = 0_8 map%map_size = 0_8 map%sorted = .True. NULLIFY(map%value, map%key) call cache_map_reallocate(map,sze) call omp_unset_lock(map%lock) end subroutine map_init(map,keymax) use map_module implicit none integer*8, intent(in) :: keymax type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(map_size_kind) :: i integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: sze integer :: err call omp_init_lock(map%lock) call omp_set_lock(map%lock) map%n_elements = 0_8 map%map_size = ishft(keymax,map_shift) allocate(map%map(0_8:map%map_size),stat=err) if (err /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to allocate map' stop 5 endif !sze = max(sqrt(map%map_size/16.d0),2048.d0) sze = 2 do i=0_8,map%map_size call cache_map_init(map%map(i),sze) enddo map%sorted = .True. call omp_unset_lock(map%lock) end subroutine cache_map_reallocate(map,sze) use map_module implicit none integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(in) :: sze type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(cache_key_kind), pointer :: key_new(:) real(integral_kind), pointer :: value_new(:) integer(map_size_kind) :: i integer :: err !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : 64 :: key_new, value_new if (sze < map%n_elements) then print *, 'Unable to resize map : map too large' stop 3 endif ! Resize keys allocate( key_new(sze), stat=err ) if (err /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to allocate map', sze stop 1 endif if (associated(map%key)) then do i=1_8,min(size(map%key),map%n_elements) key_new(i) = map%key(i) enddo deallocate(map%key) endif ! Resize values allocate( value_new(sze), stat=err ) if (err /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to allocate map', sze stop 2 endif if (associated(map%value)) then do i=1_8,min(size(map%key),map%n_elements) value_new(i) = map%value(i) enddo deallocate(map%value) endif ! Set new pointers map%key => key_new map%value => value_new map%map_size = sze end subroutine cache_map_deinit(map) use map_module implicit none type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: err if (associated( map % value )) then deallocate( map % value, stat=err ) if (err /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to deallocate map' stop 2 endif NULLIFY(map%value) endif if (associated( map % key )) then deallocate( map % key, stat=err ) if (err /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to deallocate map' stop 4 endif NULLIFY(map%key) endif map%n_elements = 0_8 map%map_size = 0_8 call omp_destroy_lock(map%lock) end subroutine map_deinit(map) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: err integer(map_size_kind) :: i if (allocated( map % map )) then do i=0_8, map%map_size call cache_map_deinit(map%map(i)) enddo deallocate( map % map, stat=err ) if (err /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to deallocate map' stop 6 endif endif map%n_elements = 0_8 map%map_size = 0_8 call omp_destroy_lock(map%lock) end subroutine cache_map_sort(map) use map_module implicit none type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(cache_map_size_kind), allocatable :: iorder(:) integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: i !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : 64 :: iorder if ( then allocate(iorder(map%n_elements)) do i=1,map%n_elements iorder(i) = i enddo if (cache_key_kind == 2) then call i2radix_sort(map%key,iorder,map%n_elements,-1) else if (cache_key_kind == 4) then call iradix_sort(map%key,iorder,map%n_elements,-1) else if (cache_key_kind == 8) then call i8radix_sort(map%key,iorder,map%n_elements,-1) endif if (integral_kind == 4) then call set_order(map%value,iorder,map%n_elements) else if (integral_kind == 8) then call dset_order(map%value,iorder,map%n_elements) endif deallocate(iorder) map%sorted = .True. endif end subroutine map_sort(map) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(map_size_kind) :: i if ( then !$OMP PARALLEL DO SCHEDULE(static,1024) DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) do i=0_8,map%map_size call omp_set_lock(map%map(i)%lock) call cache_map_sort(map%map(i)) call omp_unset_lock(map%map(i)%lock) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO map%sorted = .True. endif end subroutine cache_map_unique(map) use map_module implicit none type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(cache_key_kind) :: prev_key integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: i, j call cache_map_sort(map) prev_key = -1_8 j=0 do i=1,map%n_elements if (map%key(i) /= prev_key) then j = j+1 map%value(j) = map%value(i) map%key(j) = map%key(i) prev_key = map%key(i) else map%value(j) = map%value(j)+map%value(i) endif enddo map%n_elements = j end subroutine cache_map_shrink(map,thr) use map_module implicit none type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map real(integral_kind) , intent(in) :: thr integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: i,j j=0 do i=1,map%n_elements if (abs(map%value(i)) > thr) then j = j+1 map%value(j) = map%value(i) map%key(j) = map%key(i) endif enddo map%n_elements = j end subroutine map_unique(map) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(map_size_kind) :: i integer(map_size_kind) :: icount icount = 0_8 !$OMP PARALLEL DO SCHEDULE(dynamic,1000) DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) & !$OMP REDUCTION(+:icount) do i=0_8,map%map_size call omp_set_lock(map%map(i)%lock) call cache_map_unique(map%map(i)) call omp_unset_lock(map%map(i)%lock) icount = icount + map%map(i)%n_elements enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO map%n_elements = icount end subroutine map_shrink(map,thr) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map type (map_type), intent(in) :: thr integer(map_size_kind) :: i integer(map_size_kind) :: icount icount = 0_8 !$OMP PARALLEL DO SCHEDULE(dynamic,1000) DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) & !$OMP REDUCTION(+:icount) do i=0_8,map%map_size call omp_set_lock(map%map(i)%lock) call cache_map_shrink(map%map(i),thr) call omp_unset_lock(map%map(i)%lock) icount = icount + map%map(i)%n_elements enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO map%n_elements = icount end subroutine map_update(map, key, value, sze, thr) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer, intent(in) :: sze integer(key_kind), intent(inout) :: key(sze) real(integral_kind), intent(inout):: value(sze) real(integral_kind), intent(in) :: thr integer :: i integer(map_size_kind) :: idx_cache, idx_cache_new integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: idx integer :: sze2 integer(cache_key_kind) :: cache_key integer(map_size_kind) :: n_elements_temp type (cache_map_type) :: local_map logical :: map_sorted sze2 = sze map_sorted = .True. n_elements_temp = 0_8 n_elements_temp = n_elements_temp + 1_8 do while (sze2>0) i=1 do while (i<=sze) if (key(i) /= 0_8) then idx_cache = ishft(key(i),map_shift) if (omp_test_lock(map%map(idx_cache)%lock)) then local_map%key => map%map(idx_cache)%key local_map%value => map%map(idx_cache)%value local_map%sorted = map%map(idx_cache)%sorted local_map%map_size = map%map(idx_cache)%map_size local_map%n_elements = map%map(idx_cache)%n_elements do !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call search_key_big_interval(key(i),local_map%key, local_map%n_elements, idx, 1_8, local_map%n_elements) if (idx > 0_8) then local_map%value(idx) = local_map%value(idx) + value(i) else ! Assert that the map has a proper size if (local_map%n_elements == local_map%map_size) then call cache_map_unique(local_map) call cache_map_reallocate(local_map, local_map%n_elements + local_map%n_elements) call cache_map_shrink(local_map,thr) endif cache_key = iand(key(i),map_mask) local_map%n_elements = local_map%n_elements + 1_8 local_map%value(local_map%n_elements) = value(i) local_map%key(local_map%n_elements) = cache_key local_map%sorted = .False. n_elements_temp = n_elements_temp + 1_8 endif ! idx > 0 key(i) = 0_8 i = i+1 sze2 = sze2-1 if (i>sze) then i=1 endif if ( (ishft(key(i),map_shift) /= idx_cache).or.(key(i)==0_8)) then exit endif enddo map%map(idx_cache)%key => local_map%key map%map(idx_cache)%value => local_map%value map%map(idx_cache)%sorted = local_map%sorted map%map(idx_cache)%n_elements = local_map%n_elements map%map(idx_cache)%map_size = local_map%map_size map_sorted = map_sorted .and. local_map%sorted call omp_unset_lock(map%map(idx_cache)%lock) endif ! omp_test_lock else i=i+1 endif ! key = 0 enddo ! i enddo ! sze2 > 0 call omp_set_lock(map%lock) map%n_elements = map%n_elements + n_elements_temp map%sorted = map%sorted .and. map_sorted call omp_unset_lock(map%lock) end subroutine map_append(map, key, value, sze) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer, intent(in) :: sze integer(key_kind), intent(inout) :: key(sze) real(integral_kind), intent(inout):: value(sze) integer :: i integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: n_elements integer(map_size_kind) :: idx_cache integer(cache_key_kind) :: cache_key do i=1,sze idx_cache = ishft(key(i),map_shift) call omp_set_lock(map%map(idx_cache)%lock) n_elements = map%map(idx_cache)%n_elements + 1 ! Assert that the map has a proper size if (n_elements == map%map(idx_cache)%map_size) then call cache_map_reallocate(map%map(idx_cache), n_elements+ ishft(n_elements,-1)) endif cache_key = iand(key(i),map_mask) map%map(idx_cache)%value(n_elements) = value(i) map%map(idx_cache)%key(n_elements) = cache_key map%map(idx_cache)%n_elements = n_elements if (map%map(idx_cache)%sorted.and.n_elements > 1) then map%map(idx_cache)%sorted = (map%map(idx_cache)%key(n_elements-1) <= cache_key) map%sorted = map%sorted .and. map%map(idx_cache)%sorted endif call omp_unset_lock(map%map(idx_cache)%lock) enddo call omp_set_lock(map%lock) map%n_elements = map%n_elements + sze call omp_unset_lock(map%lock) end subroutine map_get(map, key, value) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(in) :: map integer(key_kind), intent(in) :: key real(integral_kind), intent(out) :: value integer(map_size_kind) :: idx_cache integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: idx idx_cache = ishft(key,map_shift) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call cache_map_get_interval(map%map(idx_cache), key, value, 1, map%map(idx_cache)%n_elements,idx) end subroutine cache_map_get_interval(map, key, value, ibegin, iend, idx) use map_module implicit none type (cache_map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer(key_kind), intent(in) :: key integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(in) :: ibegin, iend real(integral_kind), intent(out) :: value integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(in) :: idx call search_key_big_interval(key,map%key, map%n_elements, idx, ibegin, iend) if (idx > 0) then value = map%value(idx) else value = 0._integral_kind endif end subroutine map_get_many(map, key, value, sze) use map_module implicit none type (map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer, intent(in) :: sze integer(key_kind), intent(in) :: key(sze) real(integral_kind), intent(out) :: value(sze) integer :: i integer(map_size_kind) :: idx_cache, idx_cache_prev integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: ibegin, iend integer(cache_map_size_kind), allocatable :: idx(:) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : 64 :: idx allocate(idx(sze)) do i=1,sze idx_cache = ishft(key(i),map_shift) iend = map%map(idx_cache)%n_elements !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call search_key_big_interval(key(i),map%map(idx_cache)%key, iend, idx(i), 1, iend) enddo do i=1,sze idx_cache = ishft(key(i),map_shift) if (idx(i) > 0) then value(i) = map%map(idx_cache)%value(idx(i)) else value(i) = 0. endif enddo deallocate(idx) end subroutine search_key_big(key,X,sze,idx) use map_module implicit none integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(in) :: sze integer(key_kind) , intent(in) :: key integer(cache_key_kind) , intent(in) :: X(sze) integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(out) :: idx call search_key_big_interval(key,X,sze,idx,1,sze) end subroutine search_key_big_interval(key,X,sze,idx,ibegin_in,iend_in) use map_module implicit none integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(in) :: sze integer(key_kind) , intent(in) :: key integer(cache_key_kind) , intent(in) :: X(sze) integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(in) :: ibegin_in, iend_in integer(cache_map_size_kind), intent(out) :: idx integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: istep, ibegin, iend, i integer(cache_key_kind) :: cache_key if (sze /= 0) then continue else idx = -1 return endif cache_key = iand(key,map_mask) ibegin = min(ibegin_in,sze) iend = min(iend_in,sze) if ((cache_key > X(ibegin)) .and. (cache_key < X(iend))) then istep = ishft(iend-ibegin,-1) idx = ibegin + istep do while (istep > 32) idx = ibegin + istep if (cache_key < X(idx)) then iend = idx istep = ishft(idx-ibegin,-1) idx = ibegin + istep if (cache_key < X(idx)) then iend = idx istep = ishft(idx-ibegin,-1) cycle else if (cache_key > X(idx)) then ibegin = idx istep = ishft(iend-idx,-1) cycle else return endif else if (cache_key > X(idx)) then ibegin = idx istep = ishft(iend-idx,-1) idx = idx + istep if (cache_key < X(idx)) then iend = idx istep = ishft(idx-ibegin,-1) cycle else if (cache_key > X(idx)) then ibegin = idx istep = ishft(iend-idx,-1) cycle else return endif else return endif enddo idx = ibegin if (min(iend_in,sze) > ibegin+64) then iend = ibegin+64 !DIR$ VECTOR ALIGNED do while (cache_key > X(idx)) idx = idx+1 end do else !DIR$ VECTOR ALIGNED do while (cache_key > X(idx)) idx = idx+1 if (idx /= iend) then cycle else exit endif end do endif if (cache_key /= X(idx)) then idx = 1-idx endif return else if (cache_key < X(ibegin)) then idx = -ibegin return endif if (cache_key > X(iend)) then idx = -iend return endif if (cache_key == X(ibegin)) then idx = ibegin return endif if (cache_key == X(iend)) then idx = iend return endif endif end