.. _mo_basis: .. program:: mo_basis .. default-role:: option ======== MO_Basis ======== Molecular orbitals are expressed as .. math:: \phi_k({\bf r}) = \sum_i C_{ik} \chi_k({\bf r}) where :math:`\chi_k` are *normalized* atomic basis functions. The current set of |MOs| has a label `mo_label`. When the orbitals are modified, the label should also be updated to keep everything consistent. When saving the |MOs|, the :file:`mo_basis` directory of the |EZFIO| database is copied in the :file:`save` directory, named by the current `mo_label`. All this is done with the script named :file:`save_current_mos.sh` in the :file:`$QP_ROOT/scripts` directory. EZFIO parameters ---------------- .. option:: mo_tot_num Total number of |MOs| .. option:: mo_coef Coefficient of the i-th |AO| on the j-th |MO| .. option:: mo_label Label characterizing the MOS (Local, Canonical, Natural, *etc*) .. option:: mo_occ |MO| occupation numbers .. option:: mo_class [ Core | Inactive | Active | Virtual | Deleted ], as defined by :ref:`qp_set_mo_class` .. option:: ao_md5 MD5 checksum characterizing the |AO| basis set. Providers --------- .. c:var:: mo_coef .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef (ao_num,mo_tot_num) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Molecular orbital coefficients on AO basis set mo_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the ith ao on the jth mo mo_label : Label characterizing the MOS (local, canonical, natural, etc) .. c:var:: mo_coef_begin_iteration .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_begin_iteration (ao_num,mo_tot_num) File: :file:`track_orb.irp.f` Void provider to store the coefficients of the |MO| basis at the beginning of the SCF iteration Usefull to track some orbitals .. c:var:: mo_coef_in_ao_ortho_basis .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_in_ao_ortho_basis (ao_num,mo_tot_num) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` MO coefficients in orthogonalized AO basis C^(-1).C_mo .. c:var:: mo_coef_transp .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_transp (mo_tot_num,ao_num) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Molecular orbital coefficients on AO basis set .. c:var:: mo_label .. code:: text character*(64) :: mo_label File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Molecular orbital coefficients on AO basis set mo_coef(i,j) = coefficient of the ith ao on the jth mo mo_label : Label characterizing the MOS (local, canonical, natural, etc) .. c:var:: mo_num .. code:: text integer :: mo_num File: :file:`mos.irp.f` mo_tot_num without the highest deleted MOs .. c:var:: mo_occ .. code:: text double precision, allocatable :: mo_occ (mo_tot_num) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` MO occupation numbers .. c:var:: mo_tot_num .. code:: text integer :: mo_tot_num File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Number of MOs Subroutines / functions ----------------------- .. c:function:: ao_ortho_cano_to_ao .. code:: text subroutine ao_ortho_cano_to_ao(A_ao,LDA_ao,A,LDA) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Transform A from the AO basis to the orthogonal AO basis C^(-1).A_ao.Ct^(-1) .. c:function:: ao_to_mo .. code:: text subroutine ao_to_mo(A_ao,LDA_ao,A_mo,LDA_mo) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Transform A from the AO basis to the MO basis Ct.A_ao.C .. c:function:: give_all_mos_and_grad_and_lapl_at_r .. code:: text subroutine give_all_mos_and_grad_and_lapl_at_r(r,mos_array,mos_grad_array,mos_lapl_array) File: :file:`mos_in_r.irp.f` .. c:function:: give_all_mos_and_grad_at_r .. code:: text subroutine give_all_mos_and_grad_at_r(r,mos_array,mos_grad_array) File: :file:`mos_in_r.irp.f` .. c:function:: give_all_mos_at_r .. code:: text subroutine give_all_mos_at_r(r,mos_array) File: :file:`mos_in_r.irp.f` .. c:function:: initialize_mo_coef_begin_iteration .. code:: text subroutine initialize_mo_coef_begin_iteration File: :file:`track_orb.irp.f` Initialize :c:data:`mo_coef_begin_iteration` to the current :c:data:`mo_coef` .. c:function:: mix_mo_jk .. code:: text subroutine mix_mo_jk(j,k) File: :file:`mos.irp.f` Rotates the jth MO with the kth MO to give two new MO's that are '+' = 1/sqrt(2) (|j> + |k>) '-' = 1/sqrt(2) (|j> - |k>) by convention, the '+' MO is in the lower index (min(j,k)) by convention, the '-' MO is in the larger index (max(j,k)) .. c:function:: mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix .. code:: text subroutine mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(matrix,n,m,label,sign,output) File: :file:`utils.irp.f` .. c:function:: mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix .. code:: text subroutine mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix(matrix,lda,m,n,label) File: :file:`utils.irp.f` .. c:function:: mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix_eig .. code:: text subroutine mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix_eig(matrix,lda,m,n,eig,label) File: :file:`utils.irp.f` .. c:function:: reorder_active_orb .. code:: text subroutine reorder_active_orb File: :file:`track_orb.irp.f` routines that takes the current :c:data:`mo_coef` and reorder the active orbitals (see :c:data:`list_act` and :c:data:`n_act_orb`) according to the overlap with :c:data:`mo_coef_begin_iteration` .. c:function:: save_mos .. code:: text subroutine save_mos File: :file:`utils.irp.f` .. c:function:: save_mos_truncated .. code:: text subroutine save_mos_truncated(n) File: :file:`utils.irp.f`