#!/bin/bash # # Downloads and installs ocaml, opam and core library # Thu Oct 23 21:58:40 CEST 2014 QPACKAGE_ROOT=${PWD} PACKAGES="core cryptokit" function asksure() { echo -n "Are you sure (Y/N)? " return $retval } if [[ -f quantum_package.rc ]] then source quantum_package.rc fi make -C ocaml Qptypes.ml &> /dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then if [[ -d ${HOME}/ocamlbrew ]] then echo "Remove directory ${HOME}/ocamlbrew? [Y/n]" while read -r -n 1 -s answer; do if [[ $answer = [YyNn] ]]; then [[ $answer = [Yy] ]] && rm -rf -- ${HOME}/ocamlbrew [[ $answer = [Nn] ]] && exit 1 break fi done fi scripts/fetch_from_web.py "https://raw.github.com/hcarty/ocamlbrew/master/ocamlbrew-install" ocamlbrew-install.sh cat < ocamlbrew-install.sh | env OCAMLBREW_FLAGS="-r" bash | tee ocamlbrew_install.log grep "source " ocamlbrew_install.log | grep "etc/ocamlbrew.bashrc" >> quantum_package.rc source quantum_package.rc echo Y | opam install ${PACKAGES} fi make -C ocaml Qptypes.ml