#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest import subprocess import os import sys qpackage_root = os.environ['QPACKAGE_ROOT'] EZFIO = "{0}/EZFIO".format(qpackage_root) sys.path = [EZFIO + "/Python"] + sys.path from ezfio import ezfio from collections import defaultdict # ~#~#~ # # O p t # # ~#~#~ # precision = 1.e-8 # A test get a geo file and a basis file. # A global dict containt the result for this test # A test return True or Raise a error ! # More ezfio condition you set, beter it is # You cannot order the test flow. # So if you dont whant to remarque on test (for example the HF), set # a global variable and check for it global has_hf_alredy has_hf_alredy = False def init_folder(geo, basis, mult=1): ''' Take a geo in arg (aka a existing geo.xyz in test/) And create the geo.ezfio with the adeguate basis and multipliciti DO NOT CHECK IS THE EZFIO FOLDER ALREADY EXIST ''' cmd = "cp {0}/tests/{1}.xyz .".format(qpackage_root, geo) subprocess.check_call([cmd], shell=True) cmd = "qp_create_ezfio_from_xyz -b {0} -m {1} {2}.xyz".format(basis, mult, geo) subprocess.check_call([cmd], shell=True) def get_error_message(l_exepected, l_cur): l_msg = ["Need {0} get {1}".format(i,j) for i,j in zip(l_exepected,l_cur)] return "\n".join(l_msg) def run_hf(geo, basis): """ Run a simle by default hf EZFIO path = geo.ezfio """ global has_hf_alredy has_hf_alredy = True ref_energy = defaultdict(dict) ref_energy["sto-3g"]["methane"] = -39.7267433402 init_folder(geo, basis) cmd = "qp_run SCF {0}.ezfio/".format(geo) subprocess.check_call([cmd], shell=True) ezfio.set_file("{0}.ezfio".format(geo)) cur_e = ezfio.get_hartree_fock_energy() ref_e = ref_energy[basis][geo] if abs(cur_e - ref_e) <= precision: return True else: raise ValueError(get_error_message([ref_e], [cur_e])) def run_full_ci_10k_pt2_end(geo, basis): """ Run a Full_ci with 10k with the TruePT2 EZFIO path = geo.ezfio """ ref_energy_var = defaultdict(dict) ref_energy_pt2 = defaultdict(dict) ref_energy_var["sto-3g"]["methane"] = -0.398058753535695E+02 ref_energy_pt2["sto-3g"]["methane"] = -0.398059182483741E+02 ezfio.set_file("{0}.ezfio".format(geo)) ezfio.full_ci_do_pt2_end = True ezfio.full_ci_n_det_max_fci = 10000 ezfio.full_ci_pt2_max = 1.e-8 cmd = "qp_run full_ci {0}.ezfio/".format(geo) subprocess.check_call([cmd], shell=True) cur_var = ezfio.get_full_ci_energy() cur_pt2 = ezfio.get_full_ci_energy_pt2() ref_var = ref_energy_var[basis][geo] ref_pt2 = ref_energy_pt2[basis][geo] t = [abs(cur_var - ref_var) <= precision, abs(cur_pt2 - ref_pt2) <= precision] if all(t): return True else: raise ValueError(get_error_message([ref_var, ref_pt2], [cur_var, cur_pt2])) def run_big_test(geo, basis): if not has_hf_alredy: run_hf(geo, basis) run_full_ci_10k_pt2_end(geo, basis) return True class SimplisticTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_full_ci_10k_pt2_end(self): self.assertTrue(run_big_test("methane", "sto-3g")) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()