Introduction ============ What it is """""""""" The |qp| is an open-source programming environment for quantum chemistry, especially for `wave function methods `_. The main goal is the development of selected configuration interaction (sCI) methods and multi-reference perturbation theory (MR-PT) in the determinant-driven paradigm. The determinant-driven framework allows the programmer to include any arbitrary set of determinants in the variational space, and thus gives a complete freedom in the methodological development. All the programs are developed with the `IRPF90`_ code generator, which simplifies the development of new programs. What it is not """""""""""""" The |qp| is *not* a general purpose quantum chemistry program. First of all, it is a library. The users of the |qp| should develop their own programs. The |qp| has been designed specifically for sCI, so all the algorithms which are programmed are not adapted to run SCF or DFT calculations on thousands of atoms. The |qp| is *not* a massive production code. For conventional methods such as Hartree-Fock CISD or MP2, the users are recommended to use the existing standard production codes which are designed to make these methods run fast. Again, the role of the |qp| is to make life simple for the developer. Once a new method is developed and tested, the developer is encouraged to consider re-expressing it with an integral-driven formulation, and to implement the new method is open-source production codes, such as `NWChem`_ or `GAMESS`_. Applications """""""""""" Multiple programs were developed with the |qp|, such as: - Selected Full-CI + Epstein-Nesbet PT2 (CIPSI) - Hybrid stochastic/deterministic MR-PT2 - CIS, CISD, MP2 - Selected CISD - Jeziorsky-Monkhorst MR-PT2 - Selected CAS+SD - Selected difference-dedicated CI (DD-CI) - Multi-Reference Coupled Cluster (MR-CCSD) - CIPSI with range-separated DFT All these programs can generate ground and excited states, and spin pure wave functions (eigenstates of S²). .. Links .. .. _IRPF90: .. _NWChem: .. _GAMESS: .. |qp| replace:: Quantum Package