* Added/Updated files to save iterations
Modified EZFIO.cfg to include iteratively saved data if the keyword of "full_ci_zmq/iterative" is set to true in the ezfio. The default is false.
Will save the number of total iterations in full_ci_zmq/n_iter
Saves the number of determinants in full_ci_zmq/n_det_iter
Saves the energy in full_ci_zmq/energy_iter.
Saves the energy_pt2 in full_ci_zmq/energybefore_pt2_iter
These results are the same as the output of the program at every iteration.
Modified fci_zmq.irp.f to include calls to fci_iterations.irp.f at each iteration (starting at N_det==1 and including the final call to do the final pt2 correction)
Created fci_iterations as a subroutine to save the number of determinants, energy, and energy+pt2 for every iteration and saves the results in the full_ci_zmq output directory.
* Updated files to include 3 save options
Updated "iterative" in EZFIO.cfg to be an integer that can take the values of 1 (Append), 2 (Overwrite), or 3 (Do not save).
Updated fci_iterations to be simpler and include the three options.
Also updated the output so that only N_det, energy, and pt2 are output. The user must manipulate from there.
* Delete fci_iterations.irp.f
The file was modified and moved to fci_iterations.f90
* Fixed the comments
* Rename fci_iterations to dump_fci_iterations_value
Changed name to be clear on purpose.
* Updated files for iterative saving
Renamed fci_iterations to dump_fci_iterations_value for clarity
In EZFIO.cfg changed keyword "iterative" to "iterative_save" for clarity
Update dump_fci_iterations_value with "iterative_save" keyword
Removed call to dump_fci_iterations on line 27 in fci_zmq
Updated fci_zmq with the name change for calls
* Delete fci_zmq.irp.f
* Delete fci_zmq_pt2.irp.f
* Delete EZFIO.cfg
* Get latest updates from master
* Added calls to dump_fci_iterations_value
* Readded dump_fci_iterations_value
* Updated EZFIO.cfg
* Add config for knl
* Add mising readme
* Add .gitignore
* Add pseudo to qp_convert
* Working pseudo
* Dressed matrix for pt2 works for one state
* now eigenfunction of S^2
* minor modifs in printing
* Fixed the perturbation with psi_ref instead of psi_det
* Trying do really fo sin free multiple excitations
* Beginning to merge MRCC and MRPT
* final version of MRPT, at least I hope
* Fix 404: Update Zlib Url.
* Delete ifort_knl.cfg
* Update module_handler.py
* Update pot_ao_pseudo_ints.irp.f
* Update map_module.f90
* Restaure map_module.f90
* Update configure
* Update configure
* Update sort.irp.f
* Update sort.irp.f
* Update selection.irp.f
* Update selection.irp.f
* Update dressing.irp.f
* TApplencourt IRPF90 -> LCPQ
* Remove `irpf90.make` in dependency
* Update configure
* Missing PROVIDE
* Missing PROVIDE
* Missing PROVIDE
* Missing PROVIDE
* Update configure
* pouet
* density based mrpt2
* debugging FOBOCI
* Added SCF_density
* New version of FOBOCI
* added density.irp.f
* minor changes in plugins/FOBOCI/SC2_1h1p.irp.f
* added track_orb.irp.f
* minor changes
* minor modifs in FOBOCI
* med
* Minor changes
* minor changes
* strange things in MRPT
* minor modifs
* Fix#185 (Graphviz API / Python 2.6)
* beginning to debug dft
* fixed the factor 2 in lebedev
* DFT integration works for non overlapping densities
* DFT begins to work with lda
* KS LDA is okay
* added core integrals
* mend
* Beginning logn range integrals
* Trying to handle two sets of integrals
* beginning to clean erf integrals
* Handling of two different mo and ao integrals map