!==============================================================================! ! ! ! Independent alpha/beta parts ! ! ! !==============================================================================! use bitmasks integer*8 function spin_det_search_key(det,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Return an integer*8 corresponding to a determinant index for searching END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det(Nint) integer :: i spin_det_search_key = det(1) do i=2,Nint spin_det_search_key = ieor(spin_det_search_key,det(i)) enddo end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_alpha, (N_int,psi_det_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! List of alpha determinants of psi_det END_DOC integer :: i,k do i=1,N_det do k=1,N_int psi_det_alpha(k,i) = psi_det(k,1,i) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_beta, (N_int,psi_det_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! List of beta determinants of psi_det END_DOC integer :: i,k do i=1,N_det do k=1,N_int psi_det_beta(k,i) = psi_det(k,2,i) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_alpha_unique, (N_int,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_alpha_unique ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Unique alpha determinants END_DOC integer :: i,k integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) integer*8, allocatable :: bit_tmp(:) integer*8 :: last_key integer*8, external :: spin_det_search_key allocate ( iorder(N_det), bit_tmp(N_det)) do i=1,N_det iorder(i) = i bit_tmp(i) = spin_det_search_key(psi_det_alpha(1,i),N_int) enddo call i8sort(bit_tmp,iorder,N_det) N_det_alpha_unique = 0 last_key = 0_8 do i=1,N_det if (bit_tmp(i) /= last_key) then last_key = bit_tmp(i) N_det_alpha_unique += 1 do k=1,N_int psi_det_alpha_unique(k,N_det_alpha_unique) = psi_det_alpha(k,iorder(i)) enddo endif enddo deallocate (iorder, bit_tmp) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_beta_unique, (N_int,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_beta_unique ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Unique beta determinants END_DOC integer :: i,k integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) integer*8, allocatable :: bit_tmp(:) integer*8 :: last_key integer*8, external :: spin_det_search_key allocate ( iorder(N_det), bit_tmp(N_det)) do i=1,N_det iorder(i) = i bit_tmp(i) = spin_det_search_key(psi_det_beta(1,i),N_int) enddo call i8sort(bit_tmp,iorder,N_det) N_det_beta_unique = 0 last_key = 0_8 do i=1,N_det if (bit_tmp(i) /= last_key) then last_key = bit_tmp(i) N_det_beta_unique += 1 do k=1,N_int psi_det_beta_unique(k,N_det_beta_unique) = psi_det_beta(k,iorder(i)) enddo endif enddo deallocate (iorder, bit_tmp) END_PROVIDER integer function get_index_in_psi_det_alpha_unique(key,Nint) use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the index of the determinant in the ``psi_det_alpha_unique`` array END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint) integer :: i, ibegin, iend, istep, l integer*8 :: det_ref, det_search integer*8, external :: spin_det_search_key logical :: is_in_wavefunction is_in_wavefunction = .False. get_index_in_psi_det_alpha_unique = 0 ibegin = 1 iend = N_det_alpha_unique + 1 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE det_ref = spin_det_search_key(key,Nint) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE det_search = spin_det_search_key(psi_det_alpha_unique(1,1),Nint) istep = ishft(iend-ibegin,-1) i=ibegin+istep do while (istep > 0) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE det_search = spin_det_search_key(psi_det_alpha_unique(1,i),Nint) if ( det_search > det_ref ) then iend = i else if ( det_search == det_ref ) then exit else ibegin = i endif istep = ishft(iend-ibegin,-1) i = ibegin + istep end do !DIR$ FORCEINLINE do while (spin_det_search_key(psi_det_alpha_unique(1,i),Nint) == det_ref) i = i-1 if (i == 0) then exit endif enddo i += 1 if (i > N_det_alpha_unique) then return endif !DIR$ FORCEINLINE do while (spin_det_search_key(psi_det_alpha_unique(1,i),Nint) == det_ref) if (key(1) /= psi_det_alpha_unique(1,i)) then continue else is_in_wavefunction = .True. !DIR$ IVDEP !DIR$ LOOP COUNT MIN(3) do l=2,Nint if (key(l) /= psi_det_alpha_unique(l,i)) then is_in_wavefunction = .False. endif enddo if (is_in_wavefunction) then get_index_in_psi_det_alpha_unique = i return endif endif i += 1 if (i > N_det_alpha_unique) then return endif enddo end integer function get_index_in_psi_det_beta_unique(key,Nint) use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the index of the determinant in the ``psi_det_beta_unique`` array END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key(Nint) integer :: i, ibegin, iend, istep, l integer*8 :: det_ref, det_search integer*8, external :: spin_det_search_key logical :: is_in_wavefunction is_in_wavefunction = .False. get_index_in_psi_det_beta_unique = 0 ibegin = 1 iend = N_det_beta_unique + 1 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE det_ref = spin_det_search_key(key,Nint) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE det_search = spin_det_search_key(psi_det_beta_unique(1,1),Nint) istep = ishft(iend-ibegin,-1) i=ibegin+istep do while (istep > 0) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE det_search = spin_det_search_key(psi_det_beta_unique(1,i),Nint) if ( det_search > det_ref ) then iend = i else if ( det_search == det_ref ) then exit else ibegin = i endif istep = ishft(iend-ibegin,-1) i = ibegin + istep end do !DIR$ FORCEINLINE do while (spin_det_search_key(psi_det_beta_unique(1,i),Nint) == det_ref) i = i-1 if (i == 0) then exit endif enddo i += 1 if (i > N_det_beta_unique) then return endif !DIR$ FORCEINLINE do while (spin_det_search_key(psi_det_beta_unique(1,i),Nint) == det_ref) if (key(1) /= psi_det_beta_unique(1,i)) then continue else is_in_wavefunction = .True. !DIR$ IVDEP !DIR$ LOOP COUNT MIN(3) do l=2,Nint if (key(l) /= psi_det_beta_unique(l,i)) then is_in_wavefunction = .False. endif enddo if (is_in_wavefunction) then get_index_in_psi_det_beta_unique = i return endif endif i += 1 if (i > N_det_beta_unique) then return endif enddo end subroutine write_spindeterminants use bitmasks implicit none integer*8, allocatable :: tmpdet(:,:) integer :: N_int2 integer :: i,j,k integer*8 :: det_8(100) integer(bit_kind) :: det_bk((100*8)/bit_kind) equivalence (det_8, det_bk) N_int2 = (N_int*bit_kind)/8 call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_n_det_alpha(N_det_alpha_unique) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_n_det_beta(N_det_beta_unique) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_n_det(N_det) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_n_int(N_int) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_bit_kind(bit_kind) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_n_states(N_states) allocate(tmpdet(N_int2,N_det_alpha_unique)) do i=1,N_det_alpha_unique do k=1,N_int det_bk(k) = psi_det_alpha_unique(k,i) enddo do k=1,N_int2 tmpdet(k,i) = det_8(k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_det_alpha(psi_det_alpha_unique) deallocate(tmpdet) allocate(tmpdet(N_int2,N_det_beta_unique)) do i=1,N_det_beta_unique do k=1,N_int det_bk(k) = psi_det_beta_unique(k,i) enddo do k=1,N_int2 tmpdet(k,i) = det_8(k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_det_beta(psi_det_beta_unique) deallocate(tmpdet) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_coef_matrix_values(psi_svd_matrix_values) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_coef_matrix_rows(psi_svd_matrix_rows) call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_coef_matrix_columns(psi_svd_matrix_columns) integer :: n_svd_coefs double precision :: norm, f f = 1.d0/dble(N_states) norm = 1.d0 do n_svd_coefs=1,N_det_alpha_unique do k=1,N_states norm -= psi_svd_coefs(n_svd_coefs,k)*psi_svd_coefs(n_svd_coefs,k) enddo if (norm < 1.d-4) then exit endif enddo n_svd_coefs -= 1 call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_n_svd_coefs(n_svd_coefs) double precision, allocatable :: dtmp(:,:,:) allocate(dtmp(N_det_alpha_unique,n_svd_coefs,N_states)) do k=1,N_states do j=1,n_svd_coefs do i=1,N_det_alpha_unique dtmp(i,j,k) = psi_svd_alpha(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_svd_alpha(dtmp) deallocate(dtmp) allocate(dtmp(N_det_beta_unique,n_svd_coefs,N_states)) do k=1,N_states do j=1,n_svd_coefs do i=1,N_det_beta_unique dtmp(i,j,k) = psi_svd_beta(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_svd_beta(dtmp) deallocate(dtmp) allocate(dtmp(n_svd_coefs,N_states,1)) do k=1,N_states do j=1,n_svd_coefs dtmp(j,k,1) = psi_svd_coefs(j,k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_spindeterminants_psi_svd_coefs(dtmp) deallocate(dtmp) end !==============================================================================! ! ! ! Alpha x Beta Matrix ! ! ! !==============================================================================! BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_svd_matrix_values, (N_det,N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_svd_matrix_rows, (N_det) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_svd_matrix_columns, (N_det) ] use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Matrix of wf coefficients. Outer product of alpha and beta determinants END_DOC integer :: i,j,k, l integer(bit_kind) :: tmp_det(N_int,2) integer :: idx integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction PROVIDE psi_coef_sorted_bit ! l=0 ! do j=1,N_det_beta_unique ! do k=1,N_int ! tmp_det(k,2) = psi_det_beta_unique(k,j) ! enddo ! do i=1,N_det_alpha_unique ! do k=1,N_int ! tmp_det(k,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(k,i) ! enddo ! idx = get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(tmp_det,N_int) ! if (idx > 0) then ! l += 1 ! psi_svd_matrix_rows(l) = i ! psi_svd_matrix_columns(l) = j ! do k=1,N_states ! psi_svd_matrix_values(l,k) = psi_coef_sorted_bit(idx,k) ! enddo ! endif ! enddo ! enddo ! ASSERT (l == N_det) integer, allocatable :: iorder(:), to_sort(:) integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_alpha_unique integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_beta_unique allocate(iorder(N_det), to_sort(N_det)) do k=1,N_det i = get_index_in_psi_det_alpha_unique(psi_det(1,1,k),N_int) j = get_index_in_psi_det_beta_unique (psi_det(1,2,k),N_int) do l=1,N_states psi_svd_matrix_values(k,l) = psi_coef(k,l) enddo psi_svd_matrix_rows(k) = i psi_svd_matrix_columns(k) = j to_sort(k) = N_det_alpha_unique * (j-1) + i iorder(k) = k enddo call isort(to_sort, iorder, N_det) call iset_order(psi_svd_matrix_rows,iorder,N_det) call iset_order(psi_svd_matrix_columns,iorder,N_det) call dset_order(psi_svd_matrix_values,iorder,N_det) deallocate(iorder,to_sort) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_svd_matrix, (N_det_alpha_unique,N_det_beta_unique,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Matrix of wf coefficients. Outer product of alpha and beta determinants END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,istate psi_svd_matrix = 0.d0 do k=1,N_det i = psi_svd_matrix_rows(k) j = psi_svd_matrix_columns(k) do istate=1,N_states psi_svd_matrix(i,j,istate) = psi_svd_matrix_values(k,istate) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER subroutine create_wf_of_psi_svd_matrix use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Matrix of wf coefficients. Outer product of alpha and beta determinants END_DOC integer :: i,j,k integer(bit_kind) :: tmp_det(N_int,2) integer :: idx integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction double precision :: norm(N_states) call generate_all_alpha_beta_det_products norm = 0.d0 do j=1,N_det_beta_unique do k=1,N_int tmp_det(k,2) = psi_det_beta_unique(k,j) enddo do i=1,N_det_alpha_unique do k=1,N_int tmp_det(k,1) = psi_det_alpha_unique(k,i) enddo idx = get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(tmp_det,N_int) if (idx > 0) then do k=1,N_states psi_coef_sorted_bit(idx,k) = psi_svd_matrix(i,j,k) norm(k) += psi_svd_matrix(i,j,k) enddo endif enddo enddo do k=1,N_states norm(k) = 1.d0/dsqrt(norm(k)) do i=1,N_det psi_coef_sorted_bit(i,k) = psi_coef_sorted_bit(i,k)*norm(k) enddo enddo psi_det = psi_det_sorted_bit psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted_bit TOUCH psi_det psi_coef psi_det = psi_det_sorted psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted norm(1) = 0.d0 do i=1,N_det norm(1) += psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted(i) if (norm(1) >= 0.999999d0) then exit endif enddo N_det = min(i,N_det) SOFT_TOUCH psi_det psi_coef N_det end subroutine generate_all_alpha_beta_det_products implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Create a wave function from all possible alpha x beta determinants END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l integer :: idx, iproc integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: tmp_det(:,:,:) logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) SHARED(psi_coef_sorted_bit,N_det_beta_unique,& !$OMP N_det_alpha_unique, N_int, psi_det_alpha_unique, psi_det_beta_unique,& !$OMP N_det) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k,l,tmp_det,idx,iproc) !$ iproc = omp_get_thread_num() allocate (tmp_det(N_int,2,N_det_alpha_unique)) !$OMP DO do j=1,N_det_beta_unique l = 1 do i=1,N_det_alpha_unique do k=1,N_int tmp_det(k,1,l) = psi_det_alpha_unique(k,i) tmp_det(k,2,l) = psi_det_beta_unique (k,j) enddo if (.not.is_in_wavefunction(tmp_det(1,1,l),N_int,N_det)) then l = l+1 endif enddo call fill_H_apply_buffer_no_selection(l-1, tmp_det, N_int, iproc) enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT deallocate(tmp_det) !$OMP END PARALLEL deallocate (tmp_det) call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf SOFT_TOUCH psi_det psi_coef N_det end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_svd_alpha, (N_det_alpha_unique,N_det_alpha_unique,N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_svd_beta , (N_det_beta_unique,N_det_beta_unique,N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_svd_coefs, (N_det_beta_unique,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! SVD wave function END_DOC integer :: lwork, info, istate double precision, allocatable :: work(:), tmp(:,:), copy(:,:) allocate (work(1),tmp(N_det_beta_unique,N_det_beta_unique), & copy(size(psi_svd_matrix,1),size(psi_svd_matrix,2))) do istate = 1,N_states copy(:,:) = psi_svd_matrix(:,:,istate) lwork=-1 call dgesvd('A','A', N_det_alpha_unique, N_det_beta_unique, & copy, size(copy,1), & psi_svd_coefs(1,istate), psi_svd_alpha(1,1,istate), & size(psi_svd_alpha,1), & tmp, size(psi_svd_beta,2), & work, lwork, info) lwork = work(1) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgesvd('A','A', N_det_alpha_unique, N_det_beta_unique, & copy, size(copy,1), & psi_svd_coefs(1,istate), psi_svd_alpha(1,1,istate), & size(psi_svd_alpha,1), & tmp, size(psi_svd_beta,2), & work, lwork, info) deallocate(work) if (info /= 0) then print *, irp_here//': error in det SVD' stop 1 endif integer :: i,j do j=1,N_det_beta_unique do i=1,N_det_beta_unique psi_svd_beta(i,j,istate) = tmp(j,i) enddo enddo deallocate(tmp,copy) enddo END_PROVIDER