mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 11:00:10 +01:00
experimental mrcc_sto
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,199 @@
use bitmasks
use bitmasks
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_mrcc_teeth ]
N_mrcc_teeth = 10
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mrcc_norm_acc, (0:N_det_non_ref, N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mrcc_norm, (0:N_det_non_ref, N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mrcc_teeth_size, (0:N_det_non_ref, N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mrcc_teeth, (0:N_mrcc_teeth+1, N_states) ]
implicit none
integer :: i, j, st, nt
double precision :: norm_sto, jump, norm_mwen, norm_loc
if(N_states /= 1) stop "mrcc_sto may not work with N_states /= 1"
do st=1,N_states
!norm_non_ref = 1d0
!do i=1,N_det_ref
! norm_non_ref -= psi_ref_coef(i,st)**2
!end do
mrcc_teeth(0,st) = 1
!norm_non_sto = norm_non_ref
norm_sto = 1d0
do i=1,N_det
mrcc_teeth(1,st) = i
jump = (1d0 / dfloat(N_mrcc_teeth)) * norm_sto
if(psi_coef_generators(i,1)**2 < jump / 2d0) exit
!if(i==80) exit
norm_sto -= psi_coef_generators(i,1)**2
end do
print *, "FIRST", mrcc_teeth(1,st)
norm_loc = 0d0
mrcc_norm_acc(0,st) = 0d0
nt = 1
do i=1,mrcc_teeth(1,st)-1
mrcc_norm_acc(i,st) = mrcc_norm_acc(i-1,st) + psi_coef_generators(i,st)**2
end do
do i=mrcc_teeth(1,st), N_det_generators!-mrcc_teeth(1,st)+1
norm_mwen = psi_coef_generators(i,st)**2!-1+mrcc_teeth(1,st),st)**2
mrcc_norm_acc(i,st) = mrcc_norm_acc(i-1,st) + norm_mwen
norm_loc += norm_mwen
if(norm_loc > (jump*dfloat(nt))) then
nt = nt + 1
mrcc_teeth(nt,st) = i
end if
end do
if(nt > N_mrcc_teeth+1) then
print *, "foireouse mrcc_teeth", nt, mrcc_teeth(nt,st), N_det_non_ref
end if
mrcc_teeth(N_mrcc_teeth+1,st) = N_det_non_ref+1
!mrcc_norm_acc(:,st) = mrcc_norm_acc(:,st) / norm_non_ref
norm_loc = 0d0
do i=N_mrcc_teeth, 0, -1
mrcc_teeth_size(i,st) = mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i+1,st)-1,st) - mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,st)-1, st)
mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,st):mrcc_teeth(i+1,st)-1,st) -= mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,st)-1, st)
mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,st):mrcc_teeth(i+1,st)-1,st) = &
mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,st):mrcc_teeth(i+1,st)-1,st) / mrcc_teeth_size(i,st)
mrcc_norm(mrcc_teeth(i,st), st) = mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,st), st)
do j=mrcc_teeth(i,st)+1, mrcc_teeth(i+1,1)-1
mrcc_norm(j,1) = mrcc_norm_acc(j, st) - mrcc_norm_acc(j-1, st)
end do
end do
end do
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij_mrcc_sto,(N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii_mrcc_sto, (N_states, N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij_s2_mrcc_sto, (N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii_s2_mrcc_sto, (N_states, N_det_ref) ]
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer :: gen, h, p, n, t, i, j, h1, h2, p1, p2, s1, s2, iproc
integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int, 2), omask(N_int, 2)
integer(bit_kind),allocatable :: buf(:,:,:)
logical :: ok
logical, external :: detEq
integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num
double precision :: coefs(N_det_non_ref), myCoef
integer :: n_in_teeth
double precision :: curn, in_teeth_step, curlim, curnorm
read(*,*) n_in_teeth
!n_in_teeth = 2
in_teeth_step = 1d0 / dfloat(n_in_teeth)
!double precision :: delta_ij_mrcc_tmp,(N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
!double precision :: delta_ii_mrcc_tmp, (N_states,N_det_ref) ]
!double precision :: delta_ij_s2_mrcc_tmp(N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref)
!double precision :: delta_ii_s2_mrcc_tmp(N_states, N_det_ref)
coefs = 0d0
coefs(:mrcc_teeth(1,1)-1) = 1d0
do i=1,N_mrcc_teeth
print *, "TEETH SIZE", i, mrcc_teeth(i+1,1)-mrcc_teeth(i,1)
if(mrcc_teeth(i+1,1) - mrcc_teeth(i,1) <= n_in_teeth) then
coefs(mrcc_teeth(i,1):mrcc_teeth(i+1,1)-1) = 1d0
else if(.false.) then
curnorm = 0d0
curn = 0.5d0
curlim = curn / dfloat(n_in_teeth)
do j=mrcc_teeth(i,1), mrcc_teeth(i+1,1)-1
if(mrcc_norm_acc(j,1) >= curlim) then
coefs(j) = 1d0
curnorm += mrcc_norm(j,1)
do while(mrcc_norm_acc(j,1) > curlim)
curn += 1d0
curlim = curn / dfloat(n_in_teeth)
end do
end if
end do
do j=mrcc_teeth(i,1), mrcc_teeth(i+1,1)-1
coefs(j) = coefs(j) / curnorm ! 1d0 / norm computed in teeth
end do
else if(.true.) then
coefs(mrcc_teeth(i,1):mrcc_teeth(i,1)+n_in_teeth-1) = 1d0 / mrcc_norm_acc(mrcc_teeth(i,1)+n_in_teeth-1, 1)
curnorm = 0d0
n = mrcc_teeth(i+1,1) - mrcc_teeth(i,1)
do j=1,n_in_teeth
t = int((dfloat(j)-0.5d0) * dfloat(n) / dfloat(n_in_teeth)) + 1 + mrcc_teeth(i,1) - 1
curnorm += mrcc_norm(t,1)
coefs(t) = 1d0
end do
do j=mrcc_teeth(i,1), mrcc_teeth(i+1,1)-1
coefs(j) = coefs(j) / curnorm ! 1d0 / norm computed in teeth
end do
end if
!coefs(mrcc_teeth(i,1)) =
end do
!coefs = coefs * dfloat(N_det_generators)
delta_ij_mrcc_sto = 0d0
delta_ii_mrcc_sto = 0d0
delta_ij_s2_mrcc_sto = 0d0
delta_ii_s2_mrcc_sto = 0d0
provide hh_shortcut psi_det_size! lambda_mrcc
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic) &
!$OMP shared(psi_ref, psi_non_ref, hh_exists, pp_exists, N_int, hh_shortcut) &
!$OMP shared(N_det_generators, coefs,N_det_non_ref, N_det_ref, delta_ii_mrcc_sto, delta_ij_mrcc_sto) &
!$OMP shared(psi_det_generators, delta_ii_s2_mrcc_sto, delta_ij_s2_mrcc_sto) &
!$OMP private(i,j,curnorm,myCoef, h, n, mask, omask, buf, ok, iproc)
do gen= 1,N_det_generators
if(coefs(gen) == 0d0) cycle
myCoef = coefs(gen)
allocate(buf(N_int, 2, N_det_non_ref))
iproc = omp_get_thread_num() + 1
if(mod(gen, 1000) == 0) print *, "mrcc_sto ", gen, "/", N_det_generators
do h=1, hh_shortcut(0)
call apply_hole_local(psi_det_generators(1,1,gen), hh_exists(1, h), mask, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
omask = 0_bit_kind
if(hh_exists(1, h) /= 0) omask = mask
n = 1
do p=hh_shortcut(h), hh_shortcut(h+1)-1
call apply_particle_local(mask, pp_exists(1, p), buf(1,1,n), ok, N_int)
if(ok) n = n + 1
if(n > N_det_non_ref) stop "Buffer too small in MRCC..."
end do
n = n - 1
if(n /= 0) then
call mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_mrcc_sto, delta_ii_mrcc_sto, delta_ij_s2_mrcc_sto, &
delta_ii_s2_mrcc_sto, gen,n,buf,N_int,omask,myCoef)
end do
end do
curnorm = 0d0
do i=1,N_det_ref
do j=1,N_det_non_ref
curnorm += delta_ij_mrcc_sto(1, j, i)**2
end do
end do
print *, "NORM DELTA ", curnorm**0.5d0
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij_mrcc, (N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij_mrcc, (N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii_mrcc, (N_states, N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii_mrcc, (N_states, N_det_ref) ]
@ -43,7 +236,7 @@ use bitmasks
n = n - 1
n = n - 1
if(n /= 0) then
if(n /= 0) then
call mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_mrcc, delta_ii_mrcc, delta_ij_s2_mrcc, delta_ii_s2_mrcc, gen,n,buf,N_int,omask)
call mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_mrcc, delta_ii_mrcc, delta_ij_s2_mrcc, delta_ii_s2_mrcc, gen,n,buf,N_int,omask,1d0)
end do
end do
@ -59,7 +252,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
! end subroutine
! end subroutine
subroutine mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_, delta_ii_,delta_ij_s2_, delta_ii_s2_,i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,key_mask)
subroutine mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_, delta_ii_,delta_ij_s2_, delta_ii_s2_,i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,key_mask,coef)
use bitmasks
use bitmasks
implicit none
implicit none
@ -99,6 +292,7 @@ subroutine mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_, delta_ii_,delta_ij_s2_, delta_ii_s2_,i_gen
logical, external :: detEq, is_generable
logical, external :: detEq, is_generable
!double precision, external :: get_dij, get_dij_index
!double precision, external :: get_dij, get_dij_index
double precision :: Delta_E_inv(N_states)
double precision :: Delta_E_inv(N_states)
double precision, intent(in) :: coef
if (perturbative_triples) then
if (perturbative_triples) then
PROVIDE one_anhil fock_virt_total fock_core_inactive_total one_creat
PROVIDE one_anhil fock_virt_total fock_core_inactive_total one_creat
@ -290,8 +484,8 @@ subroutine mrcc_part_dress(delta_ij_, delta_ii_,delta_ij_s2_, delta_ii_s2_,i_gen
hla = hij_cache(k_sd)
hla = hij_cache(k_sd)
sla = sij_cache(k_sd)
sla = sij_cache(k_sd)
do i_state=1,N_states
do i_state=1,N_states
dIa_hla(i_state,k_sd) = dIa(i_state) * hla
dIa_hla(i_state,k_sd) = dIa(i_state) * hla * coef
dIa_sla(i_state,k_sd) = dIa(i_state) * sla
dIa_sla(i_state,k_sd) = dIa(i_state) * sla * coef
do i_state=1,N_states
do i_state=1,N_states
@ -336,8 +530,20 @@ end
integer :: i, j, i_state
integer :: i, j, i_state
!mrmode : 1=mrcepa0, 2=mrsc2 add, 3=mrcc
!mrmode : 1=mrcepa0, 2=mrsc2 add, 3=mrcc
if(mrmode == 4) then
if(mrmode == 3) then
do i = 1, N_det_ref
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_ii(i_state,i)= delta_ii_mrcc_sto(i_state,i)
delta_ii_s2(i_state,i)= delta_ii_s2_mrcc_sto(i_state,i)
do j = 1, N_det_non_ref
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_ij(i_state,j,i) = delta_ij_mrcc_sto(i_state,j,i)
delta_ij_s2(i_state,j,i) = delta_ij_s2_mrcc_sto(i_state,j,i)
end do
end do
else if(mrmode == 3) then
do i = 1, N_det_ref
do i = 1, N_det_ref
do i_state = 1, N_states
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_ii(i_state,i)= delta_ii_mrcc(i_state,i)
delta_ii(i_state,i)= delta_ii_mrcc(i_state,i)
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