open Core.Std;; open Qptypes;; open Qputils;; (** Variables related to the quantum package installation *) let root = match (Sys.getenv "QPACKAGE_ROOT") with | None -> failwith "QPACKAGE_ROOT environment variable is not set. Please source the quantum_package.rc file." | Some x -> x ;; let bit_kind_size = lazy ( let filename = root / "src/Bitmask/bitmasks_module.f90" in if not (Sys.file_exists_exn filename) then raise (Failure ("File "^filename^" not found")); let in_channel = In_channel.create filename in let lines = In_channel.input_lines in_channel in In_channel.close in_channel; let rec get_data = function | [] -> raise (Failure ("bit_kind_size not found in "^filename)) | line::tail -> let line = begin match String.split ~on:'!' line |> List.hd with | Some x -> x | None -> "" end in begin match (String.rsplit2 ~on:':' line) with | Some (_ ,buffer) -> begin match (String.split ~on:'=' buffer |> ~f:String.strip) with | ["bit_kind_size"; x] -> Int.of_string x |> Bit_kind_size.of_int | _ -> get_data tail end | _ -> get_data tail end in get_data lines ) ;; let executables = lazy ( let filename = root / "data/executables" and func in_channel = In_channel.input_lines in_channel |> ~f:(fun x -> let e = String.split ~on:' ' x |> ~f:String.strip |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x <> "") in match e with | [a;b] -> (a,String.substr_replace_all ~pattern:"$QPACKAGE_ROOT" ~with_:root b) | _ -> ("","") ) in In_channel.with_file filename ~f:func |> List.sort ~cmp:(fun (x,_) (y,_) -> if x < y then -1 else if x > y then 1 else 0) )