open Input_determinants_by_hand open Qptypes let () = let ezfio, ezfio' = try Sys.argv.(1), Sys.argv.(2) with Invalid_argument _ -> raise (Invalid_argument (Printf.sprintf "Syntax : %s EZFIO1 EZFIO2" Sys.argv.(0))) in let fetch_wf filename = Ezfio.set_file filename; let mo_tot_num = Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num () |> MO_number.of_int in let d = () in let n_det = Det_number.to_int d.Determinants_by_hand.n_det in let keys = (Determinant.to_string ~mo_tot_num) d.Determinants_by_hand.psi_det and values = Det_coef.to_float d.Determinants_by_hand.psi_coef in let hash = Hashtbl.create n_det in for i=0 to n_det-1 do Hashtbl.add hash keys.(i) values.(i); done; hash in let overlap wf wf' = let result, norm, norm' = Hashtbl.fold (fun k c (accu,norm,norm') -> let c' = try Hashtbl.find wf' k with Not_found -> 0. in (accu +. c *. c' , norm +. c *. c , norm'+. c'*. c' ) ) wf (0.,0.,0.) in result /. (norm *. norm') in let wf, wf' = fetch_wf ezfio, fetch_wf ezfio' in let o = overlap wf wf' in print_float (abs_float o)